ANTIFA scum attacks Trump supporters,burns American flag and CNN blames Trump supporters!

ANTIFA scum attacks Trump supporters,burns American flag and CNN blames Trump supporters!

who cares


Everything you just said is WRONG.
ANTIFA attacks fascist retards.
Which includes trumptards.

You forgot your protest uniforms.

Kill all rightwing pussies.

You, sir, are a silly sausage. You should use your copious free time more wisely.

need some video on this, OP. where is the sauce

Fucking hell, CNN should be burned to the ground


They're all retarded Americans so who gives a fuck?

The country is a literal laughing stock now.

America seems fun nowadays. I want to have all out brawls on the streets.

CNN is owned by Jewish libtards. Their allegiance is to Israel, not the U.S.

This is pretty funny. I think if I was a Nazi diplomat in an actual state in modern times furries would definitely be on my list to go to the camps.

Fat camps?

Ted Turner is a jew? shit I didn't know that

You actually would go to the Camp too. Retards are not welcome.

Antifa scum had problem with BOTH Confederate and American flag.
Americans you better do something about this growing far Left group

thats like 50% of your people gone.

antifa = antifascism

Calling people fighting against them "violent thugs"

LITERAL nazi tactics from their playbook ca 1933

You're not helping your case here, nazi scum

Antifa = Retarded zombies
CNN = Fake news


What even is a trump supporter any more? He's literally the president, there is no election or candacy or whatever. Did we call people who supported Obama Obama-Supporters? No.

Antifa = Anti White, anti Free speech anti Democracy

You're not fooling anyone, slave boy of Kikes

Fake and gay

Fake news

Trumptards allegiance is with Russia, not the U.S.

The only good nazi is a nazi scared ot even get out of the house.

fight nazi scum everywhere

What is anti-Trump protestor? What is his problem, he doesn't like elections? Should we establish Communist dictatorship and kill all right wingers?

Nope US Senate is owned by Jews too, the same Senate that loves Israel but puts sanctions against Russia

Yes Trump was against putting sanctions on Russia.
Next call with Putin about Trumps job performance is going to be awkward.

Antifa is just a bunch of hypocritical, attention whoring faggots.

Turner has left CNN.