Refresh edition
>CANADIAN AUTIST sub edition
Refresh edition
>CANADIAN AUTIST sub edition
1st for chelsea
Just bought SIF milner
>I play 3-4-3
>I live in a non-European first world country
>I use legends
>I average more than 50% possession
This ain't Sup Forums nor Sup Forums, stay on topic Mohammad
whoever just beat me is a stupid fucking niGGer faggité
I should I invest in OTW Dealer?
>guy wins on last minute own goal
>fucking watches the replay
Starting to thing the FIFA gods hate me.
This is beyond ridiculous. People need to start being ****** for this. You guys are cool, don't show up to Burnaby, British Columbia tomorrow
What division is everyone in on seasons. The regular ones not the fut one.
I bought the game a month ago and I'm in division 5. Why is everyone so shit and why does everyone play as real Madrid?
If you're not shit all you need is like 5 shots MAX on goal to score 3 goals. Just a tap finesse errytime
>Why is everyone so shit
Because you're in division 5
>I waste my weekend playing soccer simulator then brag about it with my Sup Forums buddies
need 200k to finish suarez sbc
Division 2 here, the whole ride is a RM, barca and bayern fest but if you think everyone there is a shithead and a nigger cunt go and play FUT. You will never see so much faggotry in any other place of the earth.
In terms of enjoyment this is the worst WL yet, and oddly enough I'm on course to beat my record. I'll give the next bpl wl a miss. Truly garbage.
give breathing a miss
Can you give me a reason explaining what I've done to upset you?
>upset you
I'm division 4 finally
thanks for the advices guys r8 btw
Smalling for Williams
Willian or Mane for Mahrez
too expensive tbqh maybe later when I get coins and I didn't like mane
>its a half second of button lag episode
Just stopped controlling the defense, might be the best thing ever
Fuck off Shap.
Fuck off Sal.
how can I improve on the meme formation? Only have 10k to work with.
Sell gignac. Buy modeste. Marksman or hunter.
Or change go a 523 and buy proper wingbacks in sidibe and corchia. Tremoulinas as cover for sidibe. And you already have sissoko so you're good.
Sell perrin, buy varane and le marchand
Also have a look at the just updated Morgan sanson, slightly better than tolisso.
Also. Don't buy IFs just because it's an IF and it looks good.
Half second sounds like heaven, where do I sign up?
I am used to around 2 seconds in wl
different user but thanks for the sanson rec, been using tolisso
thanks brit bros. Going to stay with the formation. Good shout on Sanson.
>all french
>building an argentinian league team around Tevez on 10k
>going surprisingly well
Your midfield must be a pain in the ass to play against. Those are some of my favorite Premiere League players. I need to try that
Where is the upgrade list
Current squads?
I call this lot "team operation human shield"
Couldn't think of anything better to do with SIF Cally that didn't involve expensive bunda
Holy shit lads, Florenzi is out for season. Torn ACL
Matic > Kante
>all french team
>2 white people
really makes me think
SIF gameiro is coming
Filthy sand nigger, go back to Pakistan so I can bomb you, slime.
>be Steven f
>wake up on Saturday from a long week of playing FIFA 17 in moms basement
>proceed to spend the next 45 hours playing FIFA
>don't go to work Monday because you're unemployed and uneducated
here's my fitness
Any probability for a winter upgrade for Robben? I feel like he got an undeserved downgrade
Currently 13-0 lads
Mertens is insane.
Reminds me of Fifa 14 TOTS Messi.
>he spends money on a video game he already owns
Just sold my SIF 85 Gameiro for 150k in preparation, good call or nah?
I bought him for 81k back in the day if that matters
I only bought a few points at the beginning and at TOTY, rest I traded up for
Also grab an otw morata just in case since he is starting.
he is i think
So my post stands true you dumb nigger
I suppose but it's better than spending $100 going out and getting drunk every weekend
>spending money on a video game you already own is better than going out with friends/girls and having a good time socializing
Spoken like a true loser, josh b.
>no answer to a retarded statement he made because he's actually a loser
Chill man, I know you're shitposting but it's not very good,
Anyway, I don't think investing in Morata is a good idea. He'll be invisible
Only an /r9k/ browsing faggot like you that has never left his basement would put going out and getting drunk on such a high pedestal.
Who's getting downgraded lads?
Why do you always mention r9k? What even is that?
>he wasn't in a fraternity in college and has never experienced great drinking moments
Fucking L O L
Go back to red-dit. Thanks.
do you reckon the rest of your fraternity now spends their time 24/7 shitposting on an anime imageboard in a thread dedicated to a video game or did they make something of their lives
>haven't posted in days
You literally admitted to browsing /r9k/ and Sup Forums
>what even is that haha
Poor effort, Elliot. Keep projecting though
you are always here, literally skankhunt42
When? I said Sup Forums.
How would you know other than always being here yourself.
because every time I open /fifa/ you're here
I don't really care about you spamming but just know you're as much of a loser as whoever you call a loser in this thread.
Fuck buy Morata
Could we see an IF Pisscheck?
>nazi opinions on sport
Bit late idiot
> need to win 2 out of 3 matches to get elite 1
> lost first 2 cause of shitty rebounds
> win last 5-0
Reeeeeeee. Give me my elite 1.
>he didn't lose 350k combined on pogba and sif lacazette
>1 shit goal
>Enough to get inform
Sell Morata
If you bought him before he scored like Macedonia said you would've made 30k on him retard
>substantial sum
>buy 3 of him for 120k
>sell all 3 for 210k
It's almost as if you could've bought more than one you dumb muslim
do it a couple times, 30k times ten is three million
>fifa 12 was 15 years ago
Is this how Mexicans multiply?
Sell Morata now, Isco is getting an inform instead.
Should've sold him 10 minutes ago
S/TIF Lukaku is basically cheating
Isn't Pisscheek playing CB rn?
managed to get 4 TOTW cards(boudebouz x 2, thomas and paredes) this past few days from SBC packs.
only got the game last week, is that a normal to get so many?
they aren't worth a lot so yeah the pack weight for them is relatively low
It's still good pack luck you negro, I've had like 5 IFs in millions of coins worth of packs
managed to get 10k for paredes and 25k for the first boudebouz. not too bad.
made a ligue 1 team with the 2nd boudebouz and thomas. thomas the tank is damn good on the left of back 3
it's alright, nothing special. EA also raises pack luck for people who haven't played the game in a while or are just getting the game a few months in.