Let's see how shitty tonight's episode of FTWD is

Let's see how shitty tonight's episode of FTWD is

I don't think I want to take part in these threads if you're going to razz on a good show like a little peeved up numale fuck

I can't decide if it's good or not

well you just took part in it

i actually dont mind this show. i like the scenery better than the walking dead which just reuses the same 10 spots over and over again

on a scale of 1 to 10 I vote where the fuck are alicia's legs this season

steam link?

Last week actually wasn't that bad.

The Alicia and Nick parts were good.

Travis and Chris though are shit and need to get killed soon.

Who gives a fuck? We've got a sassy hot tamale now. I want to get raped by a mexican bitch covered in zombie blood.

Would it be kino if Chris outlives Travis? I think everyone expects Chris to go out like Shane. What if he had to live with Travis' death? He's more morally complex than Travis.

>We've got a sassy hot tamale now.
don't know how to tell you this user but ophelia is nowhere to be found

I'm talking about Nick's new best friend, friendo. I am not sold on Ophelia now that her dad is gone.

oh yeah.

forgot about her.

My peeve with the last episode was how hard they neglected the drunken bar fight. It could've been premium zombie entertainment chalk full of levity, but instead they gave us 5 seconds of jumpcuts. That was last week's episode right?

that was 2 episodes ago

last one ended with no progress

They don't understand concepts like Pacing. You can't have some episodes where LITERALLY NOTHING happens, and then have something plot changing happen in 2 seconds randomly. The pacing is so fucking screwed up it's unreal, but that isn't the only thing wrong with it. There is NO direction in this series. It's like they're making it up as they go along even if the plot directly conflicts with things that happened earlier in the series. There isn't enough autism in this world that could get me to like this show.

my man

Cap this
they are literally going to be the whisperers once the shows merge

agree, this is getting much better

stream me up lads

>6 weeks for zombie kino
really? so they're not going to end Fear and immediately roll into TWD? That's fucking stupid.

Cap this.

That will never happen.

Pretty sure that Kirkman said he doesn't wanna pull that kind of twist with the Fear cast.

I agree 100% but it's still entertaining me for some reason.

Also, nice quads

If Strand's actor wasn't so fitting of the genre I'd roll my eyes at all the BBC teasing.

Seriously? How long is the break between Fear and TWD?


Retards will call this scene a breaking bad reference

>Nick became a pharmacist after years of being a hopeless Junkie

Meanwhile you all are fucking rotting in your beds doing nothing.


Is Madison supposed to be half spic? She certainly doesn't look pure white.

Fuck I was talking to somebody. How do they know this "Oscar" character? Who is he?


>tfw one hair around your nipple continuously grows faster, longer, and thicker than the other hairs around the nipple

What do boys





Those 2 goons that Alicia was hanging out with told Madison and Strand.


He's the father of the groom from the wedding.

the fucking guests the kidnapped hector you mouth breather

i dont remember who allayna is/was either. im gonna have to watch talking pleb for once. god damn it.

so thats the mother of the bridge, but is that one dude the groom?

So he was bitten by a drugged up silly bitch, not a zombie? That's the story? Fuck I guess Im drunk. This will be the last question I ask.

So this guys is immune?
Or maybe it has something to do with zombies that haven't evolved to where living dies from natural causes and still rise?

>poverty ball

nah i quit 3 eps in the 2nd season, i'd rather watch intentional comedy

Like pottery

The hottest bitch so far was the spic mommy that Travis had to mercy kill. The new spic bitch is a runner up.

ATT Lily has such a fat ass I want to stick my face in it and die

Dude, Idk, I was wondering the same thing. Still fuzzy to me.

But I'm also three shots of beam in

I would abstain from masturbating for 2 years if we could start Negan season 7 right now.

>45 replies
>13 posters


>incest bait

AMC on suicide watch

>hurr do siblings matter more than boyfriends

UGHHHHH YEAH. You'd think a Mexican would get that.

Have a (You)

Nick is going for it



I want to kiss Lexa

I've stuck with it, but its really fucking horrible now.

I don't get it. What was she hinting at?

>it's another chris pratt movie commercial

I don't get it either. I was gonna post about not getting how the dangerous open sea will lure a herd of 17 floors of zombies at once but apparently they're gonna make us feel silly in a few moments

have a feeling we're not supposed to know as of now

riptide nigga

there was a sign warning of it so they are going to lure them into the water

I pray we're about to get an epic scene of 100s of zombies falling through the windows lmao

They're going to lure them out and use the tide to wash them away...I think.

i really dig this bromance

shut the fuck up this is not the time for a generic crying scene

>still 16 minutes left
ok this is alright I guess, we might actually get to see them go into the water

>tfw I realize we haven't seen Travis or Chris this episode

why don't the zombies attack the camera man?

>tfw this is the most exciting part of the entire series

This herding shit evokes vivid memories of playing Project Zomboid with the lads

Chris is the most interesting besides nick

>the spicy tamale is actually on talking dead
I might watch it

Just admit it, the idea of luring them out to the pier is smarter than any idea Rick ever came up with.

are they gonna fug?

>Nick eating Mexican tonight

Get it Nick ma nigga

The season premiere of TWD S6 was vastly more impressive. Go fuck yourself.

did the bitch get bit?

>you're autistic as Nick
>but not as handsome

They're talking about his fiancee. She's in full zombo mode in that suite they're outside.

she's hotter than maggie sasha and rosita desu


did the pharmacist say he was bitten by a doped boy (not a zombie)?

He said he was bitten by "the dead" but it most likely was the druggie

she's so cute I just want to put her in my pocket

>getting this mad over a show

That idea was shit and it failed.

This plan actually worked and it was thought up by a 16yo.


Kek I just got to this part
Fuck twd I like this show better

>being this triggered
hahahahaha jesus christ get some taste

isn't reggie's hair so quirky?! XD


14 bro I just got here

The drug plan will backfire. Else where's the epic conflict? Fucking general audience is retarded. And Chris just has to bring up Breaking Bad.

>dat butthurt after being BTFO over a bad show

sho minds me of the zombees lol they are spookyer and they call them the eaters sometims lmao member when they wer saying run from the zombees but other one says no run we hide from zombees in sted lol so they said okay???

>I don't watch the popular show so I failed to know Rick herds a mass of thousands 16 miles out
Yeah you're totes right Fear is the better show!

well they already spoiled it in the next week preview so obviously the drug thing backfires

"I'm a dick."
- Chris Hardwick, 9/11/2016

is this happening right now?

I watch this show because I really like zombie fiction no matter how bad, but wow, this show is not good at all.