Have you seen any legit great movies in school?
I watched 12 Angry Men, Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?and Apocalypse Now in high school and I still love them to death.
Have you seen any legit great movies in school?
I watched 12 Angry Men, Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?and Apocalypse Now in high school and I still love them to death.
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The Outsiders is the only one I can think of.
I can't remember
Citizen Cain
osmosis jones homie
ure moms sex tape lol rekt kid
Watched the original Star Wars trilogy because I had a teacher who was a big fan of it.
Other than that, no. It was all disney and new at the time kids movies.
I vividly remember watching Fox and the Hound, where I cried (always do) and there were kids who had never seen it before getting hit like a ton of bricks. I remember people having to leave the room.
I got introduced to Network (1976), Broadcast News and A Face In the Crowd in a media a couple of summers. Pretty great elective class, desu.
Gladiator, Saving Private Ryan, The Patriot, Braveheart
The Thing (1982), Thank You for Smoking, The Dark Knight and The Godfather.
*in a media class
I remember watching Glory and Wag the Dog. I probably saw some more, but I don't remember too well. They were both pretty good.
Gran Torino
I still remember how loud the class was at the beginning of the movie with everyone ignoring it, then by the end, everyone was silent and crying.
Great movie
Remember the Titans
I only remember we watched Trust (2010)
It was awkward as fuck
Prince of Egypt and Life Is Beautiful.
The Odyssey or The Outsiders
Also got to watch the latest Rambo in my algebra class.
I saw Finding Forrester during 9/11 at my school.
Stand By Me
Hamlet (Olivier, Branagh)
Blade Runner
To Kill a Mocking Bird
Actually the last three are all on the English syllabus in Australia.
Rocky IV every Friday afternoon because it was the only film the school had. Never got old.
A teacher we had made us watch Coach Carter because she wanted to justify why she treated us like shit. She was a chemistry teacher
The Outsiders
The Crucible
This one teacher I had used to play Arsenic and Old Lace and this boxset of Hitchcock films he had on rainy days and shit.
I'd love to tour France and visit all the WWI memorials.
Do kids today still get to enjoy that hardwarekino?
People watch movies in school?
>American education
Pans labyrinth in spanish class
Animal Farm
Bra Boys
3 versions of Romeo and Juliet
Cold Mountain
One flew Over the Cuckoos Nest
To Kill a Mocking Bird
Ben Hurr
Some film about a Spanish football team's plane crashing on a mountain and they all have to eat each other to survive but they all end up dying anyway
Day of the Triffids
War of the Worlds - original and Cruise remake
12 Angry Men
That's all I can remember.
The Passion of Joan of Arc
Fog of War
whenever the teachers couldn't be fucked teaching they'd just throw on 10 things l hate about you or Mr beans holiday
those movies are seared into my memory
Birth of a Nation
Also, 12 Angry Men (2 different versions), Gideon's Trumpet (also starring Fonda), The Kenneth Branaugh Hamlet, Jurassic Park
Also, because my school had laptops, and we always had time to fuck off after finishing work, I watched Ocean's 11/12/13, Drive, and O Brother, Where Art Thou on my own during class
They probably use projectors but no idea
12 Angry Men is like mandatory viewing in school
I also saw
The Fisher King
Life of a House
To Kill a Mockingbird
Stand By Me
One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest
And maybe some more I'm forgetting. I know my sister watched 2001: A Space Odyssey in school
The only truly shit movies I saw were crappy kid movies in elementary school. I remember that I suggested we watch Raiders of the Lost Ark in 6th grade but the teacher didn't want to hassle with the PG-13 rating and we watched fucking Alvin and the Chipmunks instead
l guess so, every class at my school had one of those interactive whiteboards so we just watched movies on that
A River Runs Through It
Saving Private Ryan (vast majority of it, skipped most of the middle i think)
The Patriot (most of it)
Mah nigga
>hover over "[Embed]"
>instantly get flashbacks and the theme plays in my head
Not gonna lie I even 'du du du'ed it and rocked my foot quietly.
Eternal Sunshine
Animal Kingdom
12 angry men
The Sound of Music
A Beautiful Mind
Run Lola Run
The Patriot
To Kill a Mockingbird
It's a Wonderful Life
12 Angry Men
Taming of the Shrew
Romeo and Juliet (the based one that shows her tits)
October Sky
I think we watched it split up over a week or something, and had to discuss symbolism after every few scenes. Still enjoyable despite that.
The Year of Living Dangerously
Cleo de 5 a 7
The Searchers
During my senior year my English teacher came down with season-ending pregnancy so the school stuck this retired old stoner teacher to come in and finish the semester so he just said "fuck it" to the syllabus and brought in his favorite movies and had us analyze them. He showed some cool shit
Forgot I saw A Beautiful Mind as well and also Romeo and Juliet (1968) but the teacher didn't show us the boob part.
Oh yeah, and I forgot we watched this in spanish class. Out of all my high school teachers I think she's the only one I actually miss.
I had a film class so we had to watch good movies. Recently my teacher posted all the film he showed in class. I'd say it's a good list.
>Silent Films:
Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, Passion of Joan of Arc, Sunrise, Metropolis, City Lights, Battleship Potemkin
The Public Enemy
Gone With The Wind, Adventures of Robin Hood, Captain Blood, Wizard of Oz, Angels With Dirty Faces, Bride of Frankenstein, Dracula, Stagecoach, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
>Foreign 1930s:
M, Grand Illusion, Rules of the Game
Mark of Zorro, The Thin Man,Out of the Past, Kiss Me Deadly, The Maltese Falcon, Gilda, Red River, Murder My Sweet, Citizen Kane, Magnificent Ambersons, Casablanca, Sunset Boulevard, Force of Evil
>Foreign 1940s:
The Bicycle Thief, Umberto D
Lady From Shanghai, A Streetcar Named Desire, Rear Window, Vertigo, Shane, Singing in the Rain, On The Waterfront, The Searchers, Rebel Without a Cause, Touch of Evil
>Foreign 1950s:
Breathless, 400 Blows, Seven Samurai, Tokyo Story, Rashomon, Hidden Fortress, Balthazar, 8 1/2, La Strada, Wild Strawberries, The Virgin Spring, The Seventh Seal, Ikiru
Dr. Strangelove, A Hard Day’s Night, Bonnie and Clyde, The Graduate, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid,The Wild Bunch, Seconds, Pat Garret and Billy the Kid, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Easy Rider, Planet of the Apes
>Foreign 1960s:
Weekend, Masculine Feminine, Le Samourai, Le Cercle rouge (The Red Circle), Billy Liar, Saturday Night Sunday Morning
The Godfather, The Godfather II, Badlands,The Conversation, American Graffiti, Star Wars, Jaws, THX-1138, Barry Lyndon, Chinatown, Network
The Empire Strikes Back, Raiders of the Lost Ark, First Blood, Blade Runner
Foreign 1980s:
Dekalog: One
Magnolia, Jean de Florette, Manon of the Spring
The Royal Tenenbaums
got to see amadeus in like the 7th or 8th grade. went into it thinking this was gonna be some lame old english boring shakespeare shit. i fuckin loved it.
The quaint skeleton animation had me in stitches in the beginning.
I had media class and did horror movies. I was scared because I hated jump scares of modern horror films but he showed us Don't Look Now and Army of Darkness. Never would have seen them otherwise. Thanks bro.
Cool Runnings
The Natural, Schindler's List, Glory....that's all I can remember.
We watched Pride and Prejudice in college
Holy shit, that theme is so familiar but I honestly don't remember watching the show at all. Weird.
the only ones i remember are:
the core
the patriot
romeo + juliet (decaprikino)
i'm sure you can guess what the great one is.
We all know user
When we were reading Heart of Darkness in junior lit, we watched Apocalypse Now. It was redux version with all the extra scenes, too, so it took like an entire week of classes. Good movie, good times
Watched Core and Armageddon in science class and had to point out all the inaccurate stuff, which was fun too. Probably more educational than watching an actual 'educational' movie
>Blade Runner required in school
at least you bongs have good taste
Same here
I vivdly remember the theme song and the intro. I dont remember any of the videos or topics. I remember the videos only being shown when there was a substitute teacher.
Yeah, Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind and Goodbye Lenin!
one of my favorite ever movie viewing experiences was watching 'caché' (the haneke one) in a european studies class. it was a required course so the lecture hall was full of normies, and when the dude cut his own throat people screamed and fainted like in a cartoon
I got to show my English class this.