Be me

>be me
>fifteen year old in high school just trying to get a good gpa and other normal shit
>get bored because your anti social and have no friends
>get an idea
>take a new identity
>start simple, leave a post it note with a Lenny face here and there
>begin to put them in crazier places
>principals computer, teachers book, jocks locker
>statue of some general infront of high school, no one is supposed to touch it
>get into sketchy outfit and climb stature at night
>cover head in Lenny faces
>"The Lenny Bandit Lives."

Part 2
>school goes wildly for like three days trying to figure out who the Lenny bandit is
>no one suspects its me
> think of an idea
>am on school news team because I'm a fag like that
>slip a Lenny in the school news a few times
>get a better idea
>make a Lenny helix
>school goes nuts
>everyone on the news team is investigated
>no one suspects its me
>I need to up my game
>school lunch is meatballs
>get idea
>slip into kitchen during third period
>meatballs thawing
>put cardstoc Lennies in the memeballs
>mass histeria
>principal announces "Who ever is doing this shall fall"
>slip note under his door at night
>"no one shall take down the Lenny bandit"


Part three
>principal loses his shit and offers a bounty of $30 for my identity
>no one suspects me still
>get spray paint
>in the dead of night spray paint a giant Lenny on the wall
>shit goes wild next day
>all suspects are searched and camera feed is watched
>they see someone, but I knew they would
>I ran away from my house and looped back around to not get caught
>police are involved
>"The Lenny Bandit does not like the police" plastered on principals computer
>an imposter appears but quickly gets caught
>kid gets suspended for 2 weeks and gets fined
>plaster every locker I can with a Lenny face, including my own, during high traffic times
>leave a sticky note on the principals door "The Lenny Bandit is still here"

part four
> jhon: apear
> jhon ruins the whole chain
> jhon hates lenny
> jhon defines teveyrthing


part five

Part 4 (not what those fucking fags are saying)
>principal gets really pissed and I finally fall under suspicion
>if I'm going out I'm going out with a bang
>spam the school news with Lenny helix
>somehow don't get fucking caught
>head of news team admits to it and gets suspended for 2 weeks
>some kid thinks I'm the Lenny bandit and asks me to help him
>the jocks are faggots and fucked this kid over when he was about to get a girl
>show up at one of their parties
>leave a sticky note on the parents door
>"your son had a party, the Lenny bandit stopped it"
>book it and call the cops on them
>everyone there gets fucked over
>I have changed
>I live for lennies
>and I die for the lennies
>summer break arrives and I decide to drop the Lenny bandit thing
>the Lenny bandit for ever lives on in my school though
>they will never forget the Lenny bandit


Part 4 (not what those fucking fags are saying)
>principal gets really pissed and I finally fall under suspicion
>if I'm going out I'm going out with a bang
>spam the school news with Lenny helix
>somehow don't get fucking caught
>head of news team admits to it and gets suspended for 2 weeks
>some kid thinks I'm the Lenny bandit and asks me to help him
>the jocks are faggots and fucked this kid over when he was about to get a girl
>show up at one of their parties
>leave a sticky note on the parents door
>"your son had a party, the Lenny bandit stopped it"
>book it and call the cops on them
>everyone there gets fucked over
>I have changed
>I live for lennies
>and I die for the lennies
>summer break arrives and I decide to drop the Lenny bandit thing
>the Lenny bandit for ever lives on in my school though
>they will never forget the Lenny banditPart 4 (not what those fucking fags are saying)
>principal gets really pissed and I finally fall under suspicion
>if I'm going out I'm going out with a bang
>spam the school news with Lenny helix
>somehow don't get fucking caught
>head of news team admits to it and gets suspended for 2 weeks
>some kid thinks I'm the Lenny bandit and asks me to help him
>the jocks are faggots and fucked this kid over when he was about to get a girl
>show up at one of their parties
>leave a sticky note on the parents door
>"your son had a party, the Lenny bandit stopped it"
>book it and call the cops on them
>everyone there gets fucked over
>I have changed
>I live for lennies
>and I die for the lennies
>summer break arrives and I decide to drop the Lenny bandit thing
>the Lenny bandit for ever lives on in my school though
>they will never forget the Lenny banditPart 4 (n

Fake and gay

I will take things that did not happen for 500 bucks m00t



show us some proof if you really did do that

post the school helix you did

Here is the Lenny helix you fags

show us the school newspaper man

It was an online news bored, they wiped it because of the Lenny spam

It is gone


