You Hate This Show Because You Hate Yourself Promo is back up

You Hate This Show Because You Hate Yourself Promo is back up

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Doesn't work on Chrome, what are you using/


just get the ball bud

>Nick... my wife's.. laying here bloodied and bashed... come on

>alt-right nazi
>has to bleach his hair blonde


not exactly sure what this relly made me think......

I hate it because it gets shilled on this board 24/7 even though it's incredibly unfunny.

I'm trying to figure out what's gonna be savage about a pedophile gym coach, doesn't seem like it's pushing any limits. Sam did say the finale is a knockout and savage

Funny clip though. Love the yellow filter as well.

Sam Hyde is based. Prove me wrong.

i don't hate it i just don't care about it, and you guys are talking about it so much that it seems suspicious, like you're trying to overhype this thing because it isn't actually that good, which makes me want to watch it even less

People who produce the show frequent this board, they've had a few "ama" sessions. They're literally just shilling their shitty show, hoping alt right faggots from Sup Forums will tune in.

I can understand being sick of the threads, but what is suspicious about it? A Sup Forums icon literally got a television show on the airwaves, of course it's gonna be huge. It's not the least bit surprising.

You sound like a weak-willed faggot easily swayed by your peers

>he said in the safety of his sam hyde echo chamber

no one needs to shill, this show is fucking hit, record breaking viewership for its timeslot. face it libcucks, you lost.

Anybody here that knows how to download the 1080p episodes from the adultswim site? They look so much better than the tv rips.

kek, you faggots barely do better than squidbillies, delusional faggot

While I'm sure Sam has shilled his stuff on Sup Forums over the years, MDE have never done an AMA here, certainly not on Sup Forums

Yeah they did, they said adult swim was fucking with their show and answered a bunch of questions from posters. Maybe they didn't say "we're MDE AMA" or anything like that, but it basically was one.

No one as ever done an AMA on Sup Forums, as there is no way of preventing shitposting, not to mention no one involved in /t/v or film would want to be associated with a board full of weirdos.

how many more eps are in this season?


That's how easy it is you fucking faggot, unless they tweeted out a trip code it probably wasn't them.

Sure kid, I'm Sam and I approve this tweet

>i didnt see the post in question or its contents, but im going to comment on its veracity anyway to suit my narrative


I know BTN has 1080p stream rips from some episodes

why not pass this thread up instead of coming in here and acting all butthurt? are you the same people who come into all 30 threads daily jsut to whine and bitch?

why can't you faggots stick to one thread, or better yet, stick to Sup Forums, or better yet, kys

ITT: paranoid SSRI users thinking everyone is a Boogeyman who's shilling

i think its a 'moms' situation where theyre trying to make the actors uncomfortable

>Nick.. what's going on big guy? You just tripped my wife.

So this is just Tim & Eric 2.0 right?

this is the last one

only 6 episodes

MDE started a few years earlier than Tim and Eric

nah, they're pretty different. it's mostly a mix of Sup Forums comedy and legitimately well-made art

> I saw you do it with my own two feet

The Awesome Show started like half a year after MDE started uploading videos. They were nobody youtubers and didn't even develop their style until much later. T&E were still doing their brand of comedy 5 years before them.

tim and eric is reddit
mde is Sup Forums

don't watch it, fuck off

this version is honestly much worse than the hey moon one

mde was a college project started in 2005

adult swim website doesn't work on my pc and on most pcs and devices actually... can someone fucking post a youtube rip of the promo? please...

Tim and Eric has been making stuff since long before Tom Goes To The Mayor made it to Adultswim, so whats your point?

MDE fans shill their show even in unrelated threads, though.


They didn't start the channel until 2006. Which is what I'm talking about. But if we're counting college years T& E have been doing shit since '94.

Well how could they have taken inspiration if the actual show didn't exist?
they still do a lot of amateur vertical videos even now as well, so it's not even like t&e affected them that much

We talk about it because it's the first redpilled show on TV

It's literally Sup Forums distilled into TV form

But I guess you guys are too fresh off the boat from r.e.d.d.i.t. to appreciate it. Shame.

Please. Sup Forums is reddit.

>What is WKUK

They watched the show and made videos more in line with that style. Their style has evolved over the years.

Never heard of it 2bh but I doubt it redpills normies like MDE do

Being against Sup Forums is beyond reddit.

Why does this hideous man have a show? Thats my question

One of the sketches literally talks about how 9/11 was fake

dude shut the fuck up

Yeah dude reddit is known for intensely hating niggers and jews and loving hitler. Sup Forums is about le horseshoe centrist theory "why even care" nihilism :^)

jewish connections

Fuck off back to the Doctor Who general you triggered little faggot.

Just watched a few eps.

That CEO skit and the teacher skit really hit home.

you seem upset

>comes to the MDE thread be cause he is upset
>calls other people upset
Wew lad

WKUK really isn't Sup Forums like this

Yet another shill thread, christ


stop crying man, it's only a game

Damn that's some fresh reddit bootyhurt.

hey moonman its just you and me tonight

you sound like that kid on the playground holding back tears because they got made fun of

MDE should suck off Andrew Ruse. Dude is a perfect director for their shit

Whoever is writing/directing/filming their more serious sketches with esoteric meanings have a very David Lynch dream-like style. I love it.

that charls is genuinely the stuff of nightmares

Those parts are shit tho

Actually they only use reddit and have an official reddit account and subreddit.

I hope there are more segments like the Mark Zuckerberg one.

I don't want everything to be about how terrible women are. Tackling privacy concerns and how dumb the public is when it comes to all of that would be great, because seemingly nobody in hollywood seems to cover it unless it is a documentary specifically made about the subject.

Calling it Sup Forums comedy is an insult to it. Stop pretending like Sup Forums has ever made any insightful comments or jokes that weren't just recycled memes.

Just watched the first episode.

What the fuck was the point of the black and white skit. Where they making fun of music videos or something?

Show feels sorta pretentious.

>we'll never see Sam's serious sci-fi dystopian show

it's about bottling up feelings of hatred against the system in faux-apathy, the ending is him letting loose his repressed rage. not everything in world peace is making fun of something

didn't he say that we'd probably see the pilot at some point?

Yeah, pretentious as fuck. Also doesn't make sense. But continue enjoying it I guess.

>first episode
that's the fifth episode ya dummy

How does it not make sense? all the pieces are right there in front of you, are you missing a chromosome?

fucking kek, triggered.

>dude shut the fuck up
>you seem upset


how is that pretentious?
>Also doesn't make sense.
fucking retard

Explain it then you pretentious faggots.

seeif you can't look beyond throwing around "pretentious" because you didn't get it without having to be spoonfed, idk what to tell you, you probably really are dumb, but just smart enough to think you're intelligent or something, who the fuck knows

fucking kek. I knew you wouldnt explain it and just shit on me.

if you can't explain it and show me why it's high art then by definition you are pretentious and so is the show.

I'm waiting.

it doesn't have to be high art, you fucking moron
it's under the pretense of a sketch in a comedy show

>It's literally Sup Forums distilled into TV form
Is that why it's so fucking unfunny?

>it's under the pretense of a sketch in a comedy show

But just a few posts above explicitly said

>not everything on world peace is making fun of something

So what is it then?

You also haven't explained it yet.

never said it was high art you silly twat


>littler did he know his post described MDE's entire shtick

Andrew Ruse is the director

Total Chad Alpha male

he pops up in some videos for a few seconds. like the start of this one

>and your name which nobody will call you is david duke

not Sup Forums at all. lurk more

>littler did he know his post described MDE's entire shtick

Go away, whiny kike

>American Humor