Why are Liberals defending Terrorism and want to bring refugees from worst places in the world to live in USA Europe...

Why are Liberals defending Terrorism and want to bring refugees from worst places in the world to live in USA Europe and Canada but at the same time attacking Trump supporters and pro free speech supporters?

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>Islamic Antifa

That's what they are, scumbags just like our Antifa


we have a POTUS who has given aid and comfort to domestic terrorists. I'm a bit more worried about that than your shitty straw man argument.

literally straw man argument. you've proven nothing. your memes are shit

Terrorists are already here.


Even fucking Bill Maher is sick of Liberal bullshit and he is liberal himself

>One car hit = terror

>hundreds dead each week = not terror

Liberal ''logic''

There you go Liberals you replaced statue of the most famous general in US history with the world's ugliest statue that is supposed to be some kind of a human?

our govt has provoked them we are getting what we deserve for our countries greed

Lee is not a general in US history. He was a traitor. He chose to take up arms against this great country and he did it for an amoral cause.

Losers don't get statues.

No Convfeferate statues outside of battlegrounds and graveyards.

IDGAF what they replace them with. That's your campaign Adolph.

many reasons, one of the primary ones being they're fearful of having to go to war. we have two choices, deny the nature of Islam, or accept it. if we deny it, then our only options is to try and be their "friends" as we are now, if we accept it, we essentially go to war, and everyone must take a role in that war.

they think that if they welcome these people with open arms that everything will be ok because they will return that kindness with more kindness. but this is not the case.

however, they will never realise this, because the alternative is far less desirable to them than what's happening now, which is that every able bodied liberal will have to take part in a war against islam if they acknowledge it for what it is. they are cowards, they want no part in this.

this is also why the left is heavily authoritarian. it's the passing over of self-responsibility. they want big government to look after them, make the hard choices and protect them from would-be assailants. all part of the same psychological bullshit.

it's kinda like when a kid at school is being bullied so he tries to pal up to the bully thinking that if he does, the bully will have a change of heart and be his friend, but we all know that never happens, the situation just worsens over time as the bully gets more involved in their life. the only option is to beat the living shit out of the bully and show him that enough is enough and you won't tolerate it anymore.

liberals will attack conservatives at rallies and shit because they know deep down that conservatives won't do a thing in most cases. because they know that conservatives don't want to hurt them. they won't touch muslims however because they're shit scared of them due to the constant reporting on how savage they are. even over here in the west.

>>hundreds dead each week = not terror

the fuck you even talking about? just more horseshit strawman arguments.

weak. sad.

Antifa had a huge demonstration in Spain after the attack where they went after "islamophobes" who were protesting against the attack.

Antifa also assaulted a woman in a mob, like cowards, because she was wearing a bracelet with the spanish flag on it


sounds well deserved

Liberals consist of ugly women, dried of roasties, & weak beta males. I heard some study found that like 90% of "Antifa" males still lived with their parents.

Don't expect rational thought from these people. They hate themselves & blame others (particularly white successful males) for their problems. Liberalism is an ideology of hate, degeneracy, and destruction of western values.

General Lee never even owned any slave why did Libtards replaced them? Fucking lunatics who hate everything good and noble



This might come as a shock but some liberals are not in favor of mass immigration and open borders. Crazy, right?

hey .. i am from iraq and as u know iraq contains a terrorism group which called isis
and there is the national army and militias
which are really bad people too
the army is good somehow
soooo ... what i am saying is , if i were the president of usa i won't let the refugees in , and that's a smart thing to do
but of course there is some good people .. actually there is a lot of homosexual guys that might be killed so if the refugee is allowed it would be a great and generous thing too d

Boooooooooo. Your point is incorrect. It's all about who follows their holybook more strictly.

People weren't so much Americans in those days as they were statesmen. ex. Floridians, New Yorkers, etc. General Lee sided with the Confederacy because he was from Virginia, and Virginia sided with the Confederacy. Believe it or not, the Confederates are still Americans who died for their states. The common Confederate Infantryman had nothing to gain from slavery. The South wanted independence because of how different the Northern and Southern States were, sorta like Quebec and the Rest of Canada. They weren't traitors fighting for an immoral cause, they were men fighting for their freedom.


Link to the study?

>attacking Trump supporters and pro free speech supporters?

liberals used their free speech
to drown out the free speech
of assholes who want to take away free speech.



>doesnt realize that the bible has more text than the quran


Ya but the Bible is full of contradictions that can justify people following it and not meeting someone everyday.

why is op a faggot?

there would be no terrorism if the american govt could keep their greedy greasy hands out of other countries




It's actually not. Old testament doesn't apply anymore. That only applied back in the day when life in general was brutal as fuck, game of thrones style but far worse. Biblically speaking the commandments followers of God were to live by were to counteract the pointless barbarism rife in the world in that day, and it was a time when you had to be brutal in a controlled fashion to stop that barbarism from spreading even more than it did.

The new testament however, throws all of that completely outta the window. The old testament is just historical accounts now, the new testament and the new covenant are far more applicable to present day. Pretty much all of the old testament rules and regulations don't apply anymore (except the ten commandments), now the only law there really is, is the law of love, true love, based on forgiveness and compassion. Because as the story or whatever you wanna call it goes. Jesus gave his life for the sake of our sins, so that we would have a way to be forgiven, his sacrifice showed the world a better way. And whether you like it or not, that story has done the world a lot of good, and I'm willing to bet it's a massive part of the reason why the world is nowhere near as barbaric as it was back then (there's still a lot of room for improvement, don't get me wrong, especially in those same areas, but we've come a long way since back then).

Also, last point, a lot of the genocide, if not all of it, in the old testament has a lot of interesting backstory to it. According to scripture, the fallen angels that fell to Earth corrupted the whole ecosphere by tampering with it somehow, through interbreeding with human women and as is theorised by many religious scholars, genetic engineering too. So everything was corrupted and shaped in their image rather than God's, hence why God wiped everything out except the things he deemd worthy of being saved.

P.S. not a Christian, just interested in religion. Anyone who kills in the name of the Bible and God is a false Christian because nowhere in the new testament / new covenant does it say to do so. If they believe so, they don't know their Bible.




More Muslims in West = more dead White people
Obviously Liberals will support it, the only problem is,they are putting themselves under huge risks too

more dead crackers sounds good to me

the quran is actually very short, what they derive most of their crazy shit from like sharia are the hadith

fuck off with your 0% comprehension of religion


What a shitty statue. Fucking liberals.

That my good sir isn't true. He did inherit slaves. He did have a lot of trouble managing them. Don't listen to the political spew from both sides. Read for yourself.

fake news. they were not democrats

Aw bruh muh Jawdans


Wow these people are the most retarded group. They are literally kids.


>most famous general in US history
>not Eisenhower
>not Patton
>not even John "Black Jack" Pershing

you suck bud

Both of those signs are clearly typed in, you dumb fuck. How can you not miss something so obvious?

>the most retarded group.

College professors and the workers unions that are in bed with each other are brainwashing these kids. It's quite sad really.

you post that as if the majority of voters (millions of people) looked like that, while antifa (thankfully not that many) usually do look like the other photo

Believing in the imaginary man in the sky makes you retarded. Period.

That picture was taken way before Trump decided to run,nice try Libtard

We literally just had a whole thread about this. Conclusion : no liberals believe what you think they believe.

I'm not going to do any googling, but if you have half a brain it's pretty fucking easy to see that 90 percent of terrorists are Islamic.
I'll get you think Douglas MacArthur was great, huh, Bitch?

You do have to admit though the statue they put in place is utter shit.

I try to read a book at least once or twice a month. Most people don't even read anymore. They just watch TV all the time. It is sad really.

Oh man that is hysterical. It is just as bad as the others. It's like they are the parents of Antifa kids.

Well mate. I sure hope you can prove how bringing terrorists into western countries is right.



Look at what happened in Paris the muslims killed 130 people by suicide bombings and shootings
who were they? Most were muslim refugees. It is important to learn from the past and maybe send the liberals to syria and see if they keep supporting open borders.

>attacking Trump supporters

Holy fuck that thing with the beard is nightmarish.

Fucking shitty people defending niggers from shitty countries. That's what happens when you don't realize that some people are superior to others. It isn't the color of your skin, it is the way you think and show yourself within life.

A Russian in itt this thread.
Go on guys, I like your dispute.

why are you so ignorant? That's a better question.

They're not defending terrorism as much as they're denying it.

They claim that only a very small percentage of people in those areas are terrorists, creating a false dichotomy that the terrorists will only ever function within their own bands and organizations -- that is, if someone separates physically from a terrorist organization, the person stops being a terrorist -- and victimizing everyone not currently with a bomb strapped to their chest.

They like to play pretend like that, falling for the straw argument that denying entry to one country from another is necessarily racist.

I forget the term for this tactic, but here is how it works: People don't want to be called racist, and it is difficult to do more than deny the allegation in an argument. So, by calling people racist, they intend to merely silence the opposition, thereby claiming to win the argument, in stead of actually having an argument in the first place.

if you think that is nightmarish you must see the whole youtube channel, queer kids stuff

They have no sense of pride. They have no sense of individuality. They think that being a proud american/european/Canadian automatically means nationalism and xenophobia. They are correct in believing some of the people from terrorist ruled areas are innocent and deserve a better life, they just don't have any boundaries or any good sense as to how to separate the good from the bad. They are so completely clueless that they compare some of the greatest Americans of all time to some of the worst dictators and terrorist of all time. They don't even stop for a second to think that the people they idolize, NO matter who it is, I don't care, have been involved in some conflicting shit. They want to be correct and they are mad and dumband that's what fuels them. The other side is the same as far as they are mad and dumb but they at least are trying to preserve their nations integrity. They do it wrong, but they still do it. I don't think either of these crazy motherfucker on either side deserve any recognition. People seriously need to tone it the fuck down and come together as one so that when the government REALLY TRULY ACTUALLY LITERALLY starts taking people's rights away, the citizens are all one group and can revolt. Look at Venezuela. I have a lot of admiration for the citizens of that country because they are ruled by a legit dictator who doesn't give a fuck about the peiple, regardless what he says, and the citizens are together as one trying to end it. When americand, Europeans, and Canadians start finding a reason to combat their own military and government, they can only pray they are not too far divided at that point or they are completely fucked. There is no one with enough power to lead new sub nations or new civil armies. It's not gonna happen that way people need to learn how to get along plain and simple it's us against the world.

He did use a run on sentence.

I am scared to look it up.

Actually I'm a logical free thinking atheist
All religion is evil and all religion causes extremism

They haven't had all their daughters raped from these kind refugees yet, we can just wait

This is a propaganda image made by a fucking liberal comedian

Sad, but..
Ya know it has to be done since we came to this.. fairytale

Don't worry they'll have their daughters raped by alt-right frat boys at parties in colleges they barely got accepted to instead

don't worry bro, that hell spawn only appears in a couple of videos

it's still nightmarish tho

By your hateful reply I can understand you're a fascist antifa

>the amazing atheist

Dude it's so disturbing. Like imagine that being your neighbor. I would literally sell my house and move.

>fascist antifa

that's cute, mentally deficient autismo found a new meme term to throw around for liberals you that hurt your feelings.

My feelings?
Now that I said we should just wait for those daughters to get raped by refugees so their fathers can go down the street cutting throats?
Thanks, I guess, for assuming that

>Defending antifags

Why though?

Because they are weak pussies.

By the way, I am quite efficient.

see you have to accept his strawman that liberals support islamic terrorists for this gibbering idiot to make any sense.

One of the ''Syrian refugees'' was behind terror attack in Paris that killed 130 people

Nice try, Libtard

>the majority of voters
The majority of voters voted for Hillary.


Thank you, this is the most majestic thing that has happened to your country.
You're lucky as fuck

this is how uneducated people use statistics. back to class faget

Terrorist attacks based on religion incoming?


Please, someone, I'm on my phone


can't speak for other states, but in my state, Virginia, a blue state, you must present a valid ID to vote.

Why are the alt-right the worst terrorists in the US?

WRONG. Proven that it was false. Every recount proved she had less, voter audits has proven the states had hordes of dead and fake voters. The reality of this is, Tump won by a huge fucking margin in both Electoral and Popular vote. Its the tiny percentage of bed wetters that are throwing tantrums. So Fuck off with your gay shit about that cunt woman.

62/ huh.. I wonder