When are you going to get on the Brady diet?
When are you going to get on the Brady diet?
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Im already doing it
nah, IIFYM all the way
Absolutely disgusting. I'd rather die @ 45 of heart failure than eat that shit.
Not even Patrick Bateman was this autistic
Brady does have a lot of psycho qualities
that is pretty damn insane
Totally unnecessary unless you are a body builder in an extremely low weight class.
Or the greatest football player of all time.
>vegetable ice cream
this nigga is satan
the guy might be a fucking psycho
I wouldn't eat cacoa at night it's caffeinated
I just eat a decent diet and take a ton of vitamins
too hard to get everything from food
Don't see activated almonds anywhere
>doesn't even activate his almonds
fucking plebeian
>activating water
Is this... the power of semen slurping?
I knew he was GOAT, then again, QB's don't need to lift all that much
But but seriously, brad has too many 'rituals'.
Yeah hes a Nazi when it comes to football
>activated water
That's some next level shit right there
Just look at his eyes during every game, it's like he's getting ready to choke someone to death.
>>activating water
Too much meat to be anti inflammatory
lol true
the meat diet in america is massive, that's a low meat diet compared
Now this is lifeposting
I have the full PDF scanned version of his cookbook.
Brady just takes care of his body in general, the diet is a meme. He could go from this strict new age bullshit diet to a regular healthy diet and there would be no difference in his health/performance.
post it lad
His diet is full of bullshit non-science.
80% of what they eat is vegetables
No white sugar
No white flour
No caffeine
No dairy
No nightshades (tomatoes, peppers, mushrooms, or eggplants)
Himalayan sea salt (no table salt)
Little fruit (βHe will eat bananas in a smoothie. But otherwise, he prefers not to eat fruits.β)
The other 20 percent is lean meats: grass-fed organic steak, duck every now and then, and chicken. As for fish, I mostly cook wild salmon.β
Whole grains: brown rice, quinoa, millet, beans
Only organic foods
Nah I can't. I don't want to fuck over my babe Brady by leaking his $200 book.
Sounds like a solid diet tbqh
this isnt accurate, Brady doesnt eat tomatoes or anything red because they're inflammatory
>heavy processed food like rice
>She puts the spring water in blue bottles exposed directly to sunlight
Seriously hope those aren't plastic bottles.
love tom but lost a little respect for him after looking at his diet.
kind of embarrassing tBh
easily the GOAT QB tho
t. Fatty
>and take a ton of vitamins
wasting your time and $$ if you're taking vitamin pills
I've got nothing against a strict diet, I was a varsity athlete, but holy fuck there's such a thing a science, Tom, look into it.
Yep, truth.
Give it to me
>varsity athlete in Canadian high school
>greatest player of all-time at most prestigious and important position in the biggest profession sport in America
Yea, same thing. I'm sure you know better.
varsity = high school?
university is what I meant. didn't know varsity applied to high school, serves me right for using an American term.
Tom's the greatest DSPITE that diet, not because of it.
With a real diet he could even haven been better, if you can wrap your mind around that.
>$200 book.
I uhhh
>How to become immortal.txt
I don't see "Massive amounts of HGH" on that list. Clearly incomplete.
> himalayan sea salt
Really nigga?
once i get a supermodel wife
Nobody takes HGH anymore. It's all about dat GHRP-3/6
That is insane Brady..
just balance your intake of fat/carbs/proteins and you'll be fine, Timmy boy...
>Has a diet
>still flabby as fuck
Really gets my neurons firing
>He fell for the tablet jew.
>No caffeine
>No dairy
>No nightshades (tomatoes, peppers, mushrooms, or eggplants)
What kind of satanic ritual is this?
Brady has been looking kind of gay these days.
It's a diet that works for him and that's really all you can expect. Is it 100% backed up by the most objective scientists in the world? Probably not, but dietary science is really shifty and up in the air depending on your own body.
You're better off experimenting a bit and coming up with one yourself.
i have been for 34 years
>just started dieting yesterday
>not really focusing on what what I'm eating, just trying to stay below 1900 calories for about a week
>shit sux
How in the fuck people can do this kind of shit is beyond me.
> mushroom
> nightshade
Really nigga?
Pretty sure it is a nightshade
>Little fruit
>Himalayan sea salt
>organic foods
I'm glad it works out for him and I agree with a number of the points, but a lot this shit was debunked years ago. The fact that people still bite on the gluten is bad is hilarious.
How can there be Himalayan sea salt? The Himalayas aren't near an ocean, so how can there be a sea with salt to make Himalayan sea salt?
This sounds like the most hipster vegan bullshit nonsense of all time. How can there possibly be Himalayan sea salt? I just looked at a map to confirm it. The Himalayas are NO WHERE NEAR the sea. Maybe there are a few lakes or ponds, but that's not a sea, is it?
What are they feeding him? Is it code? HSS? Human Steroid Serum?
.And yet he's still the greatest athlete of all time and you're posting anonymously about fitness on an anime forum. I wonder why.
Pretty sure mushrooms aren't even plants.
How can you be so calm about this? They're laughing in our faces! It's so blatant!
"We'll tell them it's Himalayan Sea Salt! Those dummies don't know enough geography to figure it out!"
Well guess what, Illuminati Bilderburg Davos Reptillian Globalists? I found the truth. And the truth has set me free. The Himalayan Mountains do not intersect the sea. Any sea.
Consult your atlas and observe the facts. We have been sold a bill of goods and there is no telling how deep the rabbit hole goes.
I would try it out
just google it limey
Next google inquiry you make should be "world salt deposits".
You obviously didn't google hard enough because most salt deposits are the result of ancient evaporated inland oceans.
nvm, now I know you're memeing
nightshade's are a family of plants
fungi aren't even plants
A food group called nightshades. β[Tom] doesn't eat nightshades, because they're not anti-inflammatory. So no tomatoes, peppers, mushrooms, or eggplants.
I'd try it if I could afford or find half that shit.
There's no food group called nightshades. It's a group of plants that includes tomatoes, peppers and eggplants among others such as tobacco, but not mushrooms. There's no connection with mushrooms and any of those plants, apart from the fact that Tom Brady doesn't eat them.
The internet is lying and you are correct? Is that what you are telling me?
Yes. Even internet has this correct. You should read more deeply.
His wife is on that bbc diet
It's just food. Eat to live.
Under 1900 is piss easy if you don't drink soda, coke, etc.
Tomorrow maybe
>tfw gorging on crab cakes & I can't stop
Doesn't he eat heavy in the winter months?
So I'm good, right?
That's solid protein but a lot of dead carbs
Brady's summer menu is shit tier. He must love winter
The funny thing is Tom's personal chef did an interview, and he's the one that goes and buys all the ingredients, does all the cooking, and provides the menus for the meals he'll be making that week. He decides what they'll be eating.
>no caffeine
Well, i'm fucked
He doesn't consume caffeine, but he eats chocolate. :-/
this is insane
t. Activated almonds retard
As soon as his diet includes Waffles for breakfast and shitty Chinese take out for dinner.
pretty based
meanwhile rodgers is snorting cocaine. this is why brady is goat
I stick to the Messi diet.
I mean you are right that it is pretentious bullshit, any kosher salt is pretty much the same as himalayan sea salt, but there is such a product and I guess if you're filthy rich you might as well buy it.