

No betas allowed

is dude on the left in the blue shirt wearing two different kind of sneakers? da phuc

this movie fucking sucked cock

dont waste your time if you havent seen it just marathon Dazed and Confused again

>Jake putting the girl between him and his team mates
Never gonna make it.

Word of warning to anyone going to watch this, don't watch it with girls or with anyone who's never been into team sports.

I liked it more than Dazed

people actually communicate like this? lol

fucking sociopaths

people actually communicate like this? lol
fucking sociopaths

>don't watch it with girls

>t.beta cuck



One of my favorites this year.

I love the sort of meandering, lilting pace it has, saw a lot of that in D&C as well. The widened time frame here actually works to this film's advantage though, provides more room for growth.

They spend the whole time not understanding how the guys give each other shit everyday but then become friends again within a matter of hours.

you talked to your male peers similarly to what the movie depicted?

but grills think the guys in the movie are hot

how do they talk to each other?

seemed normal to me

have you never been involved in a sporting team?

Beta here
I fucked your waifu

shit film but of course Sup Forumseddi/tv/ is gullible enough to praise it

watch more films pleb


Watching this movie I was jelly as fuck.

>skinny in college
>never went out
>started working out
>get in great shape just as I finish college
>now I got a job and I have no time for social life

But hey,at least people at work think I was a Chad in college,that's something,r-right?

how come this makes me feel nostalgic and comfy despite that I never lived through the 70s?


And that's just how the Linklater rolls man.

the movie takes place in august 1980

seemed downright retarded and spergy with zero honesty
it felt like watching women

as in a group of guys with double digit IQs? yeah. and not even them were as autistic as what the movie depicted

because it feels like an experience more than it does watching a film

It feels like you're one of them

>They spend the whole time not understanding how the guys give each other shit everyday but then become friends again within a matter of hours.

To be honest,I don't understand it too. I was a late bloomer and I never participated in team sports when I was a child. When I got taller and stronger I started working out and boxing. The guys there were all like this and I stuck out like a sour thumb. I never understood roasting and I didn't participate in roasts but I was sometimes the subject. Also the pranks they did were mean as fuck

>call this guys parents and act like they need to get the "stuff" from him even though they know his parents are conservative
>scribble one guys phone number on the building for good time
>humiliating someone who talks to a girl
>watched fucked up videos and said fucked up stuff all the time

how is that any better than women pretending they like someone but never really liking them?
both are autistic and retarded and mean.

It's character building

the opposite is you come out a fucking numale pussy who's non binary

How is that character building? One of the guys talks around about raping men anally in detail and watches horse fucking videos. But he pretends he is normal and looks normal when he is out of the group. It's fucked up.

When did any of the characters in the film behave like this?

You've got me confused

I was talking about my irl experience because that is how jocks act like now.

You've never used anal rape as a threat to another man? What are you, queer or something?

everyone is at least a bit fucked up, better to talk about with actual friends than shitpost on Sup Forums

Dazed and Confused was a remake of American Graffiti

wow first time i watched it i stopped watching 25 mins in because it made me worry and jealous how i wasnt a chad.

revisted it last night, cant stop rewatching different scenes of it. maaan it is so good

This thread is lacking pics of the QT from this movie. She is Lea Thompson's daughter.

>marathon dazed and confused again
You don't marathon a movie you fucking idiot.

Great movie but main character got too deep by the end. He is too much of a special little snowflake with no faults at all. Other Chads were far more believable.

Other than that it had a surprisingly good flow. Also it never ceases to amaze me how easily people can get along with strangers they just met (then again it's the protagonist who I'm mainly talking about in he is above comprehension).

sounds made up

Lanklater a shit. A SHIT!

>getting Oscars for that made-for-tv tier movie Boyhood only because the space of time it was filmed over.

>Linklater is bad because the Academy overrated one of his films
flawless logic there