ITT: Characters the protag should've ended up with.
ITT: Characters the protag should've ended up with
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she should've been black cat in the sequels, stealing to support her bosniak slum lord father after his property gets condemned
Fuck. You.
The entire point of this character is that they don't fuck. She's just a nice person.
Fucking hack rowling
Its clear she loves him. Probably even knows he hides his crusty tissues and spidey suit under his bed too. Shes spideys waifu he was too blinde to see.
This is the one thing I'll never truly understand about HP. They had actual chemistry. Ginny and Harry was stupid as was herm and ron
Lana Lang from Superman 2, she actually loves Clark where Lois only cares about Superman. Also she plays his mom in smallville, so that's weird.
The bitch from it?
I don't think it would have worked, though. You know, after Peter raped her and all that.
Checked and that may have been Rami's plan in 4.
So close
I'm glad there is someone else who thinks this
>virgins mistaking friendship for "chemistry"
I bet you think the girl at the checkout wants some D when she says "How are you today".
there has never been a char that JUSTed me as much as this
She doesn't?
damn son Annette O'Toole was smoking back in the day
>being "friends" with women
>all women should have sex with me! why arent they?!?!
Boy howdy. Couldn't get this thought out of my head for the rest of the movie.
>projecting this hard
It should have been a love triangle at least
not an argument
Was just about to post this
>tfw you'll never watch Harry and the Reverse Gangbang
Patty was objectively best girl.
that was raimi's plan for the 3/4th film plus the vulture
She was only good because of the shoe-horned Kinks song.
these curryniggers are horrid looking.
I would fuckin pound this bitch as fast and as hard as I could screaming the whole time and just absolutely bust so hard inside her.
>implying anyone on this board wouldn't
Well I'm not friends with the girl at the checkout
>mfw she looks like this super hot camwhore
>mfw her videos are hard to get but I've recorded a couple of her sessions
You're right.
Too old though :^(
I know :^(
She's still pretty hot tho
I'd impregnate her, start a family and grow a funny but heartwarming relationship with Ditkovich as my father-in-law
Dubs of wisdom post the truth.
came here to post this t b h
her heart is with an unified Ireland and its people.
The fact that she never got with Clark was pure BS and ruined the later seasons IMO. It would have been a nice twist to the show to have her and Clark get together in the end.
I kept waiting for her to come back and be revealed as the mother.
Goddamn what an awkward pose
This fills me with so much rage. If spider-man 3 didn't flop so bad we could of had so much more. Would love to see what else rami would do.
They were married for awhile so it probably helped
I'm seriously surprised she isn't Jewish. She has like the most Jewish sounding name in existence.
It made more money than Spiderman 2
She was "mother of my children" tier
And I bet her dad removed kebab
Didn't know that. Why'd the studio stop the franchise then? I feel like we missed out on some more great sequels.
Knives in Scott Pilgrim
I'm assuming because it fell flat with critics and audiences. I'm surprised it even has the scores it got, I can't even bother to rewatch it for anything other than Franco's scenes.
Franchise fatigue + critical failure, back in '07 this combination might've meant something to even faceless production behemoths.
Clearly Marvel has found a way to work around that.
>I'm not a rapist
I never really cared when I was actually reading the books, but it pisses me off for some reason now that I think about it.
It just made sense, yet she intentionally chose not to cause she wanted to avoid "muh predictability"
>ywn go full moonman with Luna on nargles
Should've just moved to some insignificant small country with her
No, Harry didn't like Hermione that much in the books and didn't have good chemistry with her, the movies are a completely different thing.
Read this if you want proof.
Still crying senpai.
stupid annoying bitch
Black Cat was in at one point but it wasn't gonna be her
The only thing the industry seems to be interested in when it comes to Spiderman is doing a reboot of the origin story every five years or so.
Looney Lovegood should've been the one harry ended up with.
>can relate to harry's loss
>doesn't give a shit about his fame
>isn't a coalburner like ginny
>isn't a slut like hermione
>doesn't have baggage like the chink
>every scene they are in feels natural in both the books and movies
Like holy shit the level of chemistry between them was off the charts. HUUUGE fucking oversight on behalf of rowling. I seriously thought she was setting them up. Ginny had moved one, hermione was already GINGERED, and cho wasn't in the picture anymore.
fucking this
she's batshit and would've cut off his dick while he sleeps after he would cheat on her
I forget who did it first but either Raimi, Tugbot, or Dunst sounded like they wanted to walk and the other two walked with them. If I remember right, Tugboat almost got replaced in 2 because he wanted more money so Sony certainly wouldn't have been above doing that, but not when all the big players drop out. At that point they knew they'd be better off just rebooting it.
Raimi was probably also really disillusioned with doing sequels anyway after Avi Arad's meddling ruined 3.
Fuck yes. then he could have had a sweet ass life in NYC.
Try again.
but Dexter isn't gay
It's Tugboat Maguire. You have to say the whole thing.
What pissed me off about this one was not only was it the natural progression being set-up, but they actively set it up on-screen too and even had Clark say he was falling for her. Then suddenly zip back to Lana and the next episode he suddenly is ok with just being friends with her.
Didn't even have to be together forever, but they really should have been a couple for like one season, then gone back to being friends and then he moves on to Lois Lane.
Fuck Lana.
She sure has a thing for father figures
They were going to do Spider-Man 4, with the same crew and all, they even had a script ready, but it sort of fell apart in the making and never got off the ground. Raimi wanted more time, the studio wouldn't give it to him, so eventually he walked, and the cast and crew went with him. So they decided to move forward with the reboot idea.
Rowling is a dumb writer
There is zero indication they would ever make for a romantic couple in the book. In fact when Harry says she's like his sister, it's true in more ways than the usual meaning of saying that, in that she is like his sibling. You love your sibling as family, but you also might not really be that fond of them personally,
Harry doesn't even seem to like Hermione all that much even as a friend, but she's like family regardless, you don't always have to like your family to be connected to them.
In the books?
Nope, she's just an odd friend.
In the movies?
100%, should have changed it, they really felt like a romantic couple being set-up in OOTP and even HBP to an extent at times, and it worked way better than the lifeless Ginny romance (which isn't great in the books, but it works ok because we're privy to Harry's thoughts in a way we aren't in the films).
What girl kinda looks like his irl daughter.
Nah. Sara is too damaged for any relationship frankly
But she should have fucked that cute short haired girl she was looking out for.
holy fuck that's the same girl? how old is she now?