Reddit is superior to Sup Forums in every aspect

Reddit is superior to Sup Forums in every aspect

You can't deny this basic fact, Sup Forums.

Then go there and leave us alone

Reddit is just leftpol with ads

I went once. It was just a shitload of clicking and look like a fucking email chain from the nineties.

Plus, wayyy to fucking much white space

what is reddit?

>Reddit is superior to Sup Forums in every aspect

Fuck off, faggot. Get lost.

Name a single aspect that's objectively better.
And not just in your silly opinion which no one gives a fuck about.

>Freddit is superior
>Threading here


i can't figure out their UI



The format of Sup Forums is amazing and also, just look at all these reoccurring consecutive digits. It's incredible




Well.. I've been using Sup Forums for like 8 years now and after a recent spate of ridiculous bans I'm going to have to agree with you.

Sup Forums has started banning anything edgy leaving nothing but gargage cuck threads and related stupid shit.

It's always been a lot of garbage with a few interesting things or events. Now the interesting is banned. In this environment the great habbo raids of the early decade never could of happened




Reddit is full of sjw faggots who're tough behind a keyboard. If your worldview doesn't align exactly with theirs, you are ostracized.

Fuck reddit

OP take your leddit gold and gtfo

I've been on Reddit for a long time and it's honestly very boring. It's a huge circlejerk and there's some serious hive mind going on. Different opinions or better replies are never seen because only the highest rated and oldest comments get shown.

It's a boring site, I only go on there for r/aww and r/Buddhism, everything else is bullshit. Sup Forums is more spontaneous and it's actually funny without having to do those stupid wordplays that are always the top comments

facebook is king


You might have the girls but we have the traps :3

reditt is a horrific circle jerk. a confederacy of dunces. it's only good for 'watchpeopledie' subreditt....thats it.

Reddit is like the larger world of the internet that is more fun to troll than the pre-teen faggots and autistics on Sup Forums.

who has time to troll sjw trolls?



how do I upvote this

Yea it's strange I agree

Wow so much b8

There's an app for that.