I need a real explanation for pic related

I need a real explanation for pic related

Come on you autists solve this and I have a second riddle for you

Its a simple pulley system with equal wieght balance in the buckets. The strings have to be the same lengths as well

Industrial strength magnets

newton laws, basically ignore 3buckets and imagine one of the buckets is glued to the table, so all in all the table is just hanging by the rope

>buckets heavy
>pulley system
>table stops buckets from hit ground



It doesnt have to be the same weight the buckets can be heavyer, in fact they have to be atleast a bit

The buckets are bolted to the table.

What's so difficult about this? Gravity pulls the buckets down, which in turn pull the table up.

In the end both the buckets and the table are supported by the ropes.

how can you not understand pulleys. jeesus christ.


You're all retarded. This is literally 9th grade physics.

khanacademy this shit bro, just draw a force diagram

if you don't want to do it yourself, just trust that the normal (downward) force of the buckets on the table perfectly balances the tensile (upward) force of the rope pulling on the table (due to Newton's second law)

Idiots. It's a camera trick - camera is position upside down.

There is probably Helium in the buckets which is lighter than air. They are then bolted onto the table so the whole system floats. Ropes are just to confuse you about what is really going on.

My one regret in life is that i can never get my nose right into my balls and give it a good long whiff.

I can rub my junk for a moment and smell my fingers, but you KNOW that it would be more potent right from the tap.

And i suppose i could smell somebody elses balls. But it just wouldn't be the same. They wouldn't have my scent.

the buckets weigh the same as the table, if the table would go down, it would have to mean buckets go up, which they won't because they weigh the same as the table

The table is held up by the buckets it's holding duh

i'm from an ex-commie shithole. we do this shit in 7th grade.

best explanation

OP have autism

No the buckets have proportional weight in them or are proportional weight as the wood.

The table and buckets are held up by the rope. Don't get confused by the misleading caption.

>this is a pass user

the buckets are, collectively, heavier than the table top. they fall while they lift the table (effectively a counterweight) until they reach the floor. Or, in this case, they reach the table, which is being pulled UP with as much force as the buckets exert falling down, therefore they stop each other's motion. It's a brilliant little art piece.

The table weights as much as the four buckets, their position relative to the table is irrelevant. Everything is suspended. Next.

next question for you is to figure out why the fuck youre posting a minimal pic

>all these baited faggots

>replying to a Sup Forums pass user

The table is not held by the buckets, but by the strings attached to the ceiling. Buckets are acting as counter weight, nothing more.

Just look at the picture more closely. Someone just photoshopped the table legs out.

>fucking dumbasses

Okay, solve this one

Yes, but that would be a rather useless table. Put something on it and it falls down. The combined weight of the buckets must be greater than the weight of the table for it to be useful.

that one is actually rather simple... you just have to magnetize table and ruler pretty well (use electro-magnets)

The weight of the buckets IS greater than the table, you fucking moron.

But the table is made out of wood.

oh come on that's basic as fuck. 8th grade physics.

As I said you have to use *very* strong electro-magnets. Duh.

Read fail. Suck mah nutz tho.

Yall do realize that even if its a photoshop that the force would be largely bottlenecked into the rope, pulleys, and hooks right?? Its not like every gram of mass in that 'art piece' doesn't have gravity acting on it like every other object in the world, and to think a pulley system negates gravity is the kind of thinking that pulls god damn pipes from the ceiling when shithead artists think anything that doesnt shake in a building is load bearing. The only artist in this thread is OP for baiting us all so hard

0/10 trolling

I was only pretending to be retarded

Water in buckets

OP here, that's what I was thinking. I thought everything was made out of Styrofoam and painted life like. Then the string would be able to hold it up.

What...there is no use of magnets going on here, it is a wooden table and a plastic ruler


Buckets are heavier than table so table goes up while bickets go down.
Buckets cant keep going down while table is in way, table cant go up while buckets in the way.

He's trolling you, duh

You can literally magnetize anything if you have a strong enough magnet to put it in. That's how MRI works.
Just make sure you put it together und take the picture real fast.

But MRI only works after you drink a magnatic solvent.

>unironically refers to his superiors in the dominance hierarchy as 'autists'
bitch, I'd draw magic squares around you in real life

Fuck it, might as well do a proper explanation once in a while.

No, you don't need a contrast agent to obtain MRI pictures it just makes the pictures look a LOT better.

Also the agent itself is not magnetic but changes the magnetic properties of the tissue.

No, only in certain situations.

>Uses reddit tier meme
You need to go back

And assumptions


its literally this simple

Wait... people think this wouldn't work?

Imagine tying a 1 lb weight and a 5 lb weight to two ends of a rope and putting hooks on each. If you hang them from the ceiling with the 5 lb weight close to the ceiling and the 1 lb weight close to the floor, they'll slowly start to move opposite directions because obviously the heavier weight moves closer to the floor. If the hooks catch each other on the way past, they'll rest in the middle.

Same principle here. As long as the buckets outweigh the table top, this would work. The table is just stopping their travel to the floor. It wouldn't be very stable, but it would work.


there's the word fuck right there. the buckets have in fact come into contact with the table and both inhibit the upwards/downwards progress of the other but this situation is in no way "at rest".

yeah the buckets must weigh a decent amount, thats the illusion: people assume they're empty and don't weigh enough

Strategic placement of center of gravity

Just imagine if the buckets were hanging above the table and not making contact. Same scenario, but easier to grasp the fact that they're just counterweights. No majic here

>dat file name

Imagine if I was hanging above the table.

You are all thinking to complex. Just look at the wall there is a shadow so something is holding the table up.

Simple: Newtons third law.

"When one body exerts a force on a second body, the second body simultaneously exerts a force equal in magnitude and opposite in direction on the first body."

As long as the weight of the buckets are higher than that of the table, the buckets are pulled down by gravity, and are rising the table. When the table comes in contact with the buckets, the same force that pulls the buckets down- will push the buckets from the bottom (the table will push). And therefore will the two forces be equal- and cancel the movement.

You guys should have learned this in the first or second grade. We Norwegians learn it as early as kindergarten.