What went wrong?
What went wrong?
Too many penises
Snake's retarded screenplay
zack snyder, same shit with mos and bvs
>Directed by Zack Snyder
The end
It was one of the better capeshit movies.
Shit source material
On its own, it's pretty good.
The problem was that Zack Snyder thought he could make Superman and Batman movies after that, and WB couldn't tell him "no".
"I'm going to nine-eleven the shit outta this!"
what the fuck did veidt mean by this!?
>Fassbender wasn't Ozymandias
>Color palette was to bleak compared to the book's bright, secondary coloring
>Prison hallway fight
>Manhattan not having last words with Ozy
Other than that, it was kino. I doubt anyone could've done a better adaption.
zack "as long as it looks cool" snyder
Fucking kill yourself.
>implying the original ending was better
IMO this was a decent flick and for a Zack Snyder movie this is sum o his best
Music video director with the storytelling sensibilities of an 11 year old smashing toys on the playground adapting into a film a comic specifically created to take full advantage of the storytelling possibilities of the comic medium
Everything went wrong from day one.
>directed by Zach Snyder
>inb4 someone says "he didn't get the source material"
I'll stop you right now and let you know ....that's not a proper criticism even if it was true (which it isn't)
Still better than terry Gillian's, who wanted to cast Jaime Lee Curtis as silk
There was no reason for it to be made.
Bad casting choices for Ozzy and Silk Spectre.
Ridiculous scenes like Hallelujah one
>geopolitics are too complex for me so it makes perfect sense that the US main deterrent going rogue has the same consequences as a third party deterrent appearing out of nowhere
You watchmen flick kiddies are simply brutes.
Stay triggered
Zack Snyder.
I loved it. Can it still be considered capeshit? I found the ending superior to the original comic ending.
the problem was a director that only sees things at the surface level, he is all suits and slow mo badass moments in an adaption of a comic book that is the opposite of that
TL:DR Snyder didnt understand the source material
this? capeshit?
more like lameshit at best. only ONE character in this has actual super powers. it fucking SUCKS. boriiing. one of the most pretentious hipster films I have seen.
An alien that appeared, died immediately on its own after attacking one city in one country, and then never came back would not be as helpful on a global scale as an attack on cities all over the world by an entity people have some level of understanding of.
Shoulda been a mini series
You've never read the source material,have you?
Yes. I am glad that zack snyder has now resorted to his heroes ineffectually throwing eachother through multiple buildings and will soon be implementing quips into his kinos as well.
>who wanted to cast Jaime Lee Curtis as silk
sounds good familia
>I found the ending superior to the original comic ending.
you are retarded and could not understand the comic book
all I'm sayin' is I'm fucking tired of those lib-tarded hipster movies ruining the fuckin' industry. nobody cares about this shit. yes, maybe one hipster will watch it and be all like "it's so le-deep! you think nothing happens but actually *insert some dumb "intelectual" buzzwords*!". like fuck off. just make good movies again please.
But this is the point. No one has understanding of the alien, so they have to unite against it to save the human race.
They literally say it in the movie
>god is real. And he is American.
Manhattan is an american citizen, who even won the Vietnam war to America. Him attacking everyone in the world puts the blame on America, not on a third party.
Malin Akerman
>An alien that appeared, died immediately on its own
the fact that it died gives hope to the people in case another attack comes, the aliens can be hurt, they can die while the movie ending doesnt work because Manhattan is an invulnerable god and the extend of his powers is well known, theres no reason to band together against him
>the alien never came back
he left horrible nightmares and visions of his home planet on the survivors thats enough to raise the alarms about a possible attack and enough time for Ozy to build his perfect world
You are the reason we cant have nice movies.
>Jaime Lee Curtis as silk
Imagine being the Comedian...
>most of New York gets obliterated along with other major cities around the globe
Come on dude, use your fucking head.
An American agent nukes the world and you think countries are going to band together instead of blame America
>your superweapon backfires
>the weapon, which you already used in a major war, and constantly remind the enemy that it can stop nukes
>think Russia will forgive you in the fucking Cold War
But I get it, Manhattan could work if the movie was made around it, and they didn't just switched a part in the comic.
That's why Ozy sent a bomb to New York as well, smart guy. Millions of Americans died as well. The world will think Manhattan went rogue, especially after his talk show debacle where he explicitly states there is no difference between a living human and a dead one - he doesn't give a fuck about anyone.
Still, politically he is an American. Reds can say American capitalism made him lose connection with humanity.
But as I stated, Manhattan could work, but there wasn't enough set up. They should had made him a "world citizen", someone who tries to be friends with all sides. Then it makes sense that Russia befriends America.
>I doubt anyone could've done a better adaption.
Except for maybe 300 and the dawn of the dead remake i hate Snyder, but you're not wrong. Watchmen is very medium specific, and because of that it makes it very hard to do a good adaptation that doesn't ignore the source material.
It has flaws and missed a few important points, but its as good as you can get.
remind you that Watchmen happens in the cold war in the brink of WW3, if the Russians got nuked by an American Agent like Dr. Manhattan they would retaliate instantly they would not wait to see if USA got nuked too
>but its as good as you can get
not true, I doubt other director would make it look as good but any other director who undertands the original comic could have made a better adaptation
nout, it was actually pretty good considering it was capeshit, had a bit more depth rather than oozing with pure cheese and unbearable characters
thats the point Watchmen is not capeshit but Snyder turned it into capeshit
>Watchmen is very medium specific
Almost as if it was designed that way.
Nothing. The movie entertained me as it should.
but the movie had capes, surely it would be considered capeshit
not really, capeshit is a formula and Watchmen does not follow that formula
but it still has capes
What the fuck was their problem?
Watchmen is soulless. It's like someone doing a puppet show of a Shakespearean play with no understanding of the subtext.
>I didn't get Watchmen was a critique of superhero comics.
>I didn't understand how the alien squid ties everything together thematic.
It definitely was. But i meant that as WHY its generally considered to be unfilmable.
I wonder with the current glut of capeshit if a watchman adaptation that uses the medium of film to take the story and change it to be a reaction of the superhero genre itself, the way the comic was self aware about itself.
Poor acting
Snyder's scenes were moronic (Cohen sex scene, that hamfisted Strangelove scene, le epic fight scenes!!!)
kinda like the color palette of the movie but other than that completely agree.
This, this is what I've been saying for years in these threads.
Well, Moore said in a 1986 interview that "What I'd like to explore is the areas that comics succeed in where no other media is capable of operating". So in filming Watchmen, one could take a complementary approach: explore areas that films succeed in where no other media is capable of operating.
But that was literally one of the only good things about it, even Moore liked his screenplay.
I remember that script didnt have the squid but an attack from outer space from a satellite by Ozymandias which sounds better than blaming it on Dr. M
I felt like the ending was shit, the whole film is a superhero films trying not to be a typical superhero film then it ends with a typical villain shit
It was impossible to adapt and Snyder's Kenneth Branagh approach to the material was a bit wrongheaded in my opinion. That being said it does as good a job as any movie I can imagine doing the Watchmen in film.
The screenplay is solid af. Thats why snyder did a good job here he had some solid foundational writibg to work off of
I haven't read it since middle school and I haven't watched it since 2011. Why did Snyder change the pedophile execution scene from a burning to a hacking again? I remember not being a fan of that change. Also, of course, Veidt's casting went terribly wrong. They should've cast Patrick Warburton or any other masculine figure with the gravitas to match JDM and the nigger who played Rorschach.
Herro bait-san
nothing, it's the GOAT "superhero" movie
No. That has been and always will be Darkman.
>Veidt's casting went terribly wrong.
Which is weird since the rest of the cast looked pretty good. Wouldn't have minded night owl packing on about 45lbs, but what can you do its hollywood.
But veidt was all wrong.