He gives me hope

He gives me hope

All you have to do is sort your diet. It takes serious discipline though.

>tfw addicted to sugar

iktf. instead of addiction to sugar you need to become addicted to another powdery white substance to lose those pounds

Or exercise and eat healthily and shit but who wants to do that? drug addiction is more edgy and cool

>22 years old
>37 years old

Yeah people grow up

lol and get in better shape


There's no hope if you're ugly.

>tfw contemplating starting to smoke again to help quit drinking

dude im drinking to stop smoking pot lol

Coke is always fun though

Go cold turkey pussies, that's what I did haven't smoked cigs, chewed, or smoked weed for 7 years

Yeah I probably should but its hard man

I dont touch cigs or chew at all

After first 2 weeks it gets way easier

>that jawline transformation
>literally how?


yeah I know I just like to turn up

how do i ascend

His jaw is the same, it was just wrapped in baby fat. He slimmed down and got toned, it does wonders for a jawline

the older picture is also zoomed in more

jus b urself bro

Less bodyfat. If you ever wander over to /fit/, there's probably a "face gains" thread; even your face looks better with weight loss.

I know that feeling, bro. Weed that is. Drinking wayyyy too fucking much lately and at least with smoking I'm not taking in 2,500 calories or so each time I hit the bar and come home and drink more. I might cook and eat some more when stoned, but my liver will thank me.

>I've never eaten a strawberry
what the fuck?

>eat a strawberry
>become the undisputed GOAT, champion of five super bowls

pick one and only one

Lower body fat %

Bit of a tan also helps with your face (or any part of your body) look more toned.

He got a nose job

he didn't

i think he gets hair plugs every offseason though

>tfw addicted to sugar
i think i am m8. 6ft 220 and love muh chocolate and soda

I want to get back under 200. I can do it! just need to watch what I eat and do my cardio I do (ape hoop and tennis)

It looks like the lens focal length decreased too.

>Coke is always fun though
coke is a huge waste of time

He still has the same sad looking eyes

But its impressive how he turned out this way

I bet his secret is eating no fruits.

yeah it is but when you throw 20 bucks and can do it with your bros and drink all night it can be a lot of fun

I have seen it take a toll but I never feel the need to do it the next day lol

>edgy teenage redditards: the thread

I think the first photo is more asthetic desu. Yeah he could use a haircut and shave but I think the pic on the lest has more prettyboii potential

Kek he looked goofy as hell

Maybe I can still grow 6 inches and stop being a fuckup at 27

I used to be fat-as-fatass for most of my life, lost a lot of weight and I'm still not used to having a noticeable jawline.

Also more fun

His left eye in the second picture is set way below is right and now I can't unsee it

>drinking alcohol and doing cocaine
>somehow better than the weed you're trying to quit
Unless you have a drug test coming up, i don't understand this line of reasoning at all

Because men don't physically peak until around 35-40, providing they take care of themselves.

You just gotta eat healthy and work out

Don't get your hopes up, fatty. He went from average build to slightly better than average build + good genetics. Don't go thinking you can drop 100 lbs and gain facial asthetics like Brady did. You are forever destined to be a obese, balding perma-virgin. And no matter how much you dream and post pictures of other men's faces on anonymous image boards, it will never happen for you.

True, itll go into the 40s as time goes on too

Its all about taking care of your body in your late 20s

gh does wonder to your height and jawline

literally chad in a bottle

this could easily just be a focal length issue

I can confirm that nutrition can make all the difference. I have lost like 25kg just by eating right

but by that time all that's left as far as dating goes are old ass used up psycho bitches and women who ballooned up in their 20's.

really it's not fair. By the time I'm old enough to be handsome and rich enough to date my crush she'll be old and washed up. Men taking the L on this again

Why can't women age like this? If a woman looks even half as good in her mid 30s as she did in her early 20s, she's done incredibly well.

How does one eat right?

I've been making huge facial gains now that I'm on a cut. My face is starting to look almost as good as when I was Auschwitz mode in my early twenties.

sorry guys, Brady's facial aesthetics were always there, he just became a fat shit in college

Not necessarily true the woman i'm dating is 34 and im 22 and she isn't used up at all to the contrary actually. Granted she isn't the skinniest chick but she more than makes up for it in her boobs and ass. I think we are just too wrapped up in looking for someone that we think is acceptable by society's standards rather than someone who makes you happy and you could see yourself with for an extended period of time.

>literally chad epitomized


>now that I'm on a cut

I forgot this wasn't /fit/. Being on a cut means that you're on a caloric deficit. This results in your body using its fat resources for fuel.

Yaa me too

>plump and healthy
>auschwitz mode

Or get surgery. Brady's still fat, yet his face is lean. It wasn't diet.

what a chad

I'm addicted to fucking caffeine, my face will be a mess when i reach 30

Brady is the GOAT, but his diet made me lose some respect for him.
kind of a downer tBh.
I really thought he had some awesome discipline, sticking to this awesome diet and then I find out it's mothing but a bunch of unscientific New Age bullshit.
Only pink Himalayan salt!
The great benefits of putting water in sunlight and enjoying the vitamins in it...the vitamins in the water. OMG.
Still think the guy is the greatest ever player, but think a little less of him as a man.

who cares