>Raimi was subsequently invited by the NAACP to give a speech on his experience working with people of color at their 100th anniversary convention in February 2009. However, when asked to give his opinion on the advancement of civil rights in recent decades at a press conference towards the end of the event, Raimi's statement reportedly consisted of just one sentence: "the road to hell is paved with good intentions."[33] It was widely interpreted as racist in nature by the media and much public outrage ensued. As of June 2016 Raimi has refused to issue an apology for the gaffe.[34][35]
Raimi was subsequently invited by the NAACP to give a speech on his experience working with people of color at their...
daaamn raimi back at it again with the white power
Who the fuck is Raimi and why should I care?
how neat would it be to be spiderman and swing around the twin towers in the late 90's/early 00's
>that scene where peter violently rapes his black neighbor's daughter and burns her alive on a cross in her father's yard
jesus fucking christ raimi
>macy gray parade scene
Spiderman turns to the camera and breaks the 4rth wall, "Ladies and gentlemen of the film going audience, American forces have just entered Kabul."
was this really necessary
How is that statement racist?
He has made the most Sup Forums / redpilled trilogy.
He was a man from a different time, shit like this was perfectly normal back in his day.
These memes are only funny if you post the pictures with your shitty racist dubs.
Howdy, reddit!
>finds thread dumb
>comes into it anyways
shut up racist
director of pure kino
Babby's first shitpost?
gotta love raimi even his shitty movies are kinda entertaining
>Any more bright Ideas?
>Yeah I could take you old jew fat ass into the rails and grind you so your grease make the train wheels go slower then I'll jizz all over you with my reactive sticky cum so the train completely stops.
I was shocked that didn't worked
>Mary Jane, I want to rape you, lol
Wow Raimi, really?
>Any last words, Parker?
>I'm glad 9/11 happened
I remember the whole room gasping in shock
Did Joey Diaz really deserve that?
can someone explain the raimi meme to me?
>>>reddit is that way friendo