Sup Forums Thread
I did what had to be done
Enjoy your warning.
Praise Kek
>Sup Forums thread
>doesn't open with a blacked pic/webm
Hey Sup Forums
>tfw each of your friends is known for hating some kind of minority/disablitiy/special snowflake status in society
>you're known as the jew hater
No one is being paid to shill for Hillary by the way. It's a Republican-funded lie and a pathetic attempt to smear her campaign.
>25 shekels have been deposited into your bank account
How much is that in burger currency?
what is some essential Sup Forums-kino?
Who /anarchy/ here? It's the only sane way to go.
BLACKED catalog and The Cuckold
Angry Birds
Gangs of New York
American Psycho
The Naked Prey
I miss pre-Sup Forums Sup Forums
What the fuck is it with Sup Forums and this movie? What the hell are you getting at? It's not political at all.
If you miss it you were just new at the time. This site and each board on it was only good when you first got there. It's all awful all the time.
For 20 dollars would you pound Shillary's tight unused asshole with your juicy white cock? She won't poison your water or something.
He can't keep getting away with it.
Charls >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sam
You have to go back
how the FUCK do you always know...
Why is hating Sup Forums a meme now?
It's like the Washington Post. If you don't get it, you don't get it.
but as long as fat fuck faggot Patton Oswald praises hillary that can stay up all night right cause he used to be in some shitty stand up comedy show
Only reddit/tumblr tourists hate Sup Forums.
Sup Forums is our greatest ally.
What's to get? It's a very mediocre movie.
Only libfag bernie lovers have a problem with Sup Forums
I think blacked posting ismy favorite thing on Sup Forums in years.
Sup Forums is Reddit or at least has been infected by it.
Why would anyone hate the obnoxiously self righteous strawman brigade? You tell me.
Please come back old Sup Forums
It'seems like a handful of extremely vocal redditors who monitor the catalog for anything even slightly political so they can whine.
If I say 'nigger', will it hurt?
It would be extremely problematic.
>old Sup Forums
How old do you consider old? I remember a time when Armond White was better received. That's all I want back.
Only a sith deals in absolutes bud
4 u
trying too hard
Sup Forums is tsundere for Sup Forums
There are people who will disagree with this.
These same people also fail to appreciate those trips.
At this point I'll even take back 2013
Just anything from before baneposting and star wars 7
Calm down triggered one
0/10 you're just butthurt
You're not fooling anyone you tourist.
white trash will always emerge when their standard of living sinks into poverty. Sup Forums is the result of white people being forced to live like niggers. that's all it is.
Really, of all the problems with Sup Forums you could have you dislike Star Wars and Baneposting?
How about this place being absurdly fast and 90% of our threads being created with the intention of meme-forcing or shitposting. And of the posters here who intend to participate in on-topic discussion maybe 5% of them not being retarded?
I'm so fucking sick of being able to find 3 threads actually discussing movies in the entire catalog and then 2 of those threads being nothing but 10 year olds who think Gattaca and John Wick are the peak of the medium.
Sup Forums ally confirmed
this triggers Sup Forums
theres always a baby Sup Forumsack trying too hard in a Sup Forums thread
>implying Sup Forums doesn't like drilling for oil
Keep on complaining about that boogyman
Not sure how I'm supposed to be triggered. I would totally fuck that nigress.
Speaking French makes women better most of the time. Nothing wrong with Miss Guei. Nothing at all.
Because they went full Sup Forums and started invaded other boards. No one hated Sup Forums when they were confined to their own area. It was the moment they start raiding the rest of the site that everyone started to hate them.
This is how you spot a newfag.
i would racemix with that all night desu
>not posting that swedish girl with the giant ass
I love Sup Forums. Only the libtard redditers dislike Sup Forums.
sheltered babies want to stay sheltered
This desu
So not being a faggy liberal Means you are an invader from Sup Forums?
Sup Forums is modern white trash. If you're part of these fuck ups you really should get a grip. Just because you can't find a good job, doesn't mean minorities are taking them away from you. Stop being human trash.
Sup Forums has way too much political discussion and conspiracy shit that detracts from the racist funposting.
>Why is hating Sup Forums a meme now?
>Sup Forums is modern white trash
I can guarantee I've been here longer than you. With one little additions to my posts you'll be pushing your Sup Forums mindset as damage control.
Kind of annoying to see Sup Forums type discussion everywhere you go even though I like to participate often. It was a good day for Sup Forums
let's not forget this issue.
No, but endlessly posting Sup Forums buzzwords, memes, and infographics sure does, little Sup Forumsack.
You realize we're literally in a thread labeled "Sup Forums thread" filled with people from the board defending it right? Or are there just that many people so happy to run to the defense of a board they don't even browse?
t. /r/The_Donald
>I can guarantee I've been here longer than you.
Calling card of the newfriend.
I like how direct you were. Good job.
I laughed, but still like Sup Forums.
Falling down?
That's just average Sup Forums topical discussion
The mods also delete threads with overly graphic pictures from BLACKED.COM like do they even understand what the board is for?!?
Baneposting started in 2014
>I arrived here in 2014
Sup Forums is really /r/incel
you have to go back
Go and rewatch 'Taken'
>Muslim immigrants who are protected by the police to maintain a status quo routinely kidnap and sell western women to wealthy middle eastern buyers
Really makes you think
>Sup Forums, Sup Forums and american
Step up you anti-art bane tourist.
Sup Forums and /r9k/ unite
fuck off Sup Forums!
Baneposting started in December 2011, but it really became popular in November 2013.
this shit really is like cancer
>I know you are but what am I?
You need to go back
>wealthy middle eastern buyers
>tons of student debt
sounds like a great deal. where do i sign up?
You can check the archives, fignewton.
Don't call FOR YOU Baneposting
Baneposting is an Sup Forumseddit meme made after one guy forced BANE? for months