based Falling Hillary general
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based Falling Hillary general
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she could have brain cancer and I'd still vote for her over trump. sorry famalam
>tfw the worst election ever gets even worse
that says more about you than about the other candidate.
>tfw sweet Sup Forums tears in a few months
why is it so sad
why are they forcing her to run if she can't even stay alive for more than 30 minutes?
just as related as the linked thread that's been up for 3 hours my friend
no bully pls
You must be an idiot then.
new season of The Walking Dead looks more realistic than ever
This shit gets more hilarious every day
Meanwhile, Putin is arm wrestling bears and raping innocent young Ruskys.
I was really trying to avoid seeing this.
Thank you internet
What are you talking about? This election has been the greatest ever. So entertaining, so many memes.
It just keeps getting better and better.
the establishment knows she's their only hope. That almost looks like a full on seizure, shit looks bad.
It gets more sympathy than anything.
>the big bad american people wouldn't let an old lady get her dying wish of being president
It amazes me that people don't seem to get Trump would be the most liberal "republican" to ever exist.
the guy is crazy, unpredictable, and wall street would tank badly, tpb can't allow that to happen, not to mention he's an outsider. It's sad that muricans allowed him to get this far, the joke went too far.
They keep saying she stumbled on the media, thing is she never fucking stumbled. She was completely unconscious and had to be held up and dragged in by multiple people into the van.
wtf i hate hillary now
Trump is also older than hillary. If he's not stumbling around it's because he's had a brain transplant probably
Pretty sure she died there and is now replaced by a substitute.
Are we even sure he has a brain? Has anyone ever checked if that stupid hairpiece of his isn't some alien organism controlling his actions in order to take over the world?
She'll be fine
A shot of narcotics will bring her back good as new.
You have to juice her up like a race horse before you send her out
u wot
It does look like a robot Hillary that had a system crash
I legit think she's some kind of clone/robot/alien disguised as human.
Look at this gif, her reaction seems totally unnatural and not humanlike at all.
Didn't she have pneumonia and was on medication, meaning this was kinda expected given that she tried to soldier on at the memorial despite fighting a fever? I find it funny how people keep going on and on about Hillary's alleged poor health despite doctors saying she's fine, yet Trump's health check, which was done in total of five minutes and doesn't say jackshit about the true state of his health, and that's not seen as anything sketchy. Same way he doesn't release his tax records, despite people repeatedly asking for them.
the animatronics are impressive though
Or it's because of superior genetics and life style. Being evil actually takes a toll on you physically, you know.
>people think they're forcing her to run
The only reason Clinton stepped aside and let Obama win in 2008 is because she was promised this candidacy. This isnt the party, the party would rather have someone like Biden running. This is Clinton's ego.
Reddit is that way, Timmy.
Friendly reminder that Trump is getting BTFO in the poll and Hillary will win. Don't forget to buy popcorn for the imminent Sup Forums meltdown in November. Their butthurt will be historic.
Meanwhile Trump is running because he hates that he can't use the old, better type of hairspray anymore due to climate change.
>let Obama win
Didn't the voters decide that
Trump isn't always falling down and can manage to walk up some stairs no worries mate
The Donald Trump subreddits have some of the largest userbase of the entire reddit site, and are the largest conglomeration of Trump supporters online along with Sup Forums.
Deflection: the post
Talking about the primaries son. She was going full birther until she was promised 2016 and the secretary of state position
who /notvoting/ here
this whole fainting thing actually is helping her, people are feeling sympathy for her while trump and republicans are insulting her and her health
Parkinson's is a real bitch
before entering Sup Forums i thought it stood for /politics/
If she manages to win she'll die in office
Bill ain't lookin any better
No its not. Nobody wants a President who can barely stand with a history of blood clots.
my mum has Parkinson, that's not it.
I think most reasonable people would prefer Tim Kaine anyways
Good, then the VP will step in.
Anything is better than a republican president.
It literally says Politically Incorrect on the tin.
The board was made because after moot closed /new/ down for essentially just being Sup Forums-lite, the /new/ posters began shitting all over other boards, so he made Sup Forums, and /news/ was brought back as a text board.
Non-white detected.
thanks for this lesson of Sup Forums history
It's literally just a pre-planned tactic to make Trump overconfident going into the debates, and to set low expectations for her own performance. He will underprepare with the expectation that she's going to be barely standing up, and she'll look great because everyone is expecting the same. Screencap this.
>Anything is better than a republican president
Now you see you could have said 'Anything is better than Trump as president', I would have disagreed but thats your opinion. But when you say 'republican president' it makes you look like a gigantic retard who resorts to tribalism instead of examining candidates based on their own merits.
who dies first?
lol you guys are funny
yeah dude, she strategized looking like she could be gravely ill & weak on 9/11 even after rumors of her questionable health had been circulating to feed Trump's hubris.
>Trump has two rallies today in entirely different states and will be high energy like usual
>Hillary cant make it to a van without being dragged there by her boyguards
They Clinton Campaign has been deleting every instance of this video they can find off the internet.
>Curb theme plays
she is being chipped away at every day,
Then your basically voting for Time Kaine
No, it says more about Tim Kaine than the other candidate.
he's the best option of the 4 people running on major party tickets, so yeah
Wow they're trying to pull a Streisand..because that's worked before
Not him but I would literally rather vote for Tim Kaine than either of them.
Why have they been trying so hard to cover up her sickness, then? They only admitted to it when it became too obvious to deny.
I'm here from Storyful Managed and I hereby request that you delete this video immediately. If not, we will pursue legal action.
>It gets more sympathy than anything.
Nobody wants a weakling as President. It's hard to scare Putin when you're attached to an I.V drip
Her hardware needs an update is all.
That third-world LEADER MUST BE STRONK mentality is something only Republicans have.
Sure it is buddy
You know realize that Trump bought the rights to the video and is shutting it down and making it look like it's the Hillary camp shutting it down to achieve a Streisand effect.
4D Chess.
No its something everybody has. A leader has to strong because being a leader is fucking hard. Have you seen what 8 years of it did to Bush and Obama? and that guy spend a quarter of his presidency on golf courses.
Its the same reaction a character from The Sims 2 would have
one of the best american presidents was a polio cripple
Can someone red-pill me on Tim Kaine?
From what I can tell, Hillary is the presidential candidate because she's a recognisable face that can win votes. I think they know she's going to keel over before her first term is up, leaving Kaine as president. So effectively the VP is the real candidate. But why do they want Kaine to be president so badly?
Democrats and other people with 46 chromosomes understand that making world leaders scared of you is unhelpful. Besides, Trump would rather suck Putin off than scare him.
Only conservative minded individuals desire strong leadership and clear hierarchy. Left-wing oriented people prefer complex, vague networks with no clear leader. At most you get a figurehead.
This is why people are fine with voting for a dying Clinton. She's just a figurehead, they're voting for the Democratic Party and its policies, not any particularly person. The Democratic Party could not field any candidate, and instead just promise that if you vote Democrat for President, you get an executive branch full of Democrat types, but with no President, and people would still vote Democrat.
he's as middle of the road and boringly adequate as a politician gets. which is like the weirdest breath of fresh air in this fucking circus of an election
A polished turd is stil a turd
i'll bet in your tiny mind you think this is persuasive of something
>the man who created todays corporate state by encouraging businesses to form cartels in the National Recovery Act
>Said people who rely on welfare suck while creating major welfare programs
>Passed the Agricultural Adjustment Act
>pushed the court packing scheme
>stole everyones gold
>best president
Fuck right off and die.
>they know she's going to keel over before her first term is up
Life isn't like television, man
Why are liberals so angry and hate filled?
How is status quo regression a breath of fresh air? He'd be no different than Clinton, or Obama, or Romney, or McCain, or Bush. There was only one political party until Trump pulled his coup.
How fucking retarded are you? No one is going to follow some old woman who can't even stand alone
If being evil takes a toll on you why isn't drumpf worse than Hillary
Because people are taking somebody that's also angry and hate-filled, seriously.
I think it just went over your head.