IT'S HAPPENING Civil war in France, no official medias relaying the info

IT'S HAPPENING Civil war in France, no official medias relaying the info.

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there has been a nuclear detonation!!!


>civil war

It's just a bunch of workers rioting. Pretty sure this is just French culture

Well maybe if we are lucky it can evolve into a civil war.

happeningfags in a nutshell everybody

DOn't bother, it's nothing

Do we give the rebels guns to pay them back for the revolution or do we not?

yup looks like every protest ever


Can you stop fucking lying? "Muh civil war" you cunt .. that just some daily protest asshole...


I will not keep you posted.

France always has civil wars so they can actually win a war


At least Europe can actually riot better than the U.S. We get a good riot here once every decade.

>civil war
>leftist fag


mfw turkey is whiter than france

>all these brown people

wtf I hate France now

We have chimp-outs which are riots on drugs.

>Civil war
Yeah maybe in the eyes of other countries.
This is just a protest , if there is a real civil war in France it will not be like in the other cucked countries of Europe believe me the streets will be red with blood

Bunch of afro arabs in the pic, what do they want exactly?

I like Turk womens (RIP girl in the pic ;_;)

You have to be human to be white, roach,

Would you be Robespierre for us? Pleeeeeeease!

wus hapent to her?

None of those turds look French

Welcome to Paris :^)

Yeah sorry we already have a hell of a job in our country so burger land will have to liberate its self from the nig nogs sorry.

based France showing europe how it's done like always

there's surprisingly few colored folks visible in the stream

Are they storming the Bastille yet?

Basically protesting against what's already in law in other countries.

We know, we will die soon. Had a good run with you all, time to fucking go out and kill some nigs while at it.

>absolutely nothing happening

Well done OP, don't try to copy me if you act like this..


That wasn't very nice of them to do

This is why they are protesting. It might go to 40 or 45 for France, but UK has already more than that.

So are the CRS gonna blow the fuck out of the lefties once again so we can have some good carnage again? place your bets gents

>Yes let's all be good goyim and work more for the same shit


I confirm this

I'll never consider the French as my peoples but i will come shoot bullets in the name of white Europe.

Just gimme a call

Un bon CRS est un CRS mort.
Pussy ass bitch

Nobody said that. It's just legal allowed hours. Do they even know that concept in USA?

Why would you consider us as your people in the firs place your dutch, your people are not mine either.
But I would gladly fight with any country of europe against the mudslimes thats for sure

A zoo escape is not a riot though.

Ahmed le jour de la corde s'approche pour toi,
il est temps de partir maintenant


This happens every other day here in Britain you stupid frogs

Please don't say that. She's too cute to be RIP!


Your making a mistake britbong when you have a protest in britain, its mudslimes waving an islamic state flag and shouting to behead infidels

You do know that it was the French Royalty and the Empire that were your friend ? The republics always wanted to shit on the US

>showing Europe how it's done
>monarchy falls and Europe follows just 200 years later