Hillary Clinton
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What the fuck am I looking at here
Some proof of reptilians using human skin or what? Why can't she walk
explain this
No proof that's her. Downsaged
Uhhhhh Hillary's failing health is a right-wing conspiracy theory cooked up by Putin and the alt-right and the KKK so please delete this.
>People are still acting like this is some sort of conservative conspiracy theory
jesus fucking christ its like a ragdoll
is she actually dying or something?
She had a seizure
We're all dying, user.
looks like one of the hillarybots wasn't fully charged that morning.
anyone else find hillary sexually attractive?
Weekend At Hillary's looks great
Philosophy graduate/10
In the Tibetan philosophy, Sylvia Plath sense of the word. I know we're all dying.
Does seizure mean heart attack?
Third worlder here explain pls
>tripping on the sidewalk and being helped up
Why are conservatards so stupid?
so what do people think is actually wrong with her? What could she have?
She used to be pretty. Now she's just a withered old cunt that deserves to die a horrible death.
Weekend at Hillary's when?
Why are the secret service trying to shield her from being photographed when this happened?
If she wasn't unwell, then why were they instructed to do that? How does that help her be safe? It only really helps her from a PR point of view.
Thank you for Correcting The Record.
Look at her feet. Not even an attempt to walk once they start moving her.
Either way it means there is something wrong
First they said it was from the heat, although it was 75 degrees and 40% humidity while nobody else experienced heatstroke
Then they said it's pneumonia even though we didn't hear about it until now, and if she fainted from pneumonia she'd need medical attention, not just a quick rest at her daughters apartment
This woman isnt healthy enough to be president
>can clearly see her legs give out and she's being dragged into the vehicle
anyway, I know this post is probably bait but I don't give a fuck
kek what, why?
She's not even near the curb of the sidewalk when she can't stand straight anymore retard
Vascular parkinsonism.
get with the times it's hip to false flag troll on Sup Forums
Liberals actually believe Hillary's failing health is a conspiracy cooked up by the alt-right and Putin.
Don't you think she looks tired?
The media are covering anybody questioning her health as a conspiracy.
Hillary herself said the alt right was a manufactured by Putin to stir up anti-Democrat rhetoric in the united states.
For the former google Hillary health conpiracy and click "news". There'll be a thousand articles listing it as a radical conspiracy theory instead of a genuine public concern.
For the latter google Hillary Clinton alt right speech and the video should come up.
I thought that metal object was a catheter clamp. What's the story here?
>literally staggering before falling and feet literally dragged across the ground while she's thrown into the van
>so what do people think is actually wrong with her? What could she have?
She is really old she is almost 70. You get a shit ton of health problems at that age. Even Trump who is also almost 70 probably has several old age problems that he prefers not to revel.
Really their should be an age limit for POTUS around 30-60 should be the age range when you can run for prez
Is The Doctor a Putin sleeper agent?
John McCain and Bernie Sanders are still in good health.
I have an old filipino coworker who swears milania is actually KGB. The guy even has wise old man whispers. It really makes you think
Aren't you Australian? Why do you care about American politics so much?
that happened with me in atleast more than one occasion.
>mods are here now
Test confirmed to work.
What do you call that staggering move Hillary does? I want to try it next time I'm at the club.
what does that mean? why would they kick it? idk how leg braces work
Whys the CIA always stand with their feet so wide apart
Does this make you look more powerful?
they're taking PR bullets for her.
Check em
TOP KEK is that actually him? lmao
>just fuk my shit up
they all do despite saying how much they hate america and shit
because they know at the end of the day, our decision might affect their lives as well
>Even Trump who is also almost 70 probably has several old age problems that he prefers not to revel.
Meanwhile he's been doing 2 rallies a day for months
Sleeps 4 hours a night
No doubt he has some problems like all old people get, but nothing that stops him very being very active.
>Does this make you look more powerful?
you know it does
They weren't "instructed" to do that, they were blocking angles of line-of-sight as is typical procedure, since you need line-of-sight to deliver a bullet.
I'm going to start trying this now
But would they be healthy in 4-8 years? If Bernie served two terms he'd be 83 by the time he left office. That's far too old. The same thing applies to Clinton and Trump.
all memeing and shit aside, would trump legitimately make a good president? Dude kind of sounds like he just promises things but doesnt exactly say how. Would he fuck everything up?
The insane thing is that they paraded out a body double to go "I'm totally fine!", met with some staged little brown girl, and left.
Then they announced she had been diagnosed with pneumonia on FRIDAY
Admitting that they lied previously
And now they are canceling tomorrows event in Cali...
Donald Trump running unopposed in November, what a fucking landslide it's gonna be.
Well, guess who looks like a spring chicken now?
Ok, JD
He doesn't believe in global warming and has reverted to ridiculous GOP politics.
He's now much indistinguishable from psychos like Cruz or Fiorina.
He's also a textbook, classic, narcissist. There are so many stories and pieces of evidence that he has no tact whatsoever.
I really don't like HRC but I think Trump is a really bad presidential candidate. He's going to set a horrible precedent
Last I saw it was JD.
it's a proven psychological trick, it makes you feel big and in control. It's also very good to establish dominance
This is a dumb question because all you will get is partisan responses. That being said there are a lot of checks and balances in the US that limits a president's power. He can't screw up things too much. I appreciate the fact that he's moving things away from the bullshit neocon/neoliberal agenda and at least wants to reform some things.
I know I changed it two days ago
global warming is bullshit
It has nothing in common with the GOP establishment
>He's also a textbook, classic, narcissist.
Yea sure m8 and I'm sure you are a professional psychiatrist who has privately tested him....
At the very least he will be good for the country because both the Republicans and Democrats will be forced to rein in the unconstitutional powers that the Executive branch has been given over the years.
Looks like Jennifer Connelly.
OK whatevs.
he's literally idiotic
t. non biased non american
Thank you for correcting the record. I'm with her now.
>global warming is bullshit
Anyone who replies in earnest past this point is retarded.
Only a tripfag would take that bait
It just is
the only relevant question is:
is her vicepresident any good?
>posting with a tripcode
easiest way to invalidate your own opinion
that and posting image.png's
Differential diagnoses
67 woman presents with chronic coughing and seizures
Fuck you both.
Global warming is happening. It's irreversible. Stop being stupid.
He's a very conservative democrat and a far better choice than Hillary or Trump. Here's hoping he is President by this time next year.
>Global warming is happening.
citation needed
> It's irreversible
There are plenty of ways to reverse it, but those are totally ignored since the whole point is 1 world socialist government.
No one says otherwise, whether or not it's manmade is the point of debate.
>global warming is a settled science
>Global warming
Good goy
The President is very weak domestically but he has an extreme amount of freedom to conduct foreign policy as he sees fit. If the President wants to start a war, he can do it pretty much unilaterally.
America is the center of global warmist propaganda
And the smartest man in America, who will be the next president, says its not real
Who are you to disagree?
Tim Kaine? The smartest man in America?
Could be autoimmune
>Sup Forums is now so obsessed with being contrarians that they're denying accepted observable science
Take a step back and look at yourselves. Christ.
It might be lupus?
that weed must be really good.
Every thread this kid opens up Sup Forums to start spamming these buzzphrases in slightly right-wing threads/posts.
With comments such as ''g-g-go back to Sup Forums, stormweenie!!''
And everyone just laughs at him. Tells him he's an idiot. He carries on, like the pathetic insecure loser he is, thinking he is making a difference.
When in reality, both Sup Forums posters and Sup Forumsfriendos who didn't start posting this year, cannot stop laughing.