Has anyone ever jacked it to one of those asmr videos on YouTube?

has anyone ever jacked it to one of those asmr videos on YouTube?

Here's my favourite one:

once. it legit gets you horny if you close ur eyes and have a shred of imagination. even watching her lick is fappable sadly.

ASMR Glow and Gibi both get me going. Fapped a couple times but felt weird about it after.

I have a 27 yo friend who always talks about these asmrtists. He even showed me this same video. Personally I find it boring and pretty annoying.

It's the ear eating ones for me. Probably because it kind of resembles the noises of when a girl sucks dick.

I guess you're not one of the people that get it. Not missing out on much. It's almost like constantly edging yourself

No, but PPOMO ASMR is my waifu.

Weeb. Does she actually have a twin or is that video effects?

just video effects.

I'm waiting for the day she accidentally reveals her face in video


Cherry Crush ASMR while watching Cherry Crush anal/blowjob compilations

>has anyone ever jacked it to one of those asmr videos on YouTube?
like all the time

can do a no-talking one while watching anotehr porn vid too

I have to be lying down by myself in a quiet dimly lit room or else I just find it annoying.
Really nice to listen to falling asleep or when you first wake up

are you me

holy fuck I didn't know she did porn.

I mean she did seem like a camgirl, but damn.

Funny you should say that because I literally discovered that tonight.
I knew she did porn before I found out she did asmr lul

You're welcome user

there is another asmr chick who does porn as well and porn asmr on pornhub but i forgot

This thread should now be about finding porn/cam girls that make asmr vids

Cherry crush and hungry lips

What's the best site for streaming full Cherry Crush vids?

Fuck yes I do, and she is one of them. She is SOOOO sexy