Stacy here. I cheated on my cuck boyfriend, told him, and he still wants to be with me...

Stacy here. I cheated on my cuck boyfriend, told him, and he still wants to be with me. How do I get him off my ass for good? Pic unrelated.

kill him?

I thought the same exact thing

well there u have your answer

Anyone you know that bullied him?
Or anyone that he hates?
Does he have a brother?
A father?

It's simple, fuck them.

Uhhh, you say "it's over, I'm leaving. I literally cheated on you," and then leave, you autist.

Grow a pair and tell him your leaving. God you can't even express your own feelings and he is the cuck? Fucking new fags

tits pls

By posting obvious bait on Sup Forums duh!
Trust me he will be gone for good.

Not trips of truth or quads of gods so not the answer
I say send him a picture of you taking a shit on the floor and caption it "thinking of you"