If there were a Tree of Life, and if you eat the fruit of it you would become immortal, would you eat the fruit?
If there were a Tree of Life, and if you eat the fruit of it you would become immortal, would you eat the fruit?
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I'd feed them to pythons and various other species of snek
Uber snakes
Nah, I'm ready to die right now
so when the sun explodes, will I be floating around the universe for eternity?
How immortal? Like cut off my head and I'll still be alive and cannot heal or are we talking nothing can harm me? Eternal life even when there is nothing of the universe but background radiation.
First, you'll outive your parents, and that's okay, cause that's how it's supposed to be. And you'll outlive your spouse and that's okay, you'll want to see them off to the next life. But then you out live your children and your children's children's children. Generations pass you by in nothing more then the blink of an eye and the river of time keeps moving forward as you see people from all wakes of life be bore, live their lives and die of old age as you sit on the shore and watch and wait. A millennia passes by and then another and another and once more and again. One hundred thousand years becomes a million and weather or not the human race passes through the great barrier, you will be there to witness it. Our remote descendentes safely arid on distant worlds or long since dead, you will be there to sift through the remains. A million years become a billion and The plant Earth doesn't even carry a vague resemblance as old kingdoms crash into the seas and new continentes arise from its depths. Five billions years pass as you slumber and you awaken to the sun swelling ans and enveloping the entire planetary system you once called home just before shrinking back to a tiny white dwarf. And still, you wait and wish for death long before it finds you. One hundred billion years pass since the day you found that fateful tree and the galxey you once knew as home now long since merged with its closest neighbors will slowly stop making stars and the twinkles of the night sky will slowly fade into nothing. One hundred trillion years as you float through the emptiness of space and the faintest glimmers from the most distant stars finally burns out and your left alone, forever in absolute and complete nothingness for all eternity and still, the end is nowhere in sight. So, to answer OP's question, would I eat from the tree of life and grant myself eternal and ever lasting life? Sure.
No. Life is precious because it ends. Eternal life would be terrible.