How the FUCK can anyone still be a leftist in 2017
How the FUCK can anyone still be a leftist in 2017
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Some still think the left can be salvaged and redeemed
how can anyone still be any -ist in 2017
story behind photo on the right?
PC culture. They literally practice the philosophy of "If you're not with us, you're against us."
Quite fascist when you think about it.
I'm guessing it's someone who was ran down by the truck on Thursday?
Tired kid takes nap
Assuming its some deigo spanigga kid that got run over. Nobody cares about Spain though
No one is left or right unless you're a simpleton. People capable of independent thought I think for themselves and will have different opinions on different issues. Someone to the left on one issue is likely very much to the right on another. But then again, critical thought doesn't really fit into a black-and-white narrative, so it makes it difficult for nazis to drive their cars into somebody who disagrees with them, so it's easier to pretend that everybody is either left or right.
there's plenty of simpletons though
be a dumb privlidged cunt from a 2 income family whos never worked a day in its life
Except for all the mayans they killed
Easy. Many people are a bunch of fucking retarded pussies
So working jobs you dont care about automatically makes you superior?
Those were literally the same words used when the US told the UN that they were starting Gulf War 2 under W. Simple truth is that the media and the people in power are all trying to preserve their power and way of life at the expense of the common Man who is just trying to live. Same thing happened during the Civil war. The monuments being removed are the reminders that the poor fight and die to protect the wealthy elites' way of life and allow them to continue exploiting everything and everyone.
Just as nobody cares about you lmao
>People capable of independent thought I think for themselves and will have different opinions on different issues.
>Think different
>Be unique
10 clams says you own a iphone you pseudo intellectual retard
theres a reason people identify their core values because its soemthing they share in common
everybody has their own opinions on everything, but the core is the same reasoning for a lot of people
fucking retarded snowflake liberal
>How the FUCK can anyone still be a leftist in 2017
>letting what party you're in decide what you think
>thinking anything is as simple as "close muh borders"
superior enough to stop and question and have consequences rather then be some cancerous retard
ITT: Americans bitching about foreign matters by strawmanning until no tomorrow
Go back to Sup Forums and/or Reddit. Like there's any difference anymore.
Maybe but I think it's more likely that you see somebody at a rally for one issue and you immediately paint them as a leftist without bothering to get to know how they feel on other issues. And same goes for the people on the other side as well. But yes there are a lot of simpletons. I'm hoping people will start to think for themselves more
>be some cancerous retard
I bet you think you sound smart too
>how can anyone be leftist
>shows pic of right wing terrorism
National Socialists are left-wing.
nobody gives a shit what a nihilist has to say
get fucked faggot
Don't worry, im sure theres a trap thread waiting for you sonewhere
And you're obviously a genius.
currently, it's not part of the agenda.
And this my friend is right wing propaganda. No one supports open borders. People support refugees who pass background checks and other test to live in the USA. Same with Mexicans, they believe people brought here as kids, should get path to citizenship.
So tired of alt right and alt left propaganda.
>people actually think the 'right' will stop this
spain is currently ruled by a right party
angela merkle is a right wing politician
uk is ruled by a right wing party
>National Socialists are left-wing.
Islamism doesn't fit on the traditional western right-left spectrum. It is a completely foreign ideology, based on religious fundamentalism not on political ideas.
And they're angry at leftists COVERING up that Islamist terrorism because they don't want to hurt the feelings of the poor brown people
>think you sound smart too
probably do for your ilk
(((Leftists))) are waging war against us, I see what they are doing and I will not be silenced by Leftist lies and Leftist fake news
I don't think so tim.
This exactly. I noticed OP also left out the pictures of the people run down in the terrorist attack in Charlottesville.
Spanigga detected
Because no one wants to be an neo-faggot.
nah im not better than anybody else (Except for niggers)
youre a fucking retard that doesnt understand why people choose to identify with groups of other like minded people and claim theyre somehow less intelligent than you are and are not capable of having their own opinion
nationalists and leftists are pretty much opposites you dunce
The Conservative Party hasn't been right-wing since the 90s. Even then it was more progressive
And how is opening your borders to over a million Muslims right-wing? Merkel might be part of a nominally right-wing party but it's nothing of the sort in practice
>No one supports open borders
If only you knew how bad it was. Refugees into Europe passed hardly any checks, they were allowed straight in.
How can you think it matters?
>calls someone a pseudo intellectual retard without being able to refute and resorting to name calling
What an intellectual fucking powerhouse you must be.
the only answer, they are mentally retarded and should probably be put down for the betterment of all humanity
how the fuck can anyone still be arguing over broad, near-meaningless terms like "leftist" (or "alt-right," etc., for that matter) in 2017?
A freely open border is just as retarded as spending billions locking it down anus-tight.
Nationalism is just another mode of democracy, it is caused by the progressivism that has resulted ever since the protestant reformation. Classical liberals, nationalists and Marxists are all cut from the same leftist cloth.
>based on religious fundamentals, like "don't be gay" or "abortion is murder"
Oh wait, that's the American Republican platform. My bad.
>How the FUCK can anyone still be a leftist in 2017
It's the only thing that really pisses you off enough to confirm your pissed off state with posts like this. Without feedback it's like shouting into a void.
Daily reminder that you can safely ignore the opinion of people who think that the world operates on a single spectrum of left and right
I am registered as a Democrat.
In my 50 years on this planet i have spent less than 3 registered as a Republican. I voted for Ronald Regan's second term. In all other election I am afraid that my candidate choices have never won. I did not vote for Obama or Trump. I do not vote a strict party ticket EVER.
I believe in the Constitution including the Second Amendment. I do not support back ground checks after the release of Firearm owners names to newspaper after Sandy Hook. I believe marijuana should be made legal, and some form of universal health care should exist. I believe all insurance products should be brought under Government operation via cap and controls no one should be forced to buy products like Auto or Health insurance from a Private Company. So much for the whole liberal or conservative label in my case.
nihilism is a brutal but realistic veiw on life
>based on religious fundamentalism not on political ideas
so they're the same as american right wingers
>Nationalism is just another mode of democracy
nope, weird how most nationalist governments in history were not democratic huh?
I assume you'd be much happier being in Iraq than in Texas, then.
Since after 9/11 there has been 62 Far Right terrorist actions resulting in the deaths of 109 people (and approximately 52 injured, 12 seriously of those that survived.)
23 Islamic Extremist attacks have resulted in the deaths of 116 people (37 injuries, 5 serious of those that survived).
Now consider the fact the Miami Night Club shooting was the most brutal with 42 deaths, if that didn't happen the Far Right attacks would be way up there in total deaths.
But the most alarming thing, Americans probably never realized that 62 Far Right attacks happened the last close to 16 years.
What is worse?
116 people dying at the hands of Islamic Extremists?
Or 109 American people killed by American people because of words and colour of skin, and religion of choice.
Wait... it should be 112 deaths forgot about the 2 cops and woman who died in Virginia last week.
Wow why are you Americans such fucking ignorant hypocrites.
And that isn't adding the attacks by people walking into schools with guns and gunning down children, or Americans killing Americans on the streets.
Hope that over inflated 600bn a year on a Military Budget helps you there, because it hasn't for the last 15 years.
>Nationalism is just another mode of democracy
nationalism has absolutely zero to do with democracy or totalitarianism. It's not even comparable. These are distinct types of ideas that you seem to think lie on the same spectrum.
Because there's a difference between being a liberal and being an SJW or extremist
You guys are just too retarded to realise the majority of liberals hate that shit just as much as you guys do
I am actually impressed that someone posted a serious list, and had it under the title Radical Islam and not just Islam.
Someone at least knows the difference. Unlike the millions of window lickers in the states and in England.
>a retard appears
re-read what the chain of posts is about and then read your post and fucking slit your wrists you retard
Is there a term for not being a rightist or a leftist
Many of the terrorist attacks are from native born Muslims. They aren't refugees. While I agree Europe has a big issue with background checks, the refugee population is still small. The amount of refugees engaging in terrorism is even small. You're more likely to die by car accident.
I do agree that Islam needs to be reformed and i means westerners pushing moderate Muslims and making them acknowledge radical Islam and hold members of the community responsible when they don't turn in people they know are radicalized.
A non sheep
>Thinking National Socialists were some scary boogyman because that is how Jewish media and fake history books shows them.
People who vehemently identify with left or right are retarded. It just screams "I need someone else to make my decisions!"
I mean, I'm a male and have some Mediterranean genetics in me. I could learn to get by on no pork and claiming to privately pray several times a day.
Personally, I'd prefer Saudi Arabia or Israel, though.
Does it matter if there is or not when anyone who is stupid enough to willingly take on either title is just going to lump you in with one or the other anyway?
There isn't a term for it because the lack of a title IS the title.
Both sides are ineffectual and flawed by nature. The result is our current state of affairs.
The problem is that "radical" Islam is an honest interpretation of the faith while moderate/liberal Islam is not.
what the fuck is wrong with you? fucking libertarians are retards
being retarded is a nÂș1 requierement to be leftist
How transcendental of you
>The only correct option is no option at all, now gawk at my nihilistic independence from the shackles of trivial ideological division
Do you agree with the travel ban or not?
you sound like a mongoloid rertard
thanks for saying absolutely nothing pal
amazing contribution
>you don't agree with me, so you must not have read it
Yep. Sure doing a great job proving me wrong, bud.
Logic and freedomof choice is retarded
Far from it. But nice logic. Try again, kid.
You owe me 10 clams sir
>t-the nazis weren't actually that bad, guys!
So long as you happened to be at least white and happy to lick boots and kiss ass, I'm sure they were a wonderful bunch to be around.
dont sad smileyface me u little bitch
are we just spouting out neato buzz words now?
Yea. Because thousands of people dying trying to escape warzones is absolutely comparable to a handful of people dying in a terror attack.
If the right wing was any stupider it would literally meme itself our of existence.
what? man really you cant be this fucking stupid that you just re-read the chain and dont see the massive fucking problem with your idiotic post
Uh Oh, triggered echo chamber dweller is triggered.
>So long as you happened to be at least white
Wasn't really a problem in Europe in the 1930s, it was pretty much 99% white everywhere.
>t-the Jewish lies are actually true
That guy sure looks like an average Antifa member
Its not just buzz words its the reason people follow it.
>shitholes in africa with no money, no food, and no education are more prone to fanatical/radical ideology.
thanks captain obvious
Nice rebuttal.
Admittedly it doesn't, but your strife is trivial and infantile. May all this fade into nothingness.
all i'm saying is that blindly following any ideology is dumb. life isn't black & white, there's a lot of grey. make your decision depending on the case. if it helps, many leftists have called me racist and vice versa right wing people have called me leftist on other issues.
travel ban? pure actionism. people on no-flight lists can legally buy weapons in the usa. if you won't even restrict the foreign criminals you already have in your country how is going to ban people of certain nationalities going to help your country? you let those you already have in your country roam free.
fuck off redit
Why should Europeans hand their future over to the hordes of Islam?
I have never been called a Libertarian before. Interesting I will have to examine their politics and platform. If it is about the image I posted I was not aware of its having been labeled either way? I do believe in one person one vote and feel a company should become a democracy when the founding owner and spouse die. I would do away with the stock market with the goal being to do away with private ownership of corporations. The people who work in an industry should have control of that industry and more political offices should be voted in for example Judges should be elected and not appointed.
This is Fake News.