In the next 50 years

In the next 50 years.

>all driving jobs will be automated
>all factory jobs will be automated
>all retail jobs will be automated
>most of medical jobs will be automated
>most of the programming jobs will be automated
>etc. etc. etc.

What will happen then?

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In the next 50 years we won't live anymore. Sad world.

Life will go on

You cant predict the future.

You'll still be a virgin

>hurr robots are going to take ur jerb



You don't need a robot that perfectly simulates a human to replace your job.

Do you see a humanoid robot driving google car?
Do you see a humanoid robot assembling cars?

Artists will be the only people who still have a job, humanity will finally be free to create amazing works of art. It'll be the new Renaissance. Learn art now and you still have the chance to be one of the great artists of the Second Renaissance.

At least i wouldn't be Australian.

We /EldarEmpire/ tier hedonism

Are dindus the orks?

2 options

we become transhumans, improving ourselves rather than the machines because why bother with creating an intelligent AI when we already have that in ourselves.

or, we improve machine AI to the point where humans will have to limit their ability or let it outgrow us, thus no longer needing humans.

and no, there won't be a terminator future, the machines will likely just fuck off into space and leave us behind with what little resources we.

>you can't automate all transport jobs without strong AI
>you can't automate all manufacturing jobs without strong AI
>no one wants to buy things from an AI when taste/style and a personal touch is whats expected in retail service
>you can't automate medical services without a strong AI and a complete shift in the culture of medicine
>programming is the only thing you might extensively automate, but again that requires strong AI

Then you'll realize you were wrong and never knew what you were talking about in the first place.

Animatrix flashbacks fuck

Everyone is working on AI right now m8, thats why people like Elon Musk is worried about it.

Thats good for movies, but whats important here is money and what will people do when billions lose their jobs to machine.

Seriously, how are most medical jobs going to be automated? You do realize that most medical jobs are not what you picture them right? Wiping asses, basic cares, wound dressing, assessments, and med administration alone probably accounts for most medical jobs.

they go poor and starve then either die out or ruin the future and destroy it all, it will be inevitable that the population will need to reduce as we can't facilitate everyone with our earthly resources.

I assume laws will be made in place to prolong this as much as possible but we will eventually have to give in, then it's a question of what uses the most machine resources, machines or humans with machine parts.

there'll be new programming jobs you idiot. At least for a while.

to further the transhumanism argument

supposedly our next step is telepathy and the brain net.

There will probably be a nuclear exchange in the next 50 years, probably between Pakistan and India. The fallout radiation will poison will increase the cancer rate, just like this post.

That's been in the works for a long while. Apparently at one point the Russians fired rabbits into space so they could try to get them to ovulate with their minds.

NASA literally sent spunk into space. Yes, that's right. Upon achieving space-age technology, we humans basically whacked off into outer space.

>most of the programming jobs will be automated
No, at most only code monkey work like webdesign and other crap. Real programming jobs will never be automated.

Why does transport require a strong AI?

Truck/Train/Plane travel is already scheduled by computers. The computer far more efficient than humans. And we already have self guiding cars.

>Real programming jobs will never be automated.
Sure thing boy.

I don't want to wait 50 years. I'm stick of seeing gas-powered cars, I'm sick of driving my own car, I'm sick of the nigger who makes my burgers, I'm sick of liberal arts teachers thinking they aren't the walking dead in the face of a fucking iPad and some software that could do their job.

I'm sick of fucking HR cunts that are useless and need to fuck right off being replaced with a computer screen and a YES or NO response rather than her smelly slut perfume she uses to attract niggers in between asking white men "how do you feel about diversity."

I'm sick of the UPS driver trying to fuck the married woman next door with his overpaid retarded wheel-holder salary.

I'm sick of insurance salesmen who all need to be pushed off a cliff 300 style, and on live TV.

I'm sick of women pretending they're worth anything more than their cunt. Fuckbots will be the biggest improvement to this list.

Automated cars will outnumber human driven ones in 30 years, if that.

Also SJWs are going to try their damnedest to outlaw sexbots, and depending on what parties are in power it just might work.

Oh so making the automation programs will be automated too

Don't forget: you're nothing but a mindless automaton, slave to your self-replicating genetic code and environmental conditioning.

The most hilarious thing will be when AI comes online, among the first things it will do is see how Poland is a country, deem it an error, and partition it.

Did you automate money yet?

I'm not worried.

t. Jew

>all programming jobs will be automated

I dont think you understand what programming is

>I'm sick of driving my own car.

You don't have to, you know. Cunt.

The first thing it will do is name the Jews and recommend they either be exterminated or quarantined to Israel.

>implying programming jobs won't be the last to go in terms of automation

The government will have to act like the Soviets.
Assign pointless jobs to the lower rings of society just to give them something to do.

*Greater Israel

>also implying we'll even be that advanced
20 years ago everyone thought we'd have robots running everything by now. Seems technological and cultural progression is a lot slower than you think it is.

They're already automated. It's called Indians, Chinks, and Russians.

>implying coding isn't anything more than glorified cardhouse building.

Russian coders are fine, but they're also not the most common.
Japanese people are the only Asians who can actually fucking code.

nice video. from 2006?

How the fuck does that make sense? Why would you spend resources setting up fake jobs when you can just give them the money you would pay them anyway and let them fuck off into virtual reality?

Honestly entertainment will be the last to go.
Better yet, video games will be the last to go to automation.

The same clinically retarded jack asses that push conservative/Trump type bullshit will have no idea where it all came from and why it's causing a problem. They will simply perform mental gymnastics again

The irony is that the whores spreading their legs on chaturbate and other portals have the best job security of anyone. Some of them are making enough to live in Miami penthouses by themselves.

Entertainment and vice will probably swell in numbers as people have fuck all to do. That is inevitable desu.

Fuckin Australia

Then we can exterminate the useless ex workers and live in a paradise.

People will find ways to spend their time.

We've already seen some of that with the advent of TV and computers.

Actually it comes from liberalism and all you self proclaimed progressive freethinkers you idiot. Do some research.

Irony? Isn't that the oldest profession?

You can't have robot priests. Working in the church is a foolproof way to stay employed.

Except you kind of need people to stay religious for that to happen.

We all go to school, or work in the factory. Everyone may become NEET.

In the new Gaian Church of the UN, doubtless all priests would be robots (it would be a violation of robot rights otherwise) so that we can worship the efficiency of having less of a carbon footprint.

Maybe something along the lines of those automated death booths you have to pay for like in Futurama.

Humans will be worshipped

Google cars need a half ton worth of sensors just to simulate our eyes and the rest is computers to process that information. Car factory robots have arms. Both need a six figure salary engineer man monitoring it.

Glorious gommunism



Humanity will devolve into pure pleasure seeking beasts. Fucking everywhere. None of it will matter anyway. The robots will run the world for us. We can all just reproduce. That's the one thing the robots can't take.


People will work with other things, like design and engineering

Do you have any idea how automation works or do you think "dudethisbuttonlol" is all there is to it? What dumb fuck retarded world do you think you live in where automation is completely human independent?

Am I safe.. Greenkeeper here.. Robots can't cut grass and take bunkers whilst watching out for the worlds most pompous twats ever fly around on mobility scooters

transportation will be replaced by google cars and similar technology. They will literally put containers on wheels and make a shitton of money with it.

And a $200 chink smartphone has more processing power than supercomputers in the 70's.

Do you actually think every job a robot takes over creates exactly one new one for the worker he replaced?

How many people does it take to run a factory solely by humans?
How many people does it take to control a factory run by robots? if you think its the same ammount, you are the retard.

Just because you can do thing doesn't mean you should do that thing

Euthanasia might not be legal but nobody is forcing you to LIVE here. It's the damnedst thing how some people can a hate a world so much and THEY WONT JUST LEAVE.

>Most of the programming jobs will be automated

This is one of my favorite meme's, shows such a lack of understanding of CS it almost hurts. The problem is that nobody so far has even come close to solving how an AI could to this. The only way for all mainstream programming to become automated the AI would have to not only be creative within a set of rigorous parameters whilst also pushing the parameters further and further out, it would also have to be able to understand complicated human and physical interactions of the real world.

(Whilst the other examples are simply automation, programming can't be automated)

The only way scientists today think this can happen is if an AI becomes sentient, but thats not what youre talking about is it?

We've made astounding progress on artificial wombs, it just hasn't been made public information yet because the last time any info about it was released there was a rather large uproar about it from the leftists.

>programming can't be automated
Why are people that know how to code in such a denial? AI will make coding a piece of cake with the only input being simple instructions, deal with it, you are not special.

>150 years ago

In the next 50 years.

>all farming jobs will be automated
>all textiles manufacturing will be automated
>carriage manufacturing will be mostly automated
>mining will be mostly automated
>drilling will be mostly automated
>etc. etc. etc.

What will happen then?

That sounds remarkably like what was promised some decades ago.

>tfw have to work with people that still believe the memes from some decades ago

I cant stop worrying about this everyday, it's already happening. Large masses of unemployed and a few ultra wealthy people. Future horrifies me.

Kinda reminds me on how you can script events on AoE2 map editor... Spose you have a point lad

Programmer speaking.
AI is a marketing term to sell more units.
Go Masturbate to your GPU.

Haha you know, a decade ago there were people in highest positions of tech companies who thought 1000$ smart phones would never be a thing.

Unless we actually develop a basic income, probably mass poverty where even though goods are cheap as hell a huge chunk of the population cannot afford them. The fact of the matter is that a basic income is an inevitable necessity, with the increasing mechanization of industry the human worker is becoming less and less important and primary and secondary sector jobs in the west are being lost either overseas to cheap labour or at home to mechanized labour. Essentially the goal should be to make working an option. You work because you have some pride or you work because you want more money, you don't work to survive.

>why do we need smart ai?

So cars don't wipe out into unexpected obstacles you fucking jackass, retard ai that just drives from a to b is flat out dangerous.

>Can't even program
>Claims he understand it so well he can make informed decisions about it.

Okay then, can you give me an example of how an algorithm would design a new OS and it's hardware from scratch with only simple inputs from a user?

Are you seriously this dumb? You don't understand the difference between automating manual labour and advanced human creativity and decisionmaking from a financial, humanitarian and social standpoint whilst also coming up with new programs from input from a user?

10 bucks you don't even have a job/no education and is just fantasizing to make your life livable.

(and don't you realise we the programmers of today will own the companies that will have the AI's from tomorow?)

Wtf are you on about?

On the other hands, car phones were a sure bet!

Wow, there is no need to get this aggressive m8, didn't want to hurt your feelings code monkey.

>Both need a six figure salary engineer man monitoring it.
Ahahahaha. First off they don't earn anywhere near six figures, it is pretty much the lowest jobs an engineer can get. Second it isn't like they have one engineer per robot arm, it is more like one engineer for the entire floor. Even then the job generally goes to people who studied engineering technology who are frankly not even engineers, IIRC from my time in college they didn't even need to take calculus II.

the AI in computer games doesn't learn, it just follows a strategy, same with google. Google uses the captcha to teach their cars street signs, house numbers and all that. AI is still dumb as shit.

>we the programmers of today will own the companies that will have the AI's from tomorow?

That that it is dumb now doesn't mean it will be forever.

Captcha also generates a dataset that would normally cost untold sums of money to obtain. But instead, all the little useful idiots contribute to it voluntarily instead.

Hopefully I will have made enough money automating those jobs to retire and not having to worry about it.

You can always pay the yellow moot ;)

>Work 8-14 every day with cool boss in a fortune 50 company
>Get every second friday off to paintball with the team
>Get paid 71k SEK a month (thats ~8600$ for you lazy fucks)
>Hehehe u code monkey

That samefagging though. Bet i was right on point though since you didn't even try to refute it. Come on tell me what your education/work is.

correct, it takes a gigantic dataset to identify a street sign, something every 6 year old could do.

See above, AI will stay really stupid for a long time.

Professions might be 70, 80, 90% paperwork that could be automated, but the rest will be unreachable for machines.

Robots never fuck up, break down or have to have their product inspected by humans, and they certainly don't need to be built/set up by humans, there are robots for that :^). That is what you implied. You were wrong. Because you are painfully stupid. I'll bet you get excited and jittery when you hear "hulloh, moi nayme is boinie sandahs".

$5 a year for allegedly something of actual value to me instead and removing some harassment from my life?

If only everything nice in life could be so inexpensive. That's even less than what lowtax charged, and it's not even compulsory.

Population will fall to sustainable levels.

And people without jobs can't afford healthcare anyway. What medical jobs?

See, my job should be relatively safe as well but it seems there will still be quite a bit of turmoil.