From last thread:
You are locked in an unfamiliar room, the door is locked. You've decided to drink your whole water supply and desperately need to urinate. In your room, under a pillow case you found a pool cue which you used to make a small crack in the window.
From last thread:
Gavin Clark
Ryan Campbell
Dubs decides what happens next. Only the first dubs after my posts will be considered due to it taking a while to draw the individual frames.
Lucas Sanders
dubs on first post well done OP
piss in the bottle where the water was
Easton Clark
kys irl
Grayson Parker
Shove the pool cue as far as you can up your urethra and ran as fast as you can into the wall.
Jacob Smith
Wrap hand in pillow case and punch window out
Jack Morris
High air vent noticed on the wall. Pole vault up to it by shoving the pool cue into your anus.
Adrian Gomez
kys irl
Caleb Sullivan
Put the pool cue against the wall and break it in half with your foot. Stand on the window sill and try pissing through the crack in the window
Evan Green
Put the pool cue up your ass