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>pens lineup
this is ridiculous the blowjobs haven't seen the pens at full strength yet this year
>nobody in ohio players hockey
>ohio fags are pretending to be hockey fans
I kek every time
Blue Jackets players are really dirty after the whistle.
lol honorary nig
gonna be a wild one lads
>nobody in Pittsburgh plays hockey
>Pittsburgh fans are pretending to be hockey fans
I kek every time
the city of pittsburgh has more nhl players than the entire state of ohio
The shitty of spitsburgh
>get pushed from behind
>columbus announcers homer attitude
gotta find a root stream
finally a call against Pittsburgh
>mad at Jeff rimer
your best player is from pittsburgh. your entire state has 2 players no one has ever heard of. let's not even bring up the rest of Pennsylvania
ROOT is the worst homer broadcast in the league, worse than NESN
Our best player is from Russia, and our other best player is from Boston
Pittsburgh plays plenty of hockey. Hell I'm still pissed the Pens passed on Saad when he was the obvious choice to draft.
>shittsburgh pile of shit is better than Ohio's pile of dogshit
the good thing about root is they don't really talk up their own guys or anything they just talk shit on the other team for penalties and bad hits. It's much easier for me to tune that out rather than people being faggots about a goal
Let me guess, you're that Toronto poster who is on here 16 hours a day.
the 1930s were a helluva time for hockey
>Saad is manletson, jones, Bob or a bunch of great players
>Ohio has had great players come from it
>must have been in the 30s
Fuck you and -300 state
the entire state of Ohio has 2 current NHL players. they both suck.
nope i'm a 'lels fan
your banter is shit-tier
>that pathetic list
Even J. T. Miller grew up right along the PA border in what is basically a Pittsburgh suburb.
Nice reading comprehension moran
Ohio=hockey powerhouse you're right
David Ellet was fuckin amazing
Explains the little guy complex
>Croshit being exposed
how many playoff series has Ohio won?
Isn't this about the time of year Bob goes down with a season ending injury? He's literally the reason this team is above .500 right now.
Like the whole state?
>bragging about shittsburgh nhlers being better than Ohio's
it's like bragging about beating a cripple in a marathon
nah torts forces his players to play through injuries and they go down a few days before the playoffs start
Ohio and Philadelphia are desperately jealous of Pittsburgh because Pittsburgh wins everything and they don't know what it feels like. It's just fun.
Did you know Columbus hasn't even won a playoff series and Philadelphia hasn't won the cup in over 40 years? it's fucking crazy
>attention whoring in a gamethread not involving your team
Leafs everyone
It's almost as if you play the best teams in the NHL in the playoffs you will lose
Really makes me think
ya blew it
that's funny because the pens win. and then win. and then win again, and then win again.
that's how they got this nice thing
oh and they did that 4 times.
like 4 whole times. sorry Ohio nigger
Pittsburgh is literal rundown povertytown compared to Columbus
i bet if they never had Lemieux and didn't purposely tank to get Crosby that they wouldn't have a single one
they can just melt down their 4 stanley cups for money it's ok
Shittsburgh confirmed for worst banter and easily triggered lellmao
I bet if the blue jackets weren't in Ohio they would have already won one
Tough shit you still live in Pittsburgh you unemployed Pollack
Makes no sense. Try harder next time
That makes no sense, the wild don't have one either, at least I have some money to spend on a hockey team where that money doesn't go to the toilet don't get me wrong winning is nice, but if I have to worry about my team getting sold after the end of the year then why spend a penny
Guentzel is going to be really good after a year or so of playing with Crosby and/or Malkin. This organization just churns out talent through the pipeline.
I don't live in Pittsburgh, I have a job, I'm not Polish. what else makes you angry?
now you're just projecting
>tank to get Crosby
American hockey knowledge.
Now tanking for lemieux is a whole nother story
>I don't live in Pittsburgh
>actually admitting to being a bandwagoner
Okay, your favorite team is broke and there is nothing anyone can do about it except relocation or selling the team
Hope they don't trade him for some patchwork D man desu
I live in Pennsylvania. What's your problem, do you live in Columbus? Please post your view
What makes you think the Penguins are broke?
They had malkin, fleury and some other solid players, they literally tanked for him
Opposite actually. Pittsburgh has by far seen the most recovery of all rust belt cities, while Columbus has pretty much dwindled down to being a flyover city.
Columbus was literally never rust belt since it wasn't a shithole run by retards who thought the entire economy should be based on manufacturing, like Pittsburgh, Cleveland and Detroit.
They've gone bankrupt twice Columbus is becoming a thriving college city and worthington industries has made a lot of jobs in the past few years Cleveland however everything here is basically shut down besides Cleveland steel and the quary business, come get some stone please
>all this passive aggressive jealousy Pittsburgh ITT
Cringe as fuck desu
oh so you weren't watching hockey then and don't know about the lockout got it.
go to bed kid
>actually bragging about being a rust belt city
Haha oh wow
No, but still they tanked for malkin meaning they technically tanked for Crosby
>They've gone bankrupt twice
oh no you're talking about what happened when George W. Bush was still president that's hilariously sad of you!
I'm glad Columbus has liberal colleges there brainwashing your youth but Pittsburgh is actually very successful now, go on a job hunt and see for yourself!
I'm in college for engineering sorry mate I ruined your banter also nobody wants to work in a rundown hasbeen city
Columbus never had anything going for it in the first place. It's why they can't even get sports franchises to move there despite being the 15th most populated US city. It's a giant black hole in the center of Ohio. Hell, even right now their stadium is roughly 40% Pens fans who drove from Pittsburgh.
>tanking for malkin
ovechkin was the top prospect that year
>technically tanked for Crosby
see this is how I know you're young. there was no tanking for crosby because the season didn't happen. every team had a chance to draft him that year and winning the draft the year before actually hurt their chances of winning the crosby draft
>I'm in college for engineering sorry mate I ruined your banter also nobody wants to work in a rundown hasbeen city
yep you're young nobody cares what you think. get a job and come back later
>bragging about being a rust state
It's literally the only city in Ohio that's actually good.
Malkin never go to play because it was a lockout year you dumb shit. Every team got a chance for Crosby weighted on how they played the previous 3 seasons. Go read how they did the draft and realize what a fucking moron you are
This. The ONLY time anybody brings up Columbus is when you're talking OSU.
>who cares that your city is good, let me talk about the rest of your state that is shit!
Really seething right here lmao
>good at anything
lol oh man
Columbus is a nice city in an otherwise shit state while Pittsburgh is a total hellhole in an otherwise nice state.
yeah that's why google and uber moved there.
Yeah, so they wouldn't have to deal with the New York traffic and it's cheaper to move to shittsburgh
It's all about money, they made enough money so that anywhere they move they will be fine
so why didn't they move to Columbus? Is it just a coincidence all these tech companies are choosing PIttsburgh rather than Columbus?
Google is still in HQ'd California you stupid fuck.
>ctrl+f Columbus
>ctrl+f Pittsburgh
It's more expensive in Columbus
top kek
>all these 18 year old flyover ohioans who just got into hockey 3 months ago pretending like they're well traveled just to avoid the fact that their dirty as shit team is dipping in the standings
This thread is a riot
>Uber based in San Francisco, California
>Google based in Mountain View, California
Good job making shit up. Pretty sure the only meaningful companies based in Shittsburgh are those steel producers like it's always been.
I think you're giving them a lil too much credit there
>mad at the jackets
Get fucked cuck
I understand you're still in college but go ahead and look up where their satellite locations are kid.
the headquarters location does not have the majority of employees. you should seriously get an internship you retard
Murray on Murray crime
>satellite locations
Wew lad, I bet you also celebrate when a Taco Bell opens in your city.
Columbus area is home to 5 power 500 companies and unlike Shittsburgh they aren't all related to some illiterate niggers working in steel foundries.