Im 26 years old

Im 26 years old
I cant grow a beard, I tried it several times and its just random hair without consistency. Only one which grows its a stupid goatee which doesnt really fit me.

Anyone else like this? Do you care about it?

shut ur yap and sauce me

Yeah, it has random patches missing. I don't care since I'm not interested in growing a beard.


Yeah that was me. Mustache was good and I can kind of grow a goatee but it doesn't connect at the lip.

Now I'm 31 and it's thicker. Itll just take longer. Your genetics aren't made to ha e ridiculous Nordic beards.

Had no beard 2 years go.
Started using that minoxidil 1% everyday for 6 months. Am now 26 have full beard. Stache isn't where I want it too be but should thicken over time

facial hair growth is cased by testosterone sensitivity. meaning men that dont grow facial hair are more manly than those that do.
thats why women on testosterone supplements grow facial hair.

there is an article somewhere about this very subject. men that have trouble growing facial hair are being called the new age man.

dont feel bad OP, it takes me a whole 35 days to grow peach fuzz. been shaving it since the first one in HS, im 33.

I'm a dog and I can't grow a beard either.

I guess its this society's fault. Now everybody wants to have beard and shaved hair in both sides of the head. Whats worse, most of the girls look for that too.

Girls dont have to fight for anything, even if they are short, ugly, fat or many other things they can always get what they want. But for men... you need height, being fit, good hair/not bald, nice face and so on.

Horrible world

I can't grow facial hair and I'm bald as well. I don't know if I'm manlier than anybody else my age, but I'm hornier than seems reasonable for someone in their 40s. 5-6 times a day is awesome when I can find the time, but my gf has a low sex drive so I tend to jerk off most of the time.

Hell, I've only been up 4 hours and already jerked off twice. Was starting to think about going again.

Thankfully I work from home so I can manage it without explaining the constant breaks to my boss.

at least you have a girlfriend
I fear of being bald because I cant grow a bear, and Im not the "strong" type of guy, so that would mean the end of having the chance for metting new girls

bald on your head does not count. only facial and body hair, not head hair.
found in mostly millennials.


>Unable to grow bears
How will you exterminate the nearby salmon population? Cuck

You have the potential to be a trap. Dont waste it

This might be just me, but my beard didn't stop getting patchy until I stopped shaving for a good while, like a full year, and it looked awful, but all the spots grew in. I just had to let it go through an awkward stage, then I started shaping it. Now 21 with a full beard

I have to say something positive about this

Im 33yo and I was dating (until 2 days ago, she broke up with me...) a 20yo girl because I look too young, like a 25-26 guy.
At my 20s I couldnt get a lot of girls, but now I can choose younger girls thanks to that, at least its something..

same, 33 look 20. get hit on by 16+, even my neighbors daughter wants some of this. too bad she's 14.

If there's grass on the field faggot...

That's the perfect age wtf, smash that bithc

well you're still a good boy