Start doodeling

>start doodeling
>suddenly have a lot of fun
>get a lot of ideas
>want to make something rly stupid, feel like a dadaistic mastermind
>now getting rly carried away
>go to sleep with a smile on my face
>wake up to this mess (pic related)
>realize i might be autistic
what to do?

Im sure someone would pay money for it and hang it in their house
Not me, but someone
The macaroni art was a nice touch

It would be better without the 3rd grade paste additions

I don't know why but the cigarette butts and macaroni made me kek

seriously dude
start an etsy
and just do one of these every day
sell them for like 30 dollars a pop,
and as long as you are having fun making them,
people will definitely pay for those.

actually a good idea, thx

I can feel cancer developping the longer I am in this thread

I like the glued on cigarette butts. Do they smell?

I like it

jep they smell like you'd expect

Is pretty good i liek

go to hardware store. buy shovel. take home. hit self in face with shovel until you've learned lesson. rinse, repeat.

Is that the spray paint huffing guy? Also, are you a chemist, if not, where do you purchase your LSD?

it's too average and random for dada
it's poor mans dada at best

but hey, you were creative
I read a tiny bit of an obsession with dicks in this picture and you seem to like the fat man in the picture

you are between 17 and 25 yrs old
possibly german or otherwise central european (vw, superior taste award is a belgian thing)

and you've been listening to
>"las ketchup - asereje"
you are either drawing comics in your spare time or consider working in the creative area

that about right?

great, now i broke a perfectly good, new shouvle. tanks for the tip user

for the giraffe parts, face and the exhibitionist, you've copied pictures from the internet

you are used to work with china ink, watercolors and fineliner
you draw on a weekly basis
finally, you thought this collage was insane enough for Sup Forums, but really it isn't.

Nope, he's a slav.

autism is the fuel of art
professional artist here btw, not a great paying one but enough to make around 2.5/3k a month

Man, you're trying really hard aren't you?

How do you make money? Is it topical to have to use Etsy or whatever to make money? Asking for a friend.

are you speaking of yourself in the third person now?

i know and im ashamed...
jep, do like dicks. once drew a 80meter dick in the slope with a snowmobil during my time as sik-rescue-guy. you could see it from gondula.
the Rest is about right. i am sculpter now.
the paintsniffing guy is from the internet and the giraffe. the exhebitionist is not. not a slav but europeon, the obsession with dichs kinda gives it away. actually im swiss

It's cute that you think I'm OP, I don't know about the others though. But just reading yours made me cringe so hard I almost forgot about that time I denied my first sex because my parents raised me religious

Hey, I like it

It's actually great.

ha! not that far off
btw, that stylized "S" is also a european thing, isn't it? at least I always thought it is. typical school furniture art.

i like the snowmobile story. drawing dicks is a privilege that every man at least once tried.
i wouldn't have thought you're a sculptor though. drawing and sculpting skills don't necessarily go together or depend on each other.

it's cute that you cringe from such little things

i do make money online on commissions, not on etsy. not gonna tell the exact site though

im still young, maybe ill get better. did not paint a lot till now, drew a little but need to get way better at understanding collour. and not paint as obvious

lol its furaffinity then

btw one thing i can say- i don't do shitty porn drawings like most of people, more specialized in fantasy or comic related art but i do draw anything as long as the client give me that sweet money. doing porn, on the other hand, is a viable way to have commissions, even if you have to dig deep into the shitty deviantart porn community

fuck color, most people think everything is about color. study masses, make sure your drawings have the fundamentals- i almost never used color till a couple of years into drawing everyday.
go download andrew loomis drawing anatomy for all it's worth, it's the best thing you can get


its the misterious S. you can find it all over the world. noboddy knows why and who came up with not saying it was aliens but...

if you just copy lines from photos, shure. but if you understand an object or a body its pretty easy to carve it in stone.

analytic-fag user here. ( )

I actaully did the same, haven't used any color except black felted markers, fineliners and pencils. for about five years, this was all i did, study people, drew faces, rooms, comics, figures etc. i was pretty damn good at doing illustrations. only after that did i move on to colors.

i think shape and volume are far more important than color, as color only accounts for certain detailed qualities, while our stereoscopic eyes heavily rely on recognizing shapes, distances, masses, surfaces etc. .... light and shadow

since its that popular, it's probably satanic

Taco Pizza.

If you don't do more fuck you OP seriously you need to take these
artist arseholes down a notch go fuck things up
If it puts a smile on your face so be it.

You gotta harass Those up market galleries to show these insane pieces, Get a autist b friend to film it all

FUCK THOSE Pretentious assholes open so wide.

>andrew loomis drawing anatomy
guy reminds me a bit of burne hogarth

thx, reminds me i still need to work on a lot of these things.
but i still want to do more stuff with collour, all tho its kinda overratet

that only problem is that such collages are a typical entry level thing for art fags.

get the fuck away from tutorials and anatomy school books
this shit is the worst

do you want to draw like any other generic art faggot?
because that's how you become average
no mind work, just schemes, templates and drawing by numbers

no, hogarth isn't that ood. his anatomy is very peculiar, he follows his own synthesis with muscles and most of the times they aren't realistic. everything he draw has all the muscles visible for example, that isn't realistically true even on culturists. loomis approach is better, way closer to reality.

also do not listen to this guy he probably thinks that climate change isn't real.

lol, i still was a little frustrated they did not take me at the Artschools i applied for when i made this.
Hamburg even rated my portfolio an E.

see, there's a little anatomy book and tutorial sheep right there, jumping in to prove my point.
he probably loves Bob Ross unironically

it's not good enough and their decision was right
you need more practice, otherwise you'll be lost, even in first years in art school

>have fun
>wake up
>realize you might be autistic
if you think having fun is autistic you might be autistic

thats a thing that really buged me out about hogarth. his drawing were way to exaturated. not only the muscles, the clothing fold to.
but i think he really liked to show moovement so maybe thats why

lol you're retarded. tutorials don't do the job for you, expecially if you can't tell the difference between a good tutorial and total bullshit, but loomis is all about basics you NEED to have.
also medical anatomy books for what concern muscles insertion and movement are also a must

On the other hand, good luck learning how muscles works without it. Leonardo had to fucking dissect bodies to learn that, and all you have to do to have that knowledge is opening a fucking book, but still yyou refuse to. congratulations.

the likeliness of another Leonardo DaVinci to emerge is zero. He knew what he was doing and he studied anatomy not as an artist, but as a scientist. there is no reason to study science in a fashion that some guru who wrote a book on it teaches hundreds and hundreds of lonely, otherwise talentless illustrators, fashion designers and mediocre artists ever since this wave of anatomy courses started.

if you truly believe that you need to study anatomy books of any kind to become a good artists, you are brainwashed beyond reason.

It's a hard road to understand bodies, faces, shapes and space in drawing and no 29,99$ book can replace that learning process in the slightest manner. At best, it will make you become "another one of those artists" that have no style of their own.

If your goals are low, getting into fashion design or book illustration, go for it. If you want to really develope your own style, hands off that shit.

>there is no reason to study science

meant to write "there is no reason to study anatomy down to muscles and bones via the perception of another artist" of course

me too.

>It's a hard road to understand bodies, faces, shapes and space in drawing and no 29,99$ book can replace that learning process in the slightest manner
>tutorials don't do the job for you,

you're so fucking dense. A book is a good place to start, nothing else, and the guy need a good place to start. developing your own style is something that always comes up naturally AFTER you have studied tu basics, but you seem to have bought into the "oohhh art comes from your heart" bullshit so i guess good luck, just don't pull down you delusional lane new guys that want to learn like OP.

Just a couple of suggestion for real life tough:
climate change is real
vaccines aren't evil
The fire comes from combustion and it's not a sign that your god want to sacrifice your newborn son.

its not suppose to be enough, that was kind of the point.
But you are right i need a lot more practice.
just somtimes wonder about some of the people who do get in. but im no expert

>thinking you actually draw original stuff and not some rearranging of infos your brain got from copying reality/other art

>rearranging of infos your brain got from copying reality/other art

you always do that and everyone who ever lived has done so. there is randomly generated art, but anything else that has roots in reality IS BASED on your experience of course! What the fuck are you trying to say?

Are you telling me, learning to draw how someone else is drawing bodies is better than learning to understand it yourself?

With your random anatomy book, you learn to draw e.g. bodies from certain angles within weeks. Anything that slightly deviates from that will be impossible for you, because you don't have a general understanding.
you have aquired a limited understanding instead and you have fooled yourself into thinking that these are skills. The "everything has already been done" attitude stems exactly from this kind of education.

what about cecyly brown, Daniel Richter or Neo Rauch.
i bet they did not stay away from this shit

why does it fade to black? need full version

so i guess you stayd away from these kind of books?

Daniel Richter is a punk painter and has always had a thing for naive figures. There is no particularly realistic tendency in any of Daniel Richters works of the likes that would remind you of anatomically correct depictions.

*Cecily Brown
I don't know anything about her education. do you? real life nude drawing and nude studies can get you further than any anatomy book, it just takes longer. again, that's because you actually learn how to do things yourself.

Neo Rauch, he is working from models and/or copying from photos, magazines etc.
he doesn't make up postures either, as far as I know.

apart for me and nor being the same guy, you're fucking retarded if you think that a book that explains things automatically mean not making other studies for yourself.
it also makes me sure you never took the time to even open the loomis (one of the most important text ever), since incidentally one of the most common topic in it is to go out and draw from reality to go past it. it also never get inside the muscles one by one, so no danger in getting the same synthesis he used (unlike with the hogarth books, which i strongly suggested to not use above Not sure how your random assumptions about what i can and i can't draw come from, but there's nothing i can't draw, and i have to thank perspective and study on generical forms from that- that guess what, are explained in books. It is true however that drawing from a human-height point of view, but if you blame it on books, you must have forgotten that human-height is how we see the world normally- it's easier because we have tons more data in our brain than any other point of view.

he stay away from everything his local village shaman consider "bad magic" apparently
because books are bad

I've seen them and I've followed people who have either studied them meticulously or have relied on youtube tutorials for illustrations, concept art and such. My observation is that you have to be very VERY careful with these things. Those are venus traps and you easily trick yourself into thinking that you have become some kind of genius that fell from the sky. You become blind to your own style, which easily becomes so generic, you can't tell the difference between some mediocre deviant art fag and the stuff that style that you've adopted on the way.

I do condemn these tutorials simply for seeing how people end up doing generic shit instead of developing their own style. I also don't teach schemes or templates for faces for that very reason.

lol, yeah right. books are bad, that's what you get out of my answers? damn, speaking of retarded people.

Its amazing

wait wait, so this whole time you were comparing random youtube tutorials made by furfags with a book that has been in use by everyone in the industry for like 70 years?

wow, kneel before this self-proclaimed genius! he can draw anything! wow, so impressed! we've probably seen him in the papers, too.

oh, the good old ignoring the points made and call ad hominem.
keep feeling intelligent because you refuse to study instead of studyng and then rearrange your knowledge into your own style, you double nigger.

>being able to draw anything is impressive
it's the basis to everyone that even want to start. if you can draw a cube in perspective properly, you can draw anything- that's a fact.
Drawing anything in an interesting style, with composition and a sense of movement, it's another story differently.
But i guess you're the kind of guy that can't draw specific things because you have no grasp on the basics, which sounds pretty credible since the basis are inside those mean, mean books.

still think i could develop my style with desicions i make after i learn what this andrew loomis guy has to tell.
just becaus im not a proud manly man who can do everything by himself does not mean that i have to be lazy and just adapt what andrew loomis was doing.

no i haven't looked into loomis and seeing what he teaches, I wouldn't do it still. All this breaking the body down into shapes is utter bullshit to me. That's my opinion. I rather learn to understand the body my own way.

I've talked to this young lad who does half-size realistic body sculptures. he's studying at a fairly expensive university and pays some 5000$ per trimester term. he's doing the whole "breaking the body down into 7 equal lenghts" shit. he does his average indifferent sculptures in a realistic manner, yet he draws like a fucking child when it comes to portraits. that's exactly what I mean. you are fooling yourself, these teachers are fooling you and you are wasting time.
what point of yours have i missed?

>if you can draw a cube in perspective properly, you can draw anything- that's a fact.

my sides

I like it tbh my dude

>why does it fade to black?
Filmed by ISIS.

it's true, but i guess you have no idea of what "properly" is. keep thinkin in 2D, artsyhipsterfag
>i haven't looked into this weird book thing you speak of but i still suggest not to use them
i don't have anything else to say, case closed.

>But i guess you're the kind of guy that can't draw specific things because you have no grasp on the basics, which sounds pretty credible since the basis are inside those mean, mean books.

Your logic is no logic at all and you make assumptions on no grounds. I wonder if you even read and thought about the bullshit you just wrote.

Do you actually believe that you can't make any progress unless you pick up one of these predigested, schematic books?

You defend this anatomy guru shit like someone who has absolutely no aspiration whatsoever to create anything original on his own.

here's a fine example of a brainwashed andrew loomis student who thinks that he just made a great portrait.
it's a sterile, schematic, lifeless mess.

Sketching portraits the Andrew Loomis way - WetCanvas

dude seriously, i've wasted too much time on your bullshit. i've explained myself pretty well above, if you still don't get why someone that just started and have no one to learn from should rely on a credible manual (again, the most famous manual in the whole world, of which you didn't know nothing about till 5 minutes ago, which tells a lot) i can't go against this level of density. i still make a good living out of it, while -wait for the assumption- you live out of the money of your parents waiting for the muse.
kill yourself instead of giving shitty tips to newcomers.

good luck, you just sound like any other moron who falls for this crap.
you've been warned

nice trips. i think he is still talking about the basics. just if you learn them does not have to mean that you cant do some other things and even mix them with what youve learnd from the book.
reading it does not hurt.
he is not recomending living by this book the way i see it.

but i think ive seen enough straw-man arguments for one day from buth of you

you would knew that this sucks because the guy couldn't get a plane of the face right if his life depended on it. it is not sterile and lifeless, it's just wrong. once you get things right, drawing it in one style or another it's pure formality.

damn, you tricked me in responding again. i really have to close this shit.

>I enjoyed doing something but it's shit.
Do it again motherfucker it'll br slightly less shit. If you want to improve just keep going. I would first of all reccomend limiting your pallet a little, only drawing for example.

Anotha one

believe it or not, wise ass. I'm making my own money and I've just received a two months paid states scholarship to a city I won't name. my work is legitimate and just because you can't imagine someone NOT following the schematic books you adore so much, doesn't mean that you can't get develope your skills and become and artists.

It sounds like you're the one who chose from some 2 to 5 anatomy books and is now talking out of his ass about how "Loomis is the best!" and all others are inferior.

Just because you've learned from this book and grew fond of it with some shitty nostalgia on top, doesn't mean it's the best way to learn how to draw.

This is your opinion and your route how you became what you are now. And I say, fuck all that anatomy school shit, because this is where I got to now and I'm pretty fucking content with my progress and career in art right now.

right. who needs technique if you can do art.

i drew this with my mousepad by the way so it will not get as liveless as this andrew loomis painting

>but i think ive seen enough straw-man arguments for one day from buth of you
true that. hard to resist. you always make assumptions on what people write.

Living by these books ... please no! My point is that even if you take these little steps to help start things, like draw a head as a circle, it will ruin your understanding, because you will adopt templates and schemes and think this is how it's done.

visual art is neither bound to drawing hyper-realistic, photo-realism or medicinically correct bodies. it is about transporting the allover impression and memory of shapes, the way our brain works. loomis' anatomy is, like any other, very mathematical. Our memory and mind isn't a calculator. There's a good reason why El Greco and the likes have stylized their mannerism in a way that is very distinct.

i wonder what you tried to prove with that.
"look i suck" ? ...

That's bad ass art is about expressing yourself about the creative process not the end result