Is there a difference Sup Forums?

Is there a difference Sup Forums?

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Extremists are no different from each other

Nope. All I see is flags that represent terroristm and racism

Confederacy wanted slaves, not genocide.

ISIS is Islam at its most pure.

The nazis just wanted to make the world a better place.

I want to assume you're trolling, but I know there are people actually this stupid

Hey faggot you forgot ANTIFA FASCIST COMMUNIST fag flag of white cucks and white whale dumb trans fags like you shitskin white nigger !!

>All from different places!
What do I win?

You're the reason people get punched in the face at these rallies.

>all 3 want me dead because im not like them
no difference at all, here.

This is how the average conservative speaks. They are mentally ill and should be removed from society.


Losers are all the same

>not adding the antifa flag
no OP and next time do it right


Your brain is washed

Singles of truth

Yeah, I'm trolling, but I'm also telling the truth.

Confederates went to war because they wanted to keep slavery legal, because it's a lot easier to get rich if you don't pay your staff.

Nazi Germans were convinced by a charismatic Austrian that Germany was fucked because of things caused by certain groups of people. They thought eliminating those people would start making things better.

And ISIS really is the most pure form of islam. Read the koran. There is no God but Allah. Mohammed is the most perfect man who ever lived. Kill, rape, and destroy everyone and everything that says otherwise. Also, it's ok to fuck children, especially if they're hot. That is islam. That is ISIS.

>Good goyim, go attack the bad g0-
>I mean, go fight the bourgeois nazis!

>inb4 reeeee antifa reeeeeeeeeeeeeee

>ISIS is Islam at its most pure.

Actually even in medieval times Islam was more liberal so to say than ISIS vision of it. People drink alcohol, listen to music, philosophers were allowed to criticize Islam and shit. Islamic fundamentalism is relatively new thing (it exists only 300 years or so)

>it only exists like 300 years or so.

Like America

No, they were fundamentalist at the beginning, the "liberal" phase was the temporary part.

You're not as smart as you think you are...please stop trying so hard and just accept yourself for what you are

you lost, get over it

Are trump voters actually so retarded they bring the election into things that had literally nothing to do with it?

the fuck are you on about?

seems pretty on the money to me.

Win win win


> Confederation
Wants the people with lesser mental capabilities to be subordinated to the natural strategists and leaders.
> Islamic State
What happens when the above mentioned people are given freedom and a 1500 year old book about a pedo warlord
> Nazis
Wants their people to be left alone and live in peace. Apparently this is the most evil thing ever tried.

Southerners wave the confederate flag because of their pride in the south and the southern way of life.


>trump winning the election had nothing to do with the election

why are communist so retarded bros?


Huge difference, fucking retard.
>You must be 18 or older for Sup Forums

He's right you know?

>trump voters
>had literally nothing to do with

You're brain dead.

The other 2 have red in them.

>everyone's a jew shill and somehow that means I'm the only one who's not crazy or with stupid brainwashed beliefs!
>everyone's brainwashed but me! the post

being this 13 years old

Careful pussy, a Nazi may punch you back one day.

Isis is a terrorist organization, Nazis are a form of government, and confederates are an old rebellion.

It's the only victory yet.

One is an Idea, the other ones are pathetic shit

Except for when it's literally marching under one of the most hated fascist symbols of all time...

Then they're fucking idiots.


A Nazi coward? Unlikely.

why does antifa eat poo?

Niggers useless to white people since 1865

More liberal media. We didnt win, lets make the far right equal to us the far left. Then nobody win vote the right in anymore and then our far left islamic present can start a dictatorship and behead all who are not for us...LOOK at the picture, who does this represent? Liberals and islamics (that behead) who is beheaded? Trump, a republican right winger. Liberals back muslims all religions immigrants and minorites fact. The right warns some are taboo and a threat to safety/society in our own land. Fact muslim terrorists travel, fact a neo nazi with road rage "terrorist" didnt leave the country to impose his will on none believers of his religion...

Explain, faggot

Soooooooooon, Brother

Confederate states just wanted the federal gubbmint to stay out of their business.

Who says there can be only one fascist group?

the islamic state has the best wives

Yup, Mohammad married a 6 year old and fucked her when she was 9. No one ever said a word. He led a war against the Jews and Christians yet he's this symbol of hope and purity for Muslims. If you are a genuine person, not a genocidal freak, and believe in Islam, I think you need to read your book.

did a bot write this?

Stop being intentionally stupid.

Agreed. so Hot

The day America falls will be the day the world celebrates.

Racist swine the lot of you.

>most diverse citizenry in the world
>they must all be racists

Except everything he said is true.

fixed your image OP

>Le Antifa boogieman. XD
Literally who?

Don't be a dummy, be a smartie, come and join the nazi party


you forgot >Pic related

fuck now i need a 6th one to balance it all out...

They can't tell the difference between wars and elections. That's why they're so obnoxious. Just let them keep 'sperging out everywhere they go. Moderates have already reached their saturation point with them and Trump. Anything and everything they say from this point on, only damages them.

i live in America and only Americans think a swastika is associated with hate. It was around long before the nazis and the nazis only used it for luck.

>Nicest guy you'll ever meet.
>Twisted fucking psychopath.


the left wing extremists do it too, so yeah it's probably retardation

Getting it yet, faglord?


No they dont and you have zero evidence that they do

that quote is "“If fascism ever came to the United States, it would be wrapped in an American flag.”
-- Huey Long"

>um akchually "negro" is spanish for "black" so it's not actually racist to call black people "negros"
you'll actually defend this line of thinking

>Imperial march starts playing

it's NSDAP not NSP you fucking mongrel mob

Niggers should be called niggers.


Told you you'd defend it

technically they weren't terrorists



fixed that for you

No, but enslaved and Killed Billions



You forgot to add BLM and Antifa.

that adorable, its the shitposting going on on every other thread someone is really pushing that narrative of Anti-fa being fascists. We need to visit 10 grade civics.

This leftist/right/muslim/antifa thing is starting to scare me.
Things are heating up and i'm sure if this continues like this this will end up a civil war.

Why can't people just shut the fuck up and respect eachothers choices instead of being total fucking ignorant and self-righteous cunts that make this world a sad place.

kill yourself.

reading this thread leaves me under the impression Sup Forums is the most cuked up board on this homsexual infested website...

Yes, in skin colour.

Everyone who thinks white pride is a bad thing is brainwashed.

no. there's no difference between each of them, they all just tend to be garbage.

i hate the antifa, but they defend our country compared to these 3

You realise most of the Confederacy soldiers were poor right? So they couldn't afford slaves. Meaning the war was inconsequential to them by your standards.

Lets get a few things straight. The KKK was invented to enforce Jim Crow laws to counteract the Abolishment of Slavery. But someone as intelligent as you should know that. The Nazi's honestly believed they were making the world a better place, just like ISIS, just like Communists. Just, like, Sup Forums.

all of them got fucked by America in some way. that and Antifa is just a shithole of shit posters from tumblr anyways

Hail hydra