Moving to Tennessee for work. What can I expect in Tennessee besides meth heads?

Moving to Tennessee for work. What can I expect in Tennessee besides meth heads?

line dancing

What's that?

Line dancing meth heads

it's homosex

What part of TN are you moving to?


shitty roads

People smoking at gas pumps

Sounds exciting

Methheads smoking at gas pumps whilst there methhead cousin who is also there wife is line dancing on a shitty road

Where abouts? East and West TN are vastly different.

Grl u the only ten I see

Lewisburg it's in Marshall county

People snorting loritabs and the worlds worst weed

I've only driven through Tennessee twice and stopped for gas one each direction. Both times people were smoking while pumping gas. I hear their mountain coasters are pretty shady too.

You're pretty close to Nashville which has good nightlife and an amazing (not just country) music scene if you're into that sort of thing.

The dentistry equivalent of england

Hill billy communitys who sometimes sneak into towns at night and eat the townsfolk children

Dont pick a dry county to live in, or make sure you're close to a border so you can cross over for booze

Yo i live in Nashville, but my wife's mom lives in Lewisburg. We drove out there once. That place was so run down and country we had to stop to literally watch a chicken cross the road.

You like fishing? Tennessee has awesome fishing.

Yeah ive heard alot about that place. I like Tennessee as a tourist place. I'm just curious what living there is like is all. And yes I love music.

Is Marshall dry?

Lol can't be worse than my town. At least it'll be cheap.

Yeah I'm a big outdoors type of guy

You'll love it then. Pro tip, buy a fishing kayak

Ok. How safe is it to hike the mountains?

I mean it's as safe as anywhere else. There's mountain men out there but they're mostly cool bros that will talk and bull shit with you if you run across one.

Where you live currently op?

Okay lol. How dangerous are the black bears?

Selma, Alabama. It's bogged the fuck down with drugs and gang violence.

Oh hell, i don't think Alabama is that much different. I thought you were making a big change. Churches everywhere still, Davidson county where Nashville is, is like the only blue county in the state. Sure you'll fit in fine lol

Well I'll be moving from a democratic, ghetto as fuck part of Alabama. I know I'll get along with Southerners rather well. Just wondering what it's like up there. Should I stay in the rural area or should I try to move to Nashville?

Also I've heard about the terrain and weather. Would it be a good idea to get an AWD or 4wd vehicle?

Honestly never dealt with bears. I'd be more afraid of the non-bro mountain men.

4wd vehicle is always good to have, plus it'll help you fit in with locals

Okay thanks. Kinda want a Jeep or truck anyway. What are some red flags with the mountain people?

Honestly you'll only ever encounter them if you go way off the beaten path. I don't want to make you super paranoid about them lol. I've come across 3 in 7 years. 2 were total bros, older men doing the off the grid life. They knew I was there loooong before I knew they were. One had even built a legit cabin. The third one I was about 2 or 3 miles off the trail, came across what looked like an abandoned camp so I started walking towards it, got about 30 feet away before I noticed there were lanterns and shit still there. So I'm thinking to myself, no one is going to leave their kit there like that, something happened. I stop and start looking around me, creepy feeling in my stomach. Noticed a dude about 70 feet away, half hidden behind a tree, just staring at me, motionless. Could tell immediately he didn't like visitors just from his stance, so I turned 360 degrees and walked as fast as I could without looking panicked. That was 2 years ago