Mfw The most recent brexit polls


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I'm on suicide watch tbqh

I've lost all hope, it took a while but it's finally over

Is this the big day?

Based on how little coverage there is in our media, I would have to assume that it is.

You will never leave the EU. No one will. In fact, it's about to become the biggest nation on Earth.

Personally, I find it exciting. What's wrong with uniting Europe under a single flag?

>Wanting to be ruled by some faggots out of your country
Leave it to the Swede to be a shameless cumguzzling cuck


Remember that so-called "objective" polls are typically backed by special interests. Don't give up, britbongs

What the fuck is going with the brexit polls?

I'm sorry user, but if you want to be taken seriously, you will have to stop watching pedophile cartoons. I understand that you think they're cute, but they are not good for your sexuality.

>he thinks the EU can be stopped by democratic means

Its like "elections" in North Korea

>Britcucks on suicide watch

Oh god, 23 June will be glorious.

I believe they are just too annoyed of being surveyed by all media every day.

The fact that this blue flag is filled with red policies.

You're gonna make it, most polls are taken from leftist areas.

Norbert Hofer only polled at 24% but actually pulled 35% of the vote.

Sauce on image? Google gives nuffin

Not till june 20something

Still 10% undecided OP, stay true.

what happened

>Personally, I find it exciting. What's wrong with uniting Europe under a single flag?
White slavery.

Swede asks what's wrong with being a cuck

It just struck me that if the day comes and we choose to stay i'm most likely going to sink into a deep depression once again.

I think any modern country now is impossible to change through elections or protest. Only civil war can fix a country. And we always feel too lazy and safe to risk dying starting a war to save our country.

What are you on about? They're looking a lot better than those from a month ago


Wow, you people are losers.

Green is Remain obviously

You have almost your entire media and politicians on both sides dead set against Brexit. You have your "educated" mouth-pieces making it look like only uneducated Chavs would vote for Brexit. You have a similar scenario to what Trump support faced, but without the America spirit to rise above it and fix things despite what people say.

The British are a nation a sheep. You should have kept your absolute monarchy intact.

>What's wrong with uniting Europe under a single flag
Unless it's your flag Europe is united under, why the fuck would you be happy?

all the shitskins are voting stay

sauce for image?

Golden Week by Ghettoyouth. Warning: It has cuckolding in it.

no way the united cuckdom will leave the eu.

just obey

oosh desu senpai

Is there any way for the bongs to turn it around? I guess all the anti-leave propaganda from the government, EU, obongo, BBC, media, etc has started working.

>Warning: It has cuckolding in it.
as expected from sweden

I need to stop coming here first thing in the morning.

Can I borrow your hamster?

spoken like a true citizen of the Empire

Well, for starters, i don't want to live with you on the same "country", dear Jamal-Ibrahim Achmed

We'll all be under the EU flag on Sup Forums, it'll be horrendous. We'll be the laughing stock of Sup Forums. Jap m00t might even decide to ban EU shitposters instead of strayans.

>brexit polls

It's not over yet, keep in mind how the first round of the Austrian presidential elections went. When the media has a strong agenda, the polls might end up distorted. Every time that I'm browsing British websites with Brexit/EU/migrant online polls, they seem to be heavily anti-EU, while the polls reported in the news are much more even.

I'm gonna hope for the best but be prepared for the worst.


omg that mousepad xD
i want one for myself ;~;

Cuckpire desu, where the main ethnic group is dominated by minorities

Umaru is for hugging and nice things not hurting

Let me make one thing clear user, EU is not for you. Its for all the Somalians, Arabs, Pakistanis, Ethiopia, Asian, ect.

In order to unify various countries with different nationalities is to replace the native people. They are literally genocide everyone whitey to have a more docile and dumber population to rule over. If a war where to occur, they are not going to send shitskins and niggers to the front line, it will be you and your fellow brothers. While the shitskins at home get to fuck as many white woman as they can. They don't give a shit a about your country, this are the cowards that run from theirs, they have no pride.

user if you cannot see this then you are beyond salvation.

You were never going to be allowed to leave anyway. The vote is probably literally rigged. EU is Hotel California, soon to be Roach Hotel California when Turks join.

>poll samples
>mostly under 10k
>representing 64 mil

remove retards

ORB polls aren't representative. The only good polls are the ICM ones (i.e. the ones the perfectly predicted Khan's election)

You know that oni (鬼) means demon right? Onii or nii means big brother (お兄 / 兄). Good job fucking up.

wow UK are all cucks all day.

>if we cant have a empire we're at least going to be good bottoms