You'll cowards don't even smoke crack

You'll cowards don't even smoke crack

>smokes crack
nigger what is you doing

no one cares fucking spick

Can you hook me up with some crack

another cracker tryna act edgy on some overrated 15 year old anime image board

Hahaha, you fucking crackheads are nasty. I was at drycreek in cali yesterday and some dude was smoking crack and threw a rock at my friend and i beat the shit out of him. Really slows your reflexes. kys crack fag

>uses drugs to feel beter


whats up with that?

Forgot to include you too

Murder yourself my man


no one gives a fuck you attention-seeking twat. Yes I've smoked crack and way too many sheets. Nothing makes me feel trashier than that so why the fuck would we care.

I don't care if you judge me
I'm smoking cooked, and living so lovely
So stop looking like you're dumb
You know you wanna try, but fail to get some

Why not man


You guys have any funny stories about church?

You driling that shit up your nose or what

Y do u smoke crack? R u a sad lad?

another 5mm socket gone.
fuck you crackheads


been there, done that, addicted, now im not. took years. no jail. good luck user.

Lol sick rimes fam

Ahh viper days

hello newfriend

How do i get crack all i can get weed and xanz from a friend of mine

hahaaaaaa, yeahhhhhh

sorry faggot but i enjoy having money in my bank and teeth that aren't rotten.

One time, me and some friends put some flowers near the ministers Bible, not in it because we would never do something like that, and when he went to do the sermon he was so confused how flowers got there. We all had a friendly chuckle.

What's up with that?

Honestly one of the worst songs I've heard in my life