Which actors have no grasp of popular culture?
Which actors have no grasp of popular culture?
Leslie Jones is kill?
> pornstar
> you're all trash
Lmao, keep on sucking nigga dick and stfu about other topics
>you're all trash
loving every laugh
Based Remy telling it like it is.
Lol doesn't she suck cock on camera for money
her profile pic makes her trash
The joke isn't about the gorilla.
This is roasties not understanding humour again. First Blake Lively describing a joke condemning a rapist because "rape jokes aren't funny" and now this roastie who doesn't get the joke isn't as the expense of the gorilla, but at the expensive of annoying keyboard warriors who endlessly virtue signal whenever something bad happens about how outraged they are over the tragedy.
Literally millions of posts about how sad it was a fucking gorilla died as if it was the most tragic thing to ever happen. Nobody gives a fuck. I remember my newsfeed that day. Yeah shit sucks but it doesn't personally affect you, Helen. You can stop telling everyone how sad it is, I know a gorilla dying is sad. It goes without saying.
Leslie Jones killed herself?