>female superhero is captured by villains
>isn't repeatedly gangraped
Why is this allowed?
Female superhero is captured by villains
movies aren't allowed to reflect reality
i'll allow it once you give me the sauce op
Because everyone goes to movies to escape reality.
Is that Craig Jeffers in the background?
I don't know about your culture but where I live people don't get raped "just because"
>male superhero is captured by villains
>they leave unguarded in an underground prison that a small child could escape from.
I don't know about your culture but where I live criminals don't commit crime "just because"
do you live in fantasy land?
that or you're incredibly naive
Well, I don't live in America or Africa
Maybe that's the difference
Okay. Where do you live?
>shove dick into female superhero's mouth
>expect female superhero not to bite it off
Ring gags, fampai
You do realize you can shove pretty much anything into the back of someones molars to prevent their jaw from closing. Works even better if you do it on both sides.
Enjoy your trip to the dentist.
Most of the time IRL they threaten the person (which wouldn't work), but maybe they could threaten a hostage depending on the super girl.
so you're saying raping only happens in these 2 places and has never occurred anywhere else ?
>implying they have that laying around
>implying they'll think of that
>implying they're not too macho to do that
have fun having your dick bitten off
Because they are an escape from reality.
We generally don't like to remember how much rape everywhere is happening and how much more could happen while watching movies with our families or on dates.
>not having a rape kit on hand
what kind of incompetent villains are we talking about here
people actually read and enjoy this garbage,
Most men arent into non-consensual sex
Edgy cucks do.
Its a shop
Speak for yourself
>Feminists say all men love rape
>MRAs say all men love rape
>they argue 24/7 over how the other party is lying
>thinking about rape during a comicbook movie
are you unironically a rapist?
This really sped up the firing of my neurons
What are ironic rapists like?
>thinking about rape during a comicbook movie
Not my fault
>he doesn't think about rape when an attractive woman is tied up and captured by villains
Wait...are you implying shes even going to be conscious?
Didn't he write that story where Aunt May was a complete whore, cheated on Ben with Peter's dad, and was actually his mother?
Wasn't thIs thread deleted a few minutes ago
I have a healthy sex life, so no
We're all on Sup Forums m8, you don't need to lie.
IS there a website to learn about this
Asking for a friend
I know cranking it is good for your prostate but that isn't the same as a healthy sex life.
I am from Sweden where rapes are being committed by nazis in order to blame the refugees from Somalia.
He just told you
No wonder you arent a supervillain yet
About teeth? Yes, many.
three fucking cuts for that scene
this is just pure shit
>Implying there is no crime in EU.
With the exception of chavs, Eastern Europeans, nignogs and rapefugees, ye we have no crime at all wink.
Sorry they aren't lazy fucks
>the more cuts a movie has the better it is because they put so much more work in it
kys desu senpai
>What is Asia?
There are things to prevent such accidents.
>implying raping women in Indian and Pakistan is not considered a national sport
you fucked up famalam
Okay, East Asia then.
No, but unless the scene is really complicated the one cut meme just makes it more boring
Every amateur filmmaker thread someone posts a webm from his project that has less editing than a 1920s Chehov drama. It makes you wanna die
>there is no crime in China and Japan
Really now?
gotta agree with "le 1 cut meme", but for this scene 3 cuts is useless, and you know it
>Catwoman, Ivy and Harley have captured Batgirl
>they don't gangrape her with strap-ons
Makes the pacing faster. The story isn't a thriller about a kidnapped agent, it's a small scene to establish she is a badass
>Pic related
That would trigger too many feminists
But he wasn't very specific I details for a story I want to write
Posts are secretly reposted by bots to create the illusion of an active imageboard, which is why there are so many echo threads. Haven't you ever thought, haven't we had this exact thread before?
>Anyone ever writing the Joker as a rapist
There isn't a faster way to prove you know nothing about the character.
What are some other fuck ups writers have made for any character bros?
>bite dudes duck off
He kills you
>don't bite his dick off
Maybe he lets you live
>more than one male present
what the fuck are you talking about?
Who the fuck is talking about the Joker?