Chiggers. What do? Trips decide.
Chiggers. What do? Trips decide
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what are chiggers?
soak em in a bucket of bleach
Tape or school glue, cover area let it dry suffocate those bastards
Or permethrin cream if available
boil your feet OP
chop ur legs off so this never hapens agan lol
Get the sulfur soap. Use the creams. But that alone will take a long time and it will fucking suck. Bleach your sheets that are white or grey. Lysol in your clothes and color sheets. The Lysol that says 99.9% of germs killed. Dry everything on high for a long time if it doesn't have a sanitize setting. Like at least 120 min on high. Especially your sheets and pants. Spray legs with aerosol Lysol for a bit in the shower, be sure to wash off. Repeat till those bastards fuck off.
Are you sure OP?
Especially 'cause of where it is, that looks more like Swimmer's Itch. Did you wade in any lakes recently?
only option
Lots of calamine lotion and Benadryl, to stem the inflammation and itching. The bugs are not in your skin, that is a myth. They bite and move on, like fleas.
Let ants eat on ur foots
Itch that shit bro!
OP here. Oh shit, you might right. Rash showed up a day after swimming in a big ass lake
When the dr. told you, was he like "you got chiggers, nigger." cuz he shoulda been.
They are parasitic mites that cause one of the most intense itches I have ever felt. They bite in stitty places on the body like places where faabric is pressed up against sweaty skin like socks and the waistband of your underwhear. it itches way worse than a mosquito bite by far.
The word you are looking for is "scratch." "Itch" is the sensation that makes you scratch. You scratch an itch. You don't Itch an itch.
Fuckin thank you. Drives me crazy. Fuckers always sayin they itch their mosquito bites. I hate conversating with retards.
Yeeeaaahhhpp, that's swimmer's itch.
Antihistamine that shit 'cause there's nothing else to do. It's just an immune reaction to a parasite that's already dead because it didn't evolve to infect humans.
You can't /thread your own post, faggot
But it's only on my legs. I was diving down in that lake all day. If it was swimmers itch, it would be all over my body.. still waiting for trips
Get revenge
Go to salon. Buy small bottle of "clear coat". Slather it all over your feet. Let it come off on its own. By the time the clear coat is gone, the chiggers will be gone.
bathe in vodka. post pics
you're not getting trips in this thread, it sucks.
de-infest your house you nasty cunt
I wouldn't be so sure. The little wormniggers probably settle down to the bottom until they're disturbed by your feet. If you're just swimming you might not disturb them.
Be a fucking man and ignore the itch...bang your bitch
Newfag detected.
They're actually called chegroes
Like niggers but much smaller
Found a little red fucker with legs on my balls, pretty sure its chiggers
Dude don't be insensitive. They are called chinese Americans.
Yeah.. i know.. it is pretty gay thread.. im a fag tho
Best thread ever... Who wants to see some girls shaved cunt when you can see some hairy dude's ankles with a rash.
Wash them away with MEK.
This was fucking hilarious.
chiggers dont live in water faggot
cum on them, post pics
Retard, I'm arguing that it's swimmer's itch instead
Rub sandpaper on each one till they're nothing but flat blood spots, then pour hydrogen peroxide on 'em.
Yeah but how do you explain the red thing with legs that i found on my balls
They live outside, you cunt
Bugs get on you when you go to the woods and they're not all pathological or parasites
You're pretty fucking clever
cut off feet
Burn all the hair off your calfs on livestream while sniffing instesly so we can hear you smelling burnt leg hair
OP here. This thread is getting gay. If you're down we should spam the hell outta that Sup Forums thread that has come over to Sup Forums its about that stupid UVA shit that no Sup Forumsros care about
Clear nail polish smothers them
burn your leg
roll for this
Ill burn it if u fags get trips
Ugh, they suck. Shower and laundry like nonstop for a few days, pretty much.