So why are white people all equally responsible for slavery but Muslims aren't responsible for the terrorist attacks...

So why are white people all equally responsible for slavery but Muslims aren't responsible for the terrorist attacks they commit every single day?

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A Muslim could mirder someone in the street and nobody would care yet I can't go a day without being screamed at over something I had nothing to do with.

Today's white people aren't responsible for slavery but they benefit from it by virtue of slaves having driven entire sectors of the American economy. Muslims demonstrably don't benefit from terrorism. Also, fuck off to Sup Forums.

becasue whites r pussies

all whites should be killed

What u guna do bout it white boi

kill yourself white bitch i fucking hate whites

Muslims are also responsible for slavery. They were the wholesalers of African slavery. EVEN TODAY MUSLIMS OPENLY PRACTICE SLAVERY.

Crickets from liberals.

>So why are white people all equally responsible for slavery
Literally nobody is saying that.

prove it cracker bitch

Have you stepped foot on a college campus?

Are you trolling or are you actually that retarded?

I have, and probably more recently than you.

I work at a college. The teaching of white collective culpability was slavery and racism it's now standard and institutionalized.

everyone currently in America is benefiting from that era of slavery; not just white people

Honestly slavery wasn't even that bad. The niggers got food, a place to live, etc.


Is just through that link. Post this repetitive Left-Right-Up-Down shit there.

It was better than us paying their welfare because they can't hold down a job

We're not. Just like nazi scum are wrong about all Muslims sharing responsibility, these BLM fags are wrong about current day whites being responsible for slavery. Personally, my ancestors on both sides came from Europe during the 1940s, and they got here poor. We never had slaves.

All lives matter, and I don't say that to undercut the fact that blacks are disproportionately targeted by some of our law enforcement, or that institutional racism doesn't exist. But that is the truth of the matter, and the only way we're going to fix anything is by standing united, not polarizing along race more than we already do.

The left and right are both wrong. Democrats, Republicans - abandon the idea of parties. Choose your own beliefs instead of trying to align with the idea of Red vs Blue.

cursed image?

i'm crying for how much of a faggot you are

Thanks. I appreciate you're concern

because muslims typically are from countires that have brown peolple in them. But white people are better than everyone so it's okay if brown people do bad things that white devils also do.

good question, except that it's towel heads, kikes, and niggers that are responsible for slavery throughout history, and still going today. Whites are responsible for ending it in white majority nations