I am killing myself today how should I do it?

I am killing myself today how should I do it?



yeah you won´t, like every other fag who doesn´t

mother of god


Drive your car into a bunch of liberals

Holy shit RIP Jesus

Fucking Checked.

Pls deliver OP.

Ass chug 4 bottles of vodka. Can't puke from your butt but you can absorb alcohol quickly

Kill as many toxic, genderbending, antifa, lefties as you possible can. If you are lucky, you will finaly start the long sought after civil war

Dont. Simple as that.

this is going to work, op. i am serious


I need to tell you this:
You are allready dead

Get on Craigslist and offer up all your holes. Be a slut.

OD on weed.
It won't be easy to do, but you'll go down in history for it.

Die of old age


No need to kill yourself. Time is doing that slowly every day. So fuck your problems. Fuck your depression. Fuck death. Get busy livin, bitch.

you sure you don't want to ride this out a little longer just in case of a happening? then you can take to the streets and rampage until you die, with some honor, killing looters and the like.