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Right = Good
Left = Bad
Nazis = Bad

Therefore, Nazism is left-wing


In Mein Kampf Hitler directly attacked both left-wing and right-wing politics in Germany, saying:

"Today our left-wing politicians in particular are constantly insisting that their craven-hearted and obsequious foreign policy necessarily results from the disarmament of Germany, whereas the truth is that this is the policy of traitors ... But the politicians of the Right deserve exactly the same reproach. It was through their miserable cowardice that those ruffians of Jews who came into power in 1918 were able to rob the nation of its arms."

Far right while communism is far left.

Socialism = Left
Nationalism = Right
+ Authoritarian.

It's centrist.

#1 is the false left right paradigm that we THINK we live in.

#2 is the REAL left right paradigm

Mussolini, the founder of fascism a decade before Hitler, was a prominent socialist and Marxist.

Hitler remaned his party from the German Workers Party to the National Socialist German Workers Party. He wanted everyone to know he was a socialist.

Leftism is collectivism. What is good for the group supercedes what is best for the individual. Rightism argues that the "group" is just an abstraction: all it is is individuals, and it is ensuring individual rights and freedoms is the best thing, kind of like the rugged individualism of the early settlers and pioneers, keep government the hell away from me and let me do what I want.

Leftism is collectivist, is all about centralizing power, which inevitably leads to Big Brother government, tyranny, and slaughter: Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, etc etc

Left = less economic freedom, high taxes to pay for the redistribution of wealth that leads to a growing parasite class (unless you gas them/sterilze them like the early American progressives envisioned and like the Nazis did)

Extreme left = no private property (communism)

Right = more economic freedom, keep what you earn, small government, low taxes

It's easy to believe that fascism and communism are opposites because they fought a bloody war, but often ideologies that are similar that only differ between minor points will go to war with eachother, not just over ideology but also over territory.resources (Sunni/Shia Islam for instance)

How many fucks have you ever gave about your 70 something grandparent. Why give any fuck about some shit that happened in the 40's. Fucks like you fucks are the same reason fucks are wearing beatles shirts they got at target. Fuck off you fucking fucks. Left wing right wing. We aren't fucking birds. Nazism isnt a fucking thing. You just have a fuck ton of Harley Davidson brand leather vest wearing fucks and spoiled fraternity fucks being dramatic as fuck. Same said about the fucks on the other side. You're all a bunch of fucking idiots

Explain Anarchism. A lot of anarchists are left wing. The left-right paradigm is only part of it. There's also libertarian-authoritarian.


It's 44D Chess. Ask Putin.

post rare hitlers

Both. The left follow like lemmings, the right runs the shit.

total government vs no government. We've been tricked to believe there is total government on both sides if we go to far either way so that we stay in the middle like good little sheep while they continue their slow kill fabian socialist system without us even realizing it.

>economic freedom
As long as you have enough money

>keep what you earn
A large portion of the value your work earns goes to your corporate masters. What you keep is just the part they decide to pay you

>small government
Until it's time to enforce Christian ideals, and go after abortions and those icky gays

>low taxes
The percentage may be a low number, but what about the distribution? It's easier for a rich person to give (for example) 10% than a poor person, because 90% of the rich man's taxable money is still more than enough to live off of, but 90% of a poor person's might mean they can no longer afford electricity


According to a political compass it's as left as you can get.

lol, what a brainwashed yank you are

this guy gets it. the only right answer is in the middle

it's the GOLDEN middle

>Doesn't matter prices, just have an online shop

fascism is primarily right wing. Nationalism, racism, maximum government authority, etc generally is right wing

your actually retarded

It's centrist, they had plenty of centrist and mixed-economy policies.

They just maxed out on the authoritarian scale.


Center Right


Hitler is dead, run with that.

The way I see it. It's neither but also both. Has lots in common with both the left and the right so it's a culmination of both sides. However it's not really in the center. I think this just shows that the left / right dichotomy is far too limited and doesn't really highlight the entire political spectrum as most think. Human political beliefs are kinda too dynamic and varying to be limited to a dualism. There are far too many factors involved.

trump is hitler. he wants to suppress the press, holds rallys when no election in sight and feeds you his own alternative facts

hitler was a supremacist racist megastater
let the patch on sleeves doper perfessers debate in the faculty lounge
leave me out of this

both. its the third option.

>trump is hitler


Neither. National Socialism is Third Position.

>The Third Position or Third Alternative is a political position that emphasizes opposition to both communism and capitalism.


It's right winged authoritarian.

Adolf Hitler and other proponents denied the view that Nazism was either left-wing or right-wing, instead they officially portrayed Nazism as a syncretic movement.

It is neither right nor left and it is not authoritarian !!!

Is absolutely voluntary of all the German people!

Hitler discovered the problem of his people. And gave the solution! ... the final solution! That everyone should take!



Left = socialist = communist = fascist
Right = nationalist = capitalist
NationalSocialist = Everyone is aware of his responsibility for his people

Ladies ladies you're both pretty, the exact same amount of slave and you're both extremely right


Right Wing!


Is calling for the death of the president and policemen treason? AntiFa are a domestic terrorism organisation


Is a third position.

On the left. They ask the government for money.
On the right, give money to the government for it to decide.
In NationalSocialism everyone owns their capital, and they are responsible for their own people.

That the left does not have ... and that the right hand over to the government. And that is why he dominates them.
