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>inb4 one of the subplots is cartman believing he was descended from ancient egyptian kings and he starts chimping out about "WE WUZ KANGZ N SHIET!
I hope they do some episodes this season where it's just the boys being kids. Nothing political at all, I miss those ones.
Another episode that will be stale and outdated this time next year.
they won't. those days are over. every episode is just "le epic satire of CURRENT EVENT"
I hope there's a throwback to the snuke.
I rewatching the series a while back. Think they went 4 episodes or something into the first season before becoming mainly "le epic satire of CURRENT EVENT".
>watching Meme Park by Treddit Parker and Gag Stone
Are you 14?
I'm so sad my girlfriend still likes the show. Everytime I'm watching the new episodes with her I'm just sitting there boiling in my seat at how boring and unfunny it's become.
Fuck me.
Some of my favorite episodes have nothing to do with current events though
Matt and Trey support BLM, just look at World War Zimmerman.
I can't wait for Matt and Trey to take a middleroad position to avoid offending anyone indirectly.
>posting a pepe
>calling other anons 14
good one
i can't wait for them to take the piss out of both sides as they always do and then hear both sides claim south park is on THEIR side
oh wow, another horribly unfunny """satire"""" of current events where they say nothing relevant or edgy and end up leaning towards the left
i can go on Sup Forums right now and find 3 posts that will be funnier than this entire episode
i wonder if they'll make cartman into their walking strawman from whence they can assert their "le wise centrist" fallacious viewpoint
it would be very new and refreshing
>i can go on Sup Forums right now
please do
don't come back
South Park is best when it's about the entire kids doing something as a group whether it be silly or random instead of forcing political nonsense down our throats, I miss the early seasons a lot. Seems they are too frightened to attempt anything new in case of ending up with Crab People again.
Which is a shame, because I loved the Crab People.
I agree. It was funny as hell when they were naive little troublemakers. Now they're all masterminds and shit. So boring. Cartman ruined the show, which is sad because he used to be the best thing about it. It was just another case of, 'This character's popular! More of him!"
So thats one right for me
Ready for the inevitable alt-right/Sup Forums episode?
Worst thing it's barely even satire. It's just lazy South Park version of with no creativity or humour whatsoever.
is the episode worth watching?
I have this with Randy and also a bit with Butters. Randy was great as Stan's goofy dad but he has become incredibly annoying now he's getting all of the screen time. You can even hear it in his voice, he sounds a lot more emotional and dumber now than in earlier seasons.
why would they do something about this? is this big now?
You wish. They spent the entire last season taking potshits at easy targets before walking back and dropping all political jokes for an even safer stance about ads.
I'm still waiting for Chinpokomon Go
they must do it, I DEMAND THAT THEY DO IT!
They said they wouldn't and it's already old new.
>it's already old [now]
Never stopped them before.
>Everyone is after Shoe
>Mr Garrison is barraged by everyone throwing shoes at him during a rally
>Caitlyn Jenner is assassinated as one strikes her right in the forehead, knocking her into a coma, she ends up becoming Bruce again during surgery
you must be a professional comedy writer
This. Randy was a great character that was ruined.
Some of his over-the-top plots were funny here and there like Hair club for men or even the Alcoholism one.
But shit like Lorde, getting big cancer testicles to smoke weed, his cock magic. Its all shit that makes me think of peter griffin. Its all a bunch of shit id expect to see from a family guy character in a cut-away gag. Thats essentially what randy has become.
Why is everybody bitching about South Park making an episode about current events?. If anything I'd gladly sit through 10 episodes of an animated show made by two guys who have a better opinion about current events than anything else that tries to be original and fails.
Early seasons were genius but I dont have a problem with them trying to be the edgy ones in class and call out the bull-shit, and I think the last season was proof.
Besides, all teh episodes are available in their website, the whole debate about what seasons are better is stupid when the creators make most of their shit available for free
>better opinion about current events
But they don't. Trey's too much of a jaded fuck to actually try to understand what he's talking about.
That has always been the show retard. Go watch Steven's Universe or whatever kids watch these days.
Completely agree. Last season seemed to entirely focus on Randy while Stan didn't do anything. Even when the plot did focus on the boys such as the yaoi episode or when the boys were playing ninjas he still needs to show up and do stupid shit. Both episodes could have easily done without him.
I've just finished watching season 1,2 and 3 and they've done political shit before
Mostly focussing on conservatives at the time with gun owners, making fun of Jimbo and Ned
Also making fun of rain-forest liberal "activists" which may have been a big thing at the time idk
>the whole debate about what seasons are better is stupid when the creators make most of their shit available for free
u w0t m8?
>fuck South Park that unfunny piece of shit
>le I'm mature cus I'm 18 now I don't watch this garbage anymore
You faggots are still going to watch it (discreetly) anyway, and then shitpost in future threads. Top cucks.
>South Park fag
>calling anyone a cuck
>spends time and energy shitposting in a thread regarding a topic they hate
>not a cuck
It was more lighthearted and non-preachy back then though, now every episode is a meta drama with a repetitive meme being forced like R U PC BRAH.
You do realise there is a massive difference between having stereotypical characters and basing your whole show solely on what politics is talked about at the time? It's like saying King of the Hill is leftist propaganda because it shows southern republican rednecks in a bad light.
The main difference between SP now and then is that episodes back then were and still are more or less timeless. Sure, they did have plenty of references and even political commentary, but they were there to enhance or inspire the story which still was mainly original content. Today the writing works in completely different manner - they check the news papers / tumblr to see what's hip, choose a topic and try to forcefully write a story around said topic, which pretty much always ends up in a forgottable, humourless and all in all a below mediocre at best story.
this entire post sounds like it was written by a 14 year old.
>At this moment Trey and Matt are getting high and still writing the new episode to give it to CC one hour before airing
This was why the ISIS episode from last season and the Mexican tag game a while back were legit 10/10 because they did things as a group but meshed together all of the political stuff incredibly well.
dumb frogposter
They already did it like 13 years ago with the Mel Gibson/Nazi Cartman episode.
I love South Park! Gonna watch the episode with my wife and her son as soon as it airs.
dumb frogposter
At least I never married a stripper and get conned into paying for her negro son.
This fucking delusion, jesus christ get your head out of your ass.
Can you explain this to me?
Fuck you Contrarians, last season was GOAT
>Everyone who doesn't agree with me is a contrarian.
Don't be that fag.
I agree
>implying Sup Forums doesn't change their opinion once everyone esle starts liking something.
No no, this is reddit's site since 2012 ()
This. I miss the school episodes
It was.