The Room’s Tommy Wiseau Attempts To Prevent Documentary Screening At The Sydney Underground Film Festival

Though The Room director Tommy Wiseau courted fame with the reinvention of his magnum opus as a cult classic, he has never been prepared to give up a certain part of his anonymity in exchange for that fame. Indeed, the writer/director has worked overtime to prevent screenings of the documentary Room Full of Spoon nearly anytime it is booked at a theater of festival.

In recent days, the Sydney Underground Film Festival is the latest organization facing Wiseau’s legal menace.

Festival director Steven Popescu told the Sydney Morning Herald that he is unsure if the trash auteur is bluffing. “My strategy at this point is to engage his lawyer in writing me as many letters as possible, as I know each letter would cost him at least $500 a pop,” he said. “I think this will indicate how much he’s willing to spend on stopping this screening.”

Of course, if his lawyer’s first name is John or Johnny, it may just be Wiseau himself under and assumed name; as some who have tangled with him before have claimed.


Room Full of Spoons is, according to the film’s website, an “in depth documentary about the cult film that is widely accepted as the worst film ever made: The Room, and it’s eccentric creator Tommy Wiseau.” As part of its mission statement, filmmaker Rick Harper attempted to piece together the true origin of Wiseau; a past he has kept well-hidden.

Wiseau has managed to keep the film from screening elsewhere and Popescu said there would be a certain irony if “the man with the reputation as the world’s worst filmmaker” censors a festival known for showing seditious and occasionally illegal films.


Streisand effect strikes again. I probably wouldn't have heard of this documentary if it wasn't for this

I'm confused, didn't Wiseau give permission to James Franco to make a movie about him, or am I thinking of something else?

Correct. That's "The Masterpiece," based on Greg's The Disaster Artist. The documentary is Room Full of Spoons, and it the cast talking about the making of The Room.

Kek, I'm guessing that part of the script is from Room Full Of Spoons?

Is it really true Tommy slapped and hit the woman representing the documentary crew as legal council?

No it's not true don't even ask!

Nah, it's from Greg's book.

Does anybody remember that time he refused to work with that porn star on some low budget movie about ninja cops an she freaked out about it on her tumblr?

She was so upset about it, you'd have thought he hit her or something.