What would happen if someone bomb this shit?
What would happen if someone bomb this shit?
i wanna know
isis will be mad
Please do this
is he gonna do it
cheers OP
idk lets find out
A deep clean of the gene pool
all the mooslims will start spinning around like broken compasses
Only good things.
Lotsa kebabs
>The news would lose their shit.
>the left would bitch and convert to Islam.
>world is full of self destructing sand nigger ideology.
>hot pockets are discontinued becose of new Muslim laws.
>Sup Forums finds launch codes and nukes the world.
>insert "What a Wonderful World" by Louis Armstrong
mecca is innocent. it'd be better in syria
then again the terrorists do like to stick around the civies
theyll just build a new one
this shit burned down before and they just rebuild it
also some people would be mad for awhile probably
Rainbows and Unicorns.
1.8 billion Muslims all unite to allah hu akbar
i am a muslim, although not a too religious one
but i say to you, in a totally unreligious way
this world would end
and that not by the hands of any god
It would either massively reduce all this terrorism shit. Or else it would make it much, much worse
Hard to say
k bro
Allah would punish whoever bombs it and they would burn in the hellfire. الله أكبر
That would be like crushing a wasp nest of the queen next to hundreds of wasps nest full of explosive wasps
idk how that doesnt happen
muslims love to kill other muslims
We have been warned
uhu sure kid
It's sacred to all of us. Sunni, Shia, Sufi, it doesn't matter. All of my brothers and sisters know the Kaaba is sacred.
do I get 72 Virgins too?
so what if ISIS bombed it?
mass applause
i wish to see on my lifetime... would be fun =)
idk why they still believe they're apart of the right religion
god left their religion long ago
god became seriously pissed off after the isis faggotry and even killed dozens of muzzies on their holiest of place.
oh what some freak accident wasn't gods intervention telling you cucks to find a better religion to put your faith into?
anyone who still believes in islam after the crane accident doesn't actually believe there's a god.
there are different flavors of muslmis?
It will be rebuilt... again
well fuck if you woul have been here for longer you would already know there is no fucking god my friend
just like when alah gave islam a massive spanking when the crane fell and killed dozens?
choose a better religion, the one currently is being used to harm people.
what right does someone have to mutilate one of gods creations?
yet you believe in amputations as capital punishment..
loving this
They would be judged by Allah. But as far as I can see he is pleased with what they have done. الحَمْد لله
god is everywhere you faggot
You'd only kill about .00000002 % of mudslime people who claim their sky-fairy is more powerful than your sky-fairy
>you believe in amputations as capital punishment..
not part of the religion
I don't know if I could contain my orgasms if someone blew this up. I'd probably die from laughter.
sand niggers from all over the world would stop working, this box is like the night king.
I'd laugh so hard blood shoots out of my nose.
nuke the fuck out of it please
oh, well then i apologize for my ignorance.
It would b borken
sorry man ! this will NEVER happen ! protected by allah ... go ahead, try
k how many videos of kids getting shot i gotta post to make you uverthink that?
A lot of innocent people would die
Muslims would start worshipping power of nukes
Sharia was brought to us by our almighty and merciful god through our prophet Muhammad salallahu alayhi wassallam. We are to live according to what Allah has told us. Read Qur'an. Read Sunnah. Read the Hadiths. Then you will understand.
Didn't ISIS try to bomb the cube a little while ago? I seem to remember there was a plot to destroy it or something.
you destroy the cancer of the universe
Not to scale.
The box would be a lot larger.
The plane would be smaller.
>implying god controls people
faggot, god loves children anyway, why wouldn't he want more of them in heaven?
Bomb(s) have been defused
How would the world end? Could you please be more precise?
I wonder if someone did this if the whole jet, engines and all, would just vaporize and disappear forever.
Kaaba? Is that some kind of barbecue?
i'm not a very good reader, so i'll just take your word for it.
if he wants people in heaven than why put them on earth and suffer in the first place?
to see who's worthy or not.
or just because the person was a whiney little bitch who wanted to experience life
Think^ you accidentally typed "know."
You shouldn't bomb it; you should irradiate it. Think about it! In the Muslim religion, they believe that every single Muslim should at least once in their lives visit that holy site in Mecca. If you irradiate it, after a couple decades all of them will start to die off from cancer. In 2-3 generations they would all be exterminated. Problem solved!
Yo, don't call them your sisters for as long as you rape and beat them you beta religion faggot.
so basically god is a faggot and just plays us all...
ok i can live with that too
It would be a glorious cruzade my brother...
>click this thread
>antivirus immediately warns me about being tracked online
>Mi5 might be tracking me as I type this
mfw I have no face
They'd start worshipping another random pile of stones somewhere else.
whats in THE BOX???
Or you can kill yourself and the do rest of the world a favor. You believe in a fairy tale as real life while you literally struggle to survive in that shit hole desert. You guys need help, not allah.
First, it would be rebuilt, than most of the Muslims would cause a fucking chaos all over the world. Possibly nukes would get involved, and world would get fucked in the ass. If the life in earth wouldn't end, rest of the people live happily after, since the bigots and extremists on all sides would die during that chaos.
also we're kinda the ones playing with god, since god is everywhere.
we are technically god imo
god=universe and we're just the universe experiencing the universe through individual consciousness
Don't forget the holy patterned cloth
> most brutal religion known to man
How can all these inbred goat fucking sub humans be so confused?
Or... mutate into stronger humans?
If it was dangerous levels it would be too obvious, anything subtle would be like spending extra time in the sun.
Also radiation doesnt work like that... you would need to get everyone to consume the radiated particles some how, or you would have to have a transmitter nuking them, which would be extremely obvious.
my man
god fuck nigger u gotta step back from that shrooms ok
> visiting a webpage
> thinking you have a virus.
Stay off the internet grandma.
Lets assume you are, indeed a sandnigger as you claim.
Explain HOW the world would end?
> Do you believe the box is a Pandora's box effect?
> Or that the sandniggers will go chimp out and try to kill everyone?
> Or what?
People made up religion when their life sucked. If you're still trying to justify religion, I'm sorry you didn't find happiness in your REAL, non imaginary lives.
World peace?
He thinks they would all chimp out. Even though 99.8% of them can't leave their countries.
nice to see still sane people around
Get a VPN dumbass
dudes, this, currently, this is not a war between religions, some western/christian countries are fighting tiny guerilla groups distributed around the globe.
like, take the coup in turkey as an example
do you fuckers think that most of the american, german, french, spanish, british (...) population would fucking storm the streets and start beating the military with sticks and stones to defend their country, future, their lives?
i don't think you can truly believe this would happen.
most muslims live in cultures that teach them to be proud, selfless and strong.
so what would happen in an instant as soon as it's official that any christian country or alliance has supported or done this, the people that live next to your, your neighbors, the people you hate because they took your jobs, the people you despise and belittle, these 1.6 billion people will strike you like lightning, and the coming decades will be thunder
not that, at all, i promote the idea of a religious war or a war in general, this is just the answer to that question, plain and rational, of course
Believing in no religion is sane.
However, bombing a religion is not.
you having a hard time grasping my beliefs?
I'd smile
damn, it would be fucking easy to take down a country gouverned by a retard and populated by feminists and transvestites
yes i still cant beleave how people gotta grasp on shit like religion to see a sense in existence its fkn hilarious
top kek
>we suffer this existence for no reason other than just bcos chaos n coincidence n shet
how about religion bombing then?
i bet it would be a blast
it would make Trump very sad
like always there is actually no point in talking to religious people its just too exhausting ill just leave now... good night
Dear God! This kinda makes me nervous. All it takes is one crazy fucker, just like those going to that damn thing, to start fucking ww3!
oh yeah, right, forgot to mention that, besides sticks and stones, lightning and thunder, there are nukes and fallout
and even if you're of the fraction "muh 'murrican missiles an' technologies"
you won't be able to avoid the consequences, you know that, it'll end in the whole fucking world being even more fucked than it already is
i mean, the west hates all muslims, that's no fucking secret to the muslim reigned countries, the only reason there is no global war is that this would be the last fucking war of mankind, and people don't want to loose the comfort of living in big white buildings and sleeping in silk and cashmere
>can't argue
nice attempt at claiming your incapacity to argue was something other than you being too stupid to make an actual argument
no there is just actually no fucking point in talkin with you, i could sit here the next 5 hours and it would help noone so why not just stop wasting my time