A long-running Sup Forums meme was referenced in an X-Men Apocalypse deleted scene. Cyclops asked Jean Grey (played by Sansha Stark) if anyone says you look like Boy George.
Skip to around the 2:15 mark:
A long-running Sup Forums meme was referenced in an X-Men Apocalypse deleted scene. Cyclops asked Jean Grey (played by Sansha Stark) if anyone says you look like Boy George.
Skip to around the 2:15 mark:
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oh fug
What meme is this
In the movie Apocalypse is also a pretty big guy
You must not frequent the got threads
Why is this montage better than anything in the movie (besides the quicksilver)
for you :3
it's actually real top kek
do you think the lad playing Scott went off script with that? kek
>being toxic
Now i want to protect her
Why did they cut this? It's comfy as fuck.
Also, based Safety Dance
The 2nd quicksilver montage was terribly cheesy compared to the 1st
>Why did they cut this? It's comfy as fuck.
So was this scene
>Singer visited Sup Forums, found this meme funny and decided to make an actor say this line to Sophie when she least expected it
Is he "our guy" of he did? Id say yes
>this scene is being spammed more than usual as of late
>"You're an asshole"
I legit think she wasn't expecting the guy to say that with her reaction so yeah it may be improv xD
It's not a "Sup Forums meme". Its something she said herself and if anywhere online it began on reddit.
Try to not live your entire life on Sup Forums because it leads to moments like this where you think everything comes from Sup Forums and you get pathetically excited thinking some movie is referencing Sup Forums. You WANT to believe a movie or anything in real life would reference Sup Forums because in your mind this means Sup Forums matters in the world, the world is noticing Sup Forums and you surfing Sup Forums means that you matter. The world noticed us!!!! OMG! Yeah no.
how is that a Sup Forums meme?
she even commented on it on twitter, people were telling her she looked like boy george on all different social media platforms
>It's a Sup Forums lurker writes 2 paragraphs on Sup Forums about not living your life on Sup Forums episode
hes right though
claiming this is a Sup Forums meme is like claiming pepe is a meme created by katy perry and nicki minaj
Keep that blue beast away from my Jubilee
>mfw Sophie looks 100% like a girl version of a guy I knew in school
>same lips
>same face
>same nose
Only scene that feels like the 80s. Funny Boy George joke. Jubilee uses powers. Why would they cut the best scene from a shit movie?
So Bryan Singer coem here Sup Forums and sees the comments, i know that Warner staff is always here, but Singer...
I always imagined Singer as an eight chan guy for the boi pussy
>It's Singer defends the X Men 1 uniform episode
best episode desu
Yep, all the important people come here. We're pretty special. We're pretty influential on the world and everyone steals our memes because we're so creative. I just heard someone say "now that the dust has settled.." the other day when shopping with my mom. It was some grandma. LOL epic lols kino its that episode, our memes have even made it to grandmas. The world noticed us!
>How can we make sure everyone knows this guy is a badass?
>What if he had more than one paper clip in his mouth and pretended he only had one?
>That escalator pose
Singer sure is mad today
Found the newfag
>shopping with my mom
just the other day my mother's boyfriend asked me (about my my mother) 'what did she mean by this?'
life imitates art
fuck off samefag
even if that was true (which it isn't), does that dispute anything? this is not a Sup Forums meme and OP is a fucking retard for claiming it is
grow up self centred nigger bitch the world doesnt revolve around you
Holy shit I didn't even realise it but the other day a guy cut me up on the way to work and the guy I ride with said "What was his fucking problem?"
fucking meme magic bros U U U U
how will she ever recover?
>In class, talking about plane crashes
>Some kid uses the phrases "No survivors" and "Extremely painful" in the same sentence
>Spergy friend I sit next to shouts out "THE FIRE RISES"
>He is asked to leave for disrupting class
Where was the meme magic family?
>nightcrawler spins on his tail
the movie would have been a million times better if it had been focused on the young mutants rather than magento and jennifer laurence
well there are a lot of underage boys on here
wtf I want to fuck Boy Geroge now
>ywn worship that ass/cunt combo for hours
she looks like boy george, you don't think anyone else in the world has pointed it out to her in her lifetime? what makes you think some kino board on a vietnamese ukulele website is so special?
He's our new hero
A real human bean
>the random as fuck bit where he stares down that dog
Truly, this is kino
Could you say the word Sup Forums a few more times?
He definitely went off script, it was improvised, just listen to her reaction
>I don't understand what acting is
Me on the left
That "epic meymey" is famous in another sites like 9fag or GOT forums.
Maybe, yes... That guy find the reference funny and said in front of Sansa.
The absolute our guy.
ITT: the psychology of a sheltered jr high summerfags whose entire exposure to the world is through Sup Forums and think everything is from Sup Forums
The X-Men movies have been using the dankest memes for a decade now:
> I dont understand the difference between a real reaction or acting.
So it true then, singer was in Sup Forums
He didn't direct X3 though.
>Sophie Turner
>a baby x men swearing in the scene where it's obvious clearly she ad libbed her reply in character
go out more fag and get some goddamn social skills
why is noone freaked the fuck out by Nightcrawler?
pls don't tell me the point was that "le mall kids don't judge each other".
>the black guy is drinking Polish beer
it was the 80s everybody looked weird and freakish, I means pastels?
Salsa was in an xmen movie?
News to me.
the mall kids don't judge each other
jean made him look normal to them
Man, im drunk as shit and I honestly relate a lot to what youre saying. Everyone else is mocking you but I get it.
It's not a Sup Forums reference, Sophie herself noted this comparison on Twitter a few years back.
she saw it here, bruh
believe me i am an internet guy