Anybody else hate the Atlanta Falcons for losing that Super Bowl? I used to be neutral with the Falcons but now I honestly fucking hate them.
Thanks for choking and giving Brady his 5th ring you southern hick faggots
Anybody else hate the Atlanta Falcons for losing that Super Bowl? I used to be neutral with the Falcons but now I honestly fucking hate them.
Thanks for choking and giving Brady his 5th ring you southern hick faggots
I hate everyone from the south. Poor people should be genocided.
>mfw another team loses to the pats
Eli why havent you won a playoff game in 7 years?
keep living in the past ayyyy
I Couldn't give an ounce of fuck lmao
The south looks sooooo boring but idk lol
The south is complete shit, its too hot to even go outside in the summer and the tornadoes are fucked
Yeah For sure now
>tfw every Patriots owl win cements his legacy even more
Eli will make it the HoF on those two wins alone
pats fan in south carolina. this place fucking blows
I can't believe the patriots won another two Super Bowl's and they were probably the best Super Bowl's of all time
I honestly do not see a team in the AFC that will stop the patriots next year I mean just imagine what's going to happen when they have Gronk again
>pats fan
Kys faggot. I dont carw if your grandmothers mexican maid spent one summer working in Providence.
>he thinks Gronk will be back
I will never forgive the Falcons for doing that but I fucking hate the Seahawks even more
How the hell did the greatest defense in the last 10 years give up 28 to Brady
idk man, I thought brady had no chance at passing Joe after 2011, and then he goes and wins the 2 most epic super bowls ever pretty much
fuck them
You just put him on the injured reserve again. Good job.
I mean he stayed healthy all of 14, its possible
just makes me hate them even more
didn't they re re sign one of his bros'?
yaa there are 2 gronks on the pats now
>gronk breaks record by being on the cover of madden twice after 2 season where he didnt play much/at all in postseason
>patriots continue to keep him on as a sacrifice to the madden gods
hell yeah
roger, c'mon man
Id love if that was Roger
haha yeah fuck the south, hehe
yankee master race, amiright guys
You know what I'm honestly just embarrassed for the entire city of Lanta
The only people who use the term yankees and Southeners and a new york baseball team
.......only Brits and Southerners use "Yankee" unironically. Unless you have horrendous teeth, you really shouldn't use the word. Its cringy
>defending niggers and third world tier southern poorfags
As expected of Germany
Germany used to be badass, now its just full of faggot cucks
Im done with the NFL after another Pats win damn SB
I can't believe the patriots won yet another Super Bowl what is this world coming to
I wonder if any falcons fans come into these threads
Yankees are proud of their nigger-enabling states. Check out the paradises known as Chicago and Detroit.
But New England is white as hell though
>these threads
yes.... sigh....
>the south literally has the highest concentration of black people in the states
Can't make this shit up. Literally laughing at your pathetic existence, Cletus. Enjoy getting dicked down by niggas while you cash in your welfare
You gotta deal with Bostonians though. You can hear those half wop half paddy bastards and their terrible fucking accents from 200 miles away. Good food and beer though.
We know how to keep them down and dumb. Enjoy getting cucked by Demarcus and whoever else can get a piece through diversity quotas
Fuck the South they should all be gassed
>dies of air pollution and AIDS
This isn't the 1970s dude, you clearly have never been to Boston lol
Its all college kids nowadays
This. The movies are an extreme exaggeration clearly
yeah Boston may be white but NYC is black
>da souf calling anyone else black
I bet you cant drive 20 seconds without seeing a nig
Yes, the South is poor, inbred and stupid.
But at least they aren't smug gay black Jewish illegal immigrant-loving lefty trannies like the rest of Americans.
The south is literally illegal immigrant central you dumb limey cunt. Ever heard of Texas and Florida?
Ever heard of a certain man called Emmitt Smith? That's what the South does to people like you.
Meanwhile what do the effeminate nancy boys and their BBC-loving wives (and their boyfriends) who make the rest of Americans do? They flip their shit and go rioting because their new President wants to enforce the law and won't let them lurk in women's toilets.
Your country is sick.
t. retarded paki who gets all his info from Sup Forums
If you think the south is some nigger lynching paradise i got some bad news for you. Its home to more nigger lovers than the rest of the country. And the irony of you of all fucks calling anyone else sick is laughable
Being remembered as "the only man who could beat Tom" is a nice legacy imo
t. Schlomo from New York who is furiously masturbating in his cuckshed to the sound of Tyrone deflowering his girlfriend
56% of your country is white.
Also South Americans leftists use it as an insult to the whole USA
yes I am here, nobody hates the Falcons more than Falcons fans. Atlanta teams fucking blow
>Look at title
>Go into thread
>Retarded Sup Forums tier shitflinging
Flags were a mistake
yup. i think i might have a problem.
They made some stupid fucking mistakes the last 8 minutes, when all they needed to do was run the clock and then kick a field goal. Who the fuck uses up their time outs when they have a LEAD near the end of a game?
We're here. We deserve all of this. Every last post of it. We fucked up royally, and thats putting it lightly. Don't hold back lads, let us know how you really feel.
Unless you're a fucking taints/pussycats/fuccaqueer fan then you can lick the bottom of my fucking combat boots.
>I watched the Departed, I know what Boston is like
Could he be the first QB to make it into the HoF because of his Defense and amazing catches by his WRs in clutch time
why does that sound so familiar...
>still less rings than the Bucs and the Saints
Same, would have let go by now had that match been close, but Atlanta obviously blew it at the second half in such a humiliating factor that you just have to stand there and wonder.
>your team will always be superior to niglanta
Feels fucking great lads
>couldn't defeat the packers practice squad that the falcons dropped 44 on