Why does Antifa scum hate White race? Why is entire ideology of this far left extremist group based on racial hated?

Why does Antifa scum hate White race? Why is entire ideology of this far left extremist group based on racial hated?

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why does ops mom keep sucking off truck drivers?

Nah, they just hate the idiots claiming that whites are better than others

It's the new Reich, they obviously have kept some core elements

Nah, they just hate losers like you.

piss off to Sup Forums you fucking imbecile

May antifa stay strong, heil antifa!

Anti-White propaganda poster telling people not to date Whites from Antifa in Boston.

Yes literally that's what it says.Being White is a crime

Don't insult the supreme fascist ideology.


There's a difference between hating white people and hating white supremacist ideology.

That's from Seattle you retard.

True, I hate BLM because of the same reason

This was 3 years ago, trump has only emboldened them.

Why do they look more Facist than the brownshirts/blackshirts/any Facist group ever

See Pretty sure they mean white pride.

Right (?)

lol, no they don't.


because the foundation of any extreme or radical ideology is frustration, anger and fear. real easy to become fascist when you take that route.

underage fagot detected

They are basically calling for violence against the Whites. How is that not illegal?

Can I call for violence against Chinese or Mexicans or anyone like Antifa scum does and getting away?

Some dead people were plantation owners 19th century so that is somehow relevant with 2017?

petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/formally-recognize-antifa-terrorist-organization-0 Sign this to make them a terrorist organization,

No you are Anti-Fascist

Like Anti-Fascists such as Mao Zedong Pol Pot or Stalin who all did massive large scale genocides far worst then anything Mussolini did.

Hooray for false equivalency.

>Salomon Morel was Antifa leader who was accused of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide of Polish and German civilians in Communist concentration camps during 1946 and 1947


stfu you pussy ass white supremacist


Just signed

I find it fucking cringey. They were the kids at school who would go and tell someone if you were in a class and the teacher didn't show up. History is going to show them as being on the wrong side of this war, and I'm very much central.

Fuck off Shitskin inferiorist

Triggered? We won't be suppressed that easily Antifa scum.More racial hatred you give to us,more it will make us realize we have to fight back

The guy who plowed his car into the crowd was actually a hiliary supporter and antifa member. Won't hear that on cnn.

Wherever you are, we will be.

The guy who plowed his car into the crowd was a sheep that drifted from one social group to the other. He was weak minded and didn't know what he believed.

He was always a racist piece of shit, according to police reports and interviews with former classmates and teachers.


Looks a bit false flag to me user.

It's funny how stormweenies accuse others of false flags all the time.

The funny shit is that the most ANTIFA members are white boys,man they are just fucking retards.

>Why does alt-right scum hate all other races? Why is entire ideology of this far right extremist group based on racial hated?



Oh wow look another post with zero evidence and bizarre claims totally unsupported by any reasonable examination of the facts.


snopes is not a reliable source of information

It's a pretty common thing for them to project.

its the idea of how neo nazis, kkk and the white supremacy are acting out in terms of in the country they live in IE a country of freedom and equality, so they are not welcomed.

Just a matter of time before the bullets fly. Would not be surprised when the bankers pay off some mercenaries to shoot dead a few of these antifa's to get even more press and blame it on Trump.

Because the white race is superior,check this out u faggot.
White people had the highest IQ but now Americans and the dumb slavs from Europe drag us down.
Fascism is good because is for the greater good of the human race,glory to the white race!

Way to prove your point with three black guys in that photo, lol. Maybe democrats are the real racists after all.

Explains a lot, and not just him.

A reporter reported it and it's on the internet. So it must be true.

Snopes isn't bad. It's usually the only place that bothers to refute the total bullshit put out by people who think breitbart and the daily mail are reliable sources.

Most of these alt-right children are just trying to belong in a crowd of the cool kids.

The alt-right were under the incorrect assumption that they were some sort of silent majority, and that when they had the courage to show up, the rest would come out of the woodwork and reclaim the nation.
It didn't happen, and they are shown to be a pathetic minority.

They're whining about Antifa, just like they whine about anybody else that bullies them. They went on and on about lefties being cucks and figured that when they showed up, they'd crawl away on their bellies to offer their women so they could watch the heroes fuck them. When they came out and the lefties were actually the same people who have persecuted them their entire lives, they went back to whining.

You forgot "and it totally supports a predetermined point of view that won't be shaken by facts and reason".

Nah, actually snopes uses a lot of half-truths and misdirection to circumvent the truth and "validate" their ideologically-driven talking points. Same as all "fact-checking" "authorities" we find on the Internet. They focus on trivial details that aren't relevant to the topic at hand and "prove" or "disprove" those irrelevant details and try to project that action onto what's actually being discussed to lead you to believe they have proven what you "feel" is correct based on emotionally-driven media indoctrination to be factually correct. It actually says a lot about your level of intelligence that you believe these con-artists.

Example snopes refutation:
Claim: Donald Trump claimed that Hillary Clinton deleted the files on her illegal email server with a process called "acid washing".
Verdict: FALSE! Hillary Clinton's IT staff deleted the files with software called BleachBit.

Fucking LOL. Don't get duped by "fact-checkers".

We bully nao!

>You forgot "and it totally supports a predetermined point of view that won't be shaken by facts and reason".
Look at Pride gatherings and then look at Nuremberg Rallies. A lot of common features.

We won't be submited you Antifa (Anti-White)
Your racial hatred will only make us stronger and more united agaisnt commen enemy.

Kiss from me, Antifa scum

Snopes is just as biased as Breitbart and the daily mail. It's not a reliable source either.

Doesn't matter what he was. He hit the gas because antifa started beating on his car with bats and he feared for his safety. The majority he ran over were the idiots that swarmed his car after the initial lurch forward. It's so obvious to anyone with half a clue that he's not going to be found guilty of the 2nd degree murder charge that was leveled against him and he's going to walk, making antifags further butthurt and making the majority of the press look like a bunch of idiots. But, then again, I'm probably talking to a bunch of retards that thought North Korea was actually going to nuke Guam, lol.

da fuq did i just read. This is some hella broken english. Perhaps russian is his native language?

Video evidence contradicts your claims.

Kid is gonna spend the rest of his life in jail, and thats prolly a good thing. He was a piece of shit before this, and deserved no better.



Faggot detected

No, faggot. Video evidence clearly shows antifa blocking traffic and then hitting the guy's car with bats before he hits the gas. I know you're playing the whole low-effort confuse the narrative game here, but once it was pointed out to me it was easy for me to watch the video and see the car get attacked. You're not going to keep anyone that wants the truth from finding it, faggot.

But a poster purporting to represent a group using language that actually helps its enemies is?

The contortions you people will go through are genuinely laughable.

>Doesn't matter what he was. He hit the gas because antifa started beating on his car with bats and he feared for his safety. The majority he ran over were the idiots that swarmed his car after the initial lurch forward. It's so obvious to anyone with half a clue that he's not going to be found guilty of the 2nd degree murder charge that was leveled against him and he's going to walk, making antifags further butthurt and making the majority of the press look like a bunch of idiots. But, then again, I'm probably talking to a bunch of retards that thought North Korea was actually going to nuke Guam, lol.
The entire Charolettesville incident was staged by Crisis Actors. Many who were at the same rally years before were very surprised to see a group of people on their side show up that they did not know, did not have local accents and were responsible for most of the violence.

This is an entire attempt to have the public equate support Trump to also supporting Nazi's and White Superiority. The truthful polls are showing this psy-op is just making Trump base grow.

Mid-term elections this year, a lot of Democrats and Rhinos will be voted out of office to allow Trump's agenda to passing into law. Then the left / fascists go ever more crazy. Just a matter of time before the bullet fly and The Purge of these leftist scum begins.

I am sure some user already mentioned this but...Jews. Crypto-Jews, Zionist's, Frankist, Sabataen, who are trying to convince you that they run the world. They are very influential but are not as powerful as they would have you believe. If they were as powerful as they claim to be then you and I would already be taking dirt naps. Jews. Self-hating Jews. Crypto-Jews. Saturnians. Just look at the colors they wear. Any of you guy's versed in the occult? They wear the black of the god of the ancient semitic people: the Phoenicians. Antifa/Blac Block are the wings dedicated to destruction, violence, and the subtle subjugation of Man. They wear the black and Purple of EL. They wear the Satanic red, white, and black. Do some occult research on Saturn and the colors associated with his cults. Might not be too surprised with what you may find.

Literally everything in that is sourced from snopes itself or primary sources you fucking retard. You're either just trying to trick people who won't look into it or severely retarded.

So, a hard acceleration through a mostly empty street into a crowd of people looks like he was scared?

I bet he didn't know that he was gonna hit another car, in his mind he saw himself mowing through an intersection full of protesters and getting mad GTA points.

Further down the conspiracy insanity rabbit hole.

but its okay to have black pride ? Its just like saying being racist against white people isnt a thing because white...

Sure and there's a difference between antizionism and antisemitism.

Doesn't change the blatant fact that most antizionism is just a coverup for antisemitism, just as anti white supremacism is generally a coverup for blaming whites for everything.

Saying it over and over again doesn't make it true.

ill bet you're one of the "if the brakes are lit you must acquit" crowd.

Not my problem. When you use snopes as a source your argument is worthless. Try making your point again using actual facts or a legitimate source of information.

antifa is fag.

People like to pretend that just because antifa opposes nazis, that they thus must be the good guys.

well ISIS is opposing Assad.
We wouldn't be calling ISIS the good guys now would we?

>Further down the conspiracy insanity rabbit hole.
Those who cannot confront the truth watch television. Trump will win this big and your grandchildren will see his bust carved on Mt. Rushmore. America will not fall to world bankers.

Nigger lovers

Obama was basically arming ISIS by hiding behind ''rebel'' libel

Nah, in Russia we at least have access to Google translator

Everyone already knows that.

No, just anti-nigger-haters.

I thought false flag at first, and the guy inside the car in the photos did look different than the guy accused of the crime. However, the low casualty count and the way the guy barely lunged forward then reversed fast to get away didn't sound like someone trying to create a vehicular terrorism narrative. Also, you can clearly see this guy's car getting hit with bats. Plus, the one person that died was a morbidly obese fat as fatass bitch who either was the only one who couldn't get away in time or suffered cardiac arrest from the excitement of it all. She also wasn't even hit by the challenger. She was hit by another car that the challenger hit. Whoever was behind the wheel, the narrative that he was out to kill people simply does not hold water, and the attacks on his car make it a clear case of self-defense at best, or involuntary manslaughter at worst.

Not the first time antifa has made themselves look like total idiots...



>I thought false flag at first, and the guy inside the car in the photos did look different than the guy accused of the crime. However, the low casualty count and the way the guy barely lunged forward then reversed fast to get away didn't sound like someone trying to create a vehicular terrorism narrative.
The guy in the car was a pasty coerced into driving. Also, he is on the record for the vehicle "accelerating more than expected" where I would not be surprised of someone hacked the CAN bus of the vehicle remotely to do have it smash into the crowd. Strangely, no one can find the vehicle from that that was impounded.

>Also, you can clearly see this guy's car getting hit with bats. Plus, the one person that died was a morbidly obese fat as fatass bitch who either was the only one who couldn't get away in time or suffered cardiac arrest from the excitement of it all. She also wasn't even hit by the challenger. She was hit by another car that the challenger hit. Whoever was behind the wheel, the narrative that he was out to kill people simply does not hold water, and the attacks on his car make it a clear case of self-defense at best, or involuntary manslaughter at worst.
Again, this was an orchestrated psy-op attempting to invalidate Trump. It backfired. Trump is stronger now and his voter base does not give a shit about television news nor a bunch of fat bull dykes protesting.

wait, how is Trump stronger from this event?

Since Charlottesville, the news has nonstop been calling Trump a KKK-Sympathizer. He suffered numerous embarrassments when his economy councils disbanded before him, and organizations are actively boycotting Trump properties.

It's quite possible. After all, if that Challenger incident hadn't happened, the media and stupid leftists wouldn't really have been able to spin the story of a peaceful rally of white nationalists sharing speeches being attacked by the dregs of society throwing acid and their own excrement in their favor.

Another interesting factoid I heard on the day of the rally: supposedly the police weren't allowed to pursue this guy and he was picked up by some unknowns in white vans a fair distance from the site of the crash.


>wait, how is Trump stronger from this event?
>Since Charlottesville, the news has nonstop been calling Trump a KKK-Sympathizer. He suffered numerous embarrassments when his economy councils disbanded before him, and organizations are actively boycotting Trump properties.
Most of the "news" are fucking lies. The guy is strong where it matters. These losers that left him are on the wrong side of history. Many "industry leaders" obeying their bankers did the same to Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt. Same song, different era. Make my word, this will blow over as more jobs are created, the executive jobs turnover and freedom rings.


Most of Antifa is white, so you're saying they hate themselves?

Yes, they are taught this in high school and college now.

It's time for Antifa to be banned. They are spreading violence, indicating racial hated and perform terrorist activities. Time for Alt Left to die out.

>It's time for Antifa to be banned.
What ever happened to muh freeze peach?

guess someone's mom IS sucking off truck drivers lulz

great nigger, same thing's true of Dick Cheney and Bush the Lesser with the torture fun at Gitmo

I guess you thought you had a point

butthurt fagboi detected

we can erase the NAZIs and alt-right before worrying about antifa


>the cool kids
