I hate signs like this... Recently u find them at restaurants and businesses all over the Bay Area...

I hate signs like this... Recently u find them at restaurants and businesses all over the Bay Area... They're designed to demonize poor, underpaid workers and are part of a larger campaign connected to the Chamber of Commerce who opposed paying workers a decent wage...

What makes this so offensive is that you never see signs explaining that prices have increased to pay the hundred thousand & million dollar salaries of corporate executives to these billion dollar multi-national companies..

You never see signs explaining price hikes because the cost of gas to truck in supplies have gone up or that electricity rates have increased...

What u have are businesses doing the cowardly act of demonizing workers and creating a hostile environment for workers... Such signs are designed to have poor folks going into a fast food joint read a sign like this and then wanting to give a stink eye and throw shade at a beleaguered worker...Call it divide and conquer. Call it deflection..Call it straight up bullshyt on behalf of businesses too cheap to share the wealth with their workers..

I asked the folks at this KFC if this sign was standard procedure and why hadn't they put up signs explaining price increases in the past? I recall when chicken was two dollars and not 5.. I ain't seen no signs explaining the price increases in the past, so why now?

No one had any answers.. The response I got was them saying: 'a lot of our customers were asking why their 5 dollar specials had increased'? They couldn't even say that with conviction.. We all know that wasn't the case and I let them know that.. I also noted as I have done with other businesses sporting these signs it isn't cool to make workers a scapegoat when they make billions

As a rule if I see a business whether is KFC or a local food truck with wack ass signs like this I take my hard earned money and spend it elsewhere... Shame on KFC and any other food joint posting signs like this!!

>poor, underpaid workers
>can literally be replaced tomorrow by a retarded ATM that sells burgers

They're lucky that anyone pays them money to do anything at all.


>Wanting an increased minimum wage
>Having to pay more to offset the costs

Hey $15 an hour proponents, this is what you wanted right? Expect it to get a LOT more expensive for goods and services now.

Money has to come from somewhere.

You're not entitled a job. You're not entitled to high wages.
America is a business. Every employee voluntarily walked into their position and they agreed upon their wages with their employer.
If you don't like your employer, no one is forcing you to work there.
If you want to make more money, go work for someone else.

Otherwise it's a private business and if companies want to have a sign out front of a horse buttfucking a monkey, they could absolutely do that.

fuck off underage b&

Stopped reading there, nigger.

If customers want to know why their food suddenly got exuberantly expensive, they have the right to know.

>I also noted as I have done with other businesses sporting these signs it isn't cool to make workers a scapegoat when they make billions

But this is complete bullshit. The individual franchises who pay the workers are, for all purposes but legally, small businesses. It's not like the corporate office is sending down money to the local stores to pay the workers.

This, I'd love to see all the fast food restaurants move over to the self checkouts where those minimum wage laws get passed.

>im a child and dont like being held accountable for my actions. stop excuse-shaming me shitlorts.

I wouldn't be surprised if behind the campaigns for raising the minimum wage there was some jew trying to sell more robots.

>America is a business.

I laffed


Try harder next time.

50 cents? That's it? Hell I'm willing to pay an extra 50 cents for their employees to have nearly double federal minimum wage

>America is a business.
Truer words have never been said. That's why I shit on every pro-American "nationalist" everywhere.
Pro-American means to destroy your nation and culture and turn it into business.

It would increase a need for higher learning as those machines will need people to build/repair/maintain them.

Still need the cooks. That only eliminates about 2 jobs per location.

That's exactly what a commie would say.

FUck you commie cunt, I am so tired of people like you.

It's not double moron, it's $8 now.

But but but muh CEOs

My bad, I misread op. Here in Florida our minimum wage is $8 and I haven't seen a single business with this. Besides, $8 isn't unreasonable. I'd argue for $9.

You can partition out the entire corporate sallary of every CEO and barely dent the wage of workers at an individual level.the real answer is the cost of labor is not worth the money

If you can be replaced your not skilled

LOL I was making 9.50 /hr in 2001 working at walmart.

How can anyone slave away for $8? Holy shit.

I wont even take a job that pays less than 15/hr now. Infact, I stopped working all together and just work for myself. Something around $80/hr but only taking in 1.5k-2k per month with minimal effort.

Thanks to globalism everyone can be replaced.

Get Fucking Rekt you stupid faggot

>take my hard earned money and spend it elsewhere
That's how you show them to support increased minimum wage instead of shutting down and putting all the workers out of jobs!

Minimum wage only causes more low skill workers to lose their jobs.

The poor are despicable. You can actively change your situation m go back to fucking school, get a trade in some community college and take out a few loans.

There you fucking go. Asking for $15 an hour is absolutely filthy. I'll fucking replace you all with machines if I could.

Let them eat cake, so to speak!

You sound like a walking spam email

This tbhfam

apart from that, what kind of a fat as fatass eats at KFC? Those people deserve to have their prices raised. We literally pay for those fatsos in every other aspect of life.

Hell, they are probably using my tax money to buy that shit anyway, might as well go to people who actually work for a living instead of you neet autists desperate for tendies

How can they expect you to even fucking do more than show up for $8/hr? Holy fucking Christ lol. That is so fucking ape shit retarded.

I couldn't handle it, could you imagine some fat bitch manager telling you to mop or arrange shit on pegs faster when you are being paid a slave wage? That's like an hour every day dedicated just to paying for gas to get to work and back. Two hours for breakfast and lunch.

Holy fuck you would have a better hand to mouth existence living in the swamp

Thanks for bringing some common sense to this thread.

nope. the tech sector, yeah. but are you gonna import a drafter from bumfuckistan? if youre good enough, you will be kept. & most jobs arent affected by globalism.

CEOs will let the lowest rungs burn. They only care about profit and are willing to take a few hits on the chin to preserve their own profits.

Hell even I am not an economist, but even I know that if you raise the minimum wage instead of lowering the cost of living, everything gets more expensive. Companies have to make a profit, and that means everything related to labor costs, materials, and upkeep (Utility costs) must be calculated into the budget.

>if you're good enough
If you're cheap enough. If he can get someone to do it cheaper, he will.

The trick THEY dont want you to know about!

I basically just sell shit on amazon. Spend about 30 minutes a day packing and sending orders out, then depending on what I have, adding shit to sell automatically on amazon (FBA fee rapes me a bit)

Its so god damn easy. It took a little work in the start, but now I normally just bulk buy something from china for $2000 to make $3-4k in profits from individual sales.

I just chill the fuck out and watch the checks come in. Once I get this crap house I bought reappraised (all this free time let me upgrade it) Probably borrow against that equity and roll it into a new house and start the rental train

Its so god damn easy and I am really angry at myself for stressing out over working for so many years. I was in retail management and I swear to god no amount of money is worth waking up in the middle of the night after dreaming about deposits, payroll and fucking items on shelves.

My big goal is to make 1-2k net profit from passive income then just fuck off somewhere in the woods

I don't understand the fixation on minimum wage.

Isn't it far more useful to lower the cost of living so that the minimum wage is enough? There's plenty of low hanging fruit in regulation that props up home prices and rents.

Plus, even people earning far more than minimum wage stand to gain from cheaper living.

Oh no, an entire- I mean half a dollar!

Eat the rich.

Yeah, they're lucky they have any place at all in their own country.
Bunch of ingrates. Don't they know we're doing them a favor by letting them make burgers?!

Id argue its too high already

Incorrect. I am a network engineer team lead (the hiring decisionmaker as well for a team of 8) at a fairly large Service Provider.

Cheap is not what is looked for in actual skilled trades. Quality work is foremost, wages are pretty irrelevant because the profits are so massive margin-wise that you can pay the labor what the labor demands.

Basically, you're only worth what you're worth. If you bring a diverse and rare set of skills and a stellar work ethic, you're worth almost any price to a mission-oriented firm.

If you're a lazy pot-smoking fucktard with no past and no future, you're not worth the chair you're sitting in. Luckily for you, large swathes of your peers over decades/centuries have determined that by simply existing and being willing to perform ape-tier menial labor, you're guaranteed a certain amount of pay.

It's fucking pathetic. If you make minimum wage, you're a worthless, pathetic asset that can be replaced at the drop of a hat.

>Isn't it far more useful to lower the cost of living so that the minimum wage is enough?

That would require repealing a law, and to the progressive all new regulations are progress.

If they're even aware of the government's effects on prices in the first place.

Is anyone going to acknowledge this?? What about the chefs living on minimum wage?

KFC is poison cancer food! Full of MSG. Col. Sanders was pioneer in neurotoxin flavor enhancers. Eat KFC and die with holes in your guts!!!!!

It's easy to find another job, you just have to look. All it takes it going around for fullfilling jobs or jobs that have manual labor in them.

I went from a shitty minimum wage job to a full time warehouse job by simply asking to see a manager. It was easy and the job, while difficult, is rewarding. I could even get better if I get my Forklift license or my truck license under the company.

You're not forced to work there so quit, go around and find another job. It's your fault you're working at a retailer or fast food restaurant.

>eating at KFC

Gross. Meanwhile, the customer base of KFC is relying on untold millions of taxpayer money to help pay for their scooters and ER visits. Fat people are the absolute bottom of society.

That's exactly what a capitalist would say.

I hate them also because all fastfood employees should be replaced by robots.
I don't need a human to swipe a credit card and pay for a bucket of chicken and I don't need a human to bring me a bucket and say "huv a good day!".
All fastfood workers should be replaced with robots by the end of this year.
Fuck wasting humans

$280k saved every hour

Everyone once and a while I will get a coupon for this fucking franchise and figure i'll give it a go.

The chicken quality and side quality has gone WAY DOWN. Its like a potato wedge/boneless chicken finger factory now.

Remember when KFC had a buffet?

Sure is Reddit in here...

the one where I live still does

That's exactly what anyone with economical education who prefers stability & personal wealth over gross national wealth increase would say.

>Go find another job elsewhere lol
>Not understanding the limitations of transportation and the value of labor
>Not understanding that almost everyone would pay less than min wage if they could
And to top it off
>Calling somebody else underaged
Go live in the world after you graduate high school

wow thats a lot of niggers

It will more then likely happen, not this year, but you better believe places like McDonald's and crap will be jumping at the chance, artifical wage increases like the ones being pushed will only serve to push automation further anyway, not to mention simply raise the cost of living, people are to stupid to understand the difference between an increased number and a true wage increase via the value of the money you make in general.

The sign is a provocation and a political statement. It causes unnecessary bad blood between the owner, the workers and the customers.
But hey, it's his business.

As with everything, you get what you pay for. If you keep paying your best workers the minimum wage, they are going to leave and only the slack will remain at your store.


>Montenegro GDP Per Capita: $7,106.86 USD (2013)

You're poorer than an average Mexican.

i used to eat KFC when i was in middle school, didnt think it was too bad

if i eat it now i want to throw up, it tastes like fried cancer

the biscuits were always good to me imo

They put it up to explain to the dumb people who eat there why the price increased on a product that is usually called 5$ fill up. Blacks will act all crazy cause it says "five dolla..why u gunna charge meh five fortay nine hmmm i wants a refunds"

They can easily increase the costs on everything else because it doesn't come with the price in the name of the special. Why are you bothered by a sign that explains things to dumb people? Oh wait you're a faggot liberal that doesn't understand economics. Just because you barely noticed now that when min wage and regulations like obamacare makes prices go up. You didn't notice or care back then when there weren't signs. Stay ignorant and blissful.

This needs to happen so that when companies actually start trying to accommodate their workers instead of shitting all over them like Wendy's or KFC, businesses like these will go under or be permanently maligned.

Where do you think a skilled, experienced worker is going to go? To the company that makes consumers pick up all the slack to that the top management can keep their paychecks?

>money to pay increased wage costs doesn't come from thin air
>film at 11

The cook and prep can be automated as well. Ever been inside a grocery store. Pretty much everything on the shelves was cooked and prepped by machines with minimal human intervention. Also, it's more than 2 jobs per location. Depending on how busy the location is and if it needs 2 cashiers at all times or if they can get by with one during slower hours, you're looking at at least 6 jobs eliminated when accounting for different shifts and days off.

Yeah, so the money can be used to raise the min wage even higher. It's a win win situation. We need to automate away shit jobs.

Better than it coming from my taxes

>: A lot of our customers were asking why their 5 dollar specials had increased'?

Yeah that's probably never the case. Something that was the same price for some time was raised and certainly noone ever asked why it became more expensive?

How good that some vigliant citizen like yourself with the ability to see through the capitalist system was there to contradict them and explain to everyone else that the store doesnt put up these signs to explain the raise to them but to shill for some shady malicious entity.

Put the bong down you retard.

But they could just as easily write "It's 5.49 because our bosses need to make 100,000 times as much as you make"

equally true, but they would never write that, as that's not the kind of class warfare thy want to instigate.

Don't listen to these communist faggots. They wouldn't know good food it you shoved it down their throats.

fatass detected

I'm a commie liberal sjw vegan

fat people are on a level with trump supporters

KFC's PR please.

Everybody knows it is nigger grade food.

Exactly, Argentina. There is a reason why you see so many KFC's in South Africa, particularly around Johannesburg.

MAN my favorite burrito truck on 48th and international raised their prices to 10 dollars for their super burrito.

Fuck that shit. Fuck you oakland

Its fucking fried chicken, they charge $40 for a family meal. For $20 worth of chicken, soybean oil mac and cheese, old canned vegetables, instant mashed potatoes and some biscuits.

Okay. You're doing the American thing and voting with your dollar. Do you want a fucking cookie? Fuck off back to plebbit.

>You never see signs explaining price hikes because the cost of gas to truck in supplies have gone up or that electricity rates have increased...

Because those things are called "commodities", or their public infrastructure equivalent, "utilities". The pricing fluctuates and is based on cost of sourcing.

Could you elaborate a bit more on your startup?

i'm glad you think human workers are less important than utility bills

I also never get an explanation for why my rent goes up every year but I don't need one because I'm not retarded.

inb4 "still renting lol"

>Raise minimum wage more
>Supports basic income

I'd be surprised if your high school lets you walk for graduation next month, because you obviously failed economics

People think min wage only raises for people making min wage. It's not true at all. If min wage was 8$/hour and you're making 9$/hour, when min wage raises to 9$/hour -- do you think you're gonna be okay with making min wage when you've been making more than that given your experience affords you a slightly higher wage than min wage? If you're making 5 bucks an hour over min wage, are you gonna not going to ask for a raise when min wage is 10 or 15 bucks an hour? It affects all costs.

Only ignorant people see this as blaming min wage workers for the price increase. Every service the retailer uses will be higher because min wage went up. Everyone they do business with will raise their prices accordingly whether they have min wage workers or not. Why can't people understand this?


maybe fast food will be priced up high enough that people stop getting so fucking fat on it

>Be unskilled worker.
>Get a raise from $10/hour to $15/hour.
>Ten other people get the same, so does the second and third shift.
>There are 30 people getting paid an extra $5/hour, all working 8-hour shifts.
>That's $1200 a day, $36,000 per month.
>Some dickhead complains because we tell our customers.

Fuck you, dude.

Also, companies try to conceit their cost structure from competition.
If you read the sign, it says "to support" the minimum wage increase. It never says that the increase covers it by 100%.

Hey retard, they had to raise prices because they raised the minimum wage. That's not demonizing anyone, it's stating a fact. I'm sorry that you feel oppressed by reality.

What does this have to do with what I was saying.

I agree that worker wages have costs. So do executive wages. The only difference is that executive wages are fucking ridiculous, while worker wages are attempting to reach liveable.

Why focus on the wages that are trying to become reasonable and ignore the wages that are exorbitant? The answer to that is obvious. They don't want you indignant at crazy assholes who actively lie to you and kill you with their shitty products. They want you indignant at regular folks just trying to make a living; that way, you'll forget about how absurd their whole existence even is.

The ceos and owners can do what they want. They own the fucking company. If they want to shut it down and put thousands out of work and run with the profits they can do it if they want. I'd wager to say it's kind of them not to. If you had some shiny object and someone said "hey give me some of that" you'd tell them to fuck off

>I'll pay 50 cents more so that employees can make 50 cents more
>I don't understand economics
I wonder how you'll feel when you are paying 5-7 dollars more for products to fund an inflated income, oh and you can go ahead and throw that into most of your other typical costs of living as well, especially when you realize that it's not even benefiting the workers as they too will see an inflated cost of living, you brain dead faggot.

Well when because of being paid better, they don't qualify for section 8 or food stamps, then I make my money back by not being taxed. And I can choose whether or not to buy KFC food or not unlike paying taxes.



Nigger what are you talking about? The sign explicitly says that they are raising the price in order to pay for the increase in wages. user (and me, and every other decent person) thinks "fine; I'll pay an extra .50 for this trash poison food so that they guy can exist"

Am I the only person on Sup Forums who would rather pay 50 cents more for their fast food meal than pay higher taxes to support the food stamps and medicare for workers who are paid $7.50 an hour?

I make enough money that .50 is a non issue. It seems that's it's the principle of the thing.

Also, if you raise the price of fast food by .50 then the people that predominantly eat fast food (i.e. poor people) will pay .50 more for it. They're cost of living has already gone up in direct response to their increase in income. That's an immediate increase.

Slippery slope and all that. I don't know, I'm still sleepy.

intrigued to know more

What do you sell user?

He's illegally importing and selling cheap goods from China, it's great until the port authority finds him