Why America? Just why?

Why America? Just why?

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Hey, at least he's pro-life unlike lying shillary

Oy vey, we Jews will get rid of him before winter because he's not anymore that useful to us.

Screencap this.

Because we don't want to turn into a muslim infested liberal hellhole like Europe

That's not a good thing you imbecile

>killing unborn babies = okay
>killing mass murders = BAD

>liberal logic

Fuck you big government fags for trying to tell people what they can and can not kill.

>unborn = not living = not killing
>murder is an action, not a living being, you can not kill murder
>strawman / 10, I never even said anything about killing murderers (I'm assuming that's what your sausage fingers tried to type) and you would not know my personal opinion on the subject

>not a liberal

Congratulations. You failed on all accounts.

>>unborn = not living

fake and gay and even pajeet.

unborn = actually "living, yet not registered as born".




There's no hypocrisy here. They just enjoy making children suffer. They want women to suffer by being forced to give birth to children they don't want, and then they also want those children to go hungry and endure hardship. This is because Thuglikans are psychopaths.


This... I know so many people having babies they didn't want or pressured to keep and the ones that didn't die from neglect are delayed, can only imagine how they are going to be as they get older

You probably mean "anti-abortion". Big difference. First week in office he ordered the murder of women and children. MAGA!

10,000 times this


>unborn = actually "living, yet not registered as born".
You really are retarded, do you really believe this shit?

yep, sorry nog, no more handouts

Whites get the handouts now, finally.

I've been working my ass off and paying into medicare and social security my whole life. It's not a handout, I earned it.


Wow you worked so a bunch of lazy nigger could take your money good job retard I've never worked in my life and now that trump is president it's my turn to get the handouts

If abortion were legal, there is a chance you would have never existed, so it can't be that bad.


Because he's a cold slap in the face of the corrupt democrats. I'd rather he be president now and maybe the democrats learn something. Fuck Hillary.


If it was possible for parents to see how their kids would turn out, there would be a 100% chance he would never have existed.

So you approve of mass murder?


>apples to oranges
that's some serious mental gymnastics you're doing there.

"I paid in hundreds of dollars into MC and SS, I deserve my thousands back! It's not a hand out!, It's not everyone working together to support it! I did this! Me! Me alone! Fuck socialism or something like that"

True. Most people exhaust what they paid in after 5 years of getting benefits.


Or the whole " don't mess with my SS or MC! " "Kick them off welfare!" "Socialism is the devil!" One of the 3 statement don't mix with the others...

I love when Sup Forums gets liberal and makes sense

>makes sense

pick only one

>yes, i responded to obvious b8


Democrats didn't lose because of social issues. The country is mostly on their side on social issues. The Democrats lost because 1. they rigged their own primary and were more frightened by a Bernie presidency than a Trump presidency and 2. in your absurd sham of a democracy, the person with more votes loses 2 in 5 elections.

It's a joke, fag. But no, the real reason Democrats lost is much simpler: gerrymandering.


Oh you mean snowflake Republican crying about how they are getting misrepersented?

off by 2

>When you get fucked so hard by daddy trump you spout salt for all 8 years of his presidency
Gona be a fun 8 years lads

You retards get butthurt about what kind of mustard Obama likes and the color of his suits. Trump is literally under investigation by the FBI and hasn't accomplished a single thing

Says the commonwealth "democracy" where people can't even elect their own prime minister.

i'm still waiting for him to openly condemn the kkk, and neo-nazis who pulled off a horrendous terrorist act a week ago.

notice, how he literally condemned islam within minutes of barcelona.


You sir are unamerican...

Gerrymandering affects district based elections, such as the House, not presidential ones. Hillary lost because she ran a shitty campaign and failed to actually appeal enough to voters in swing states and alienated part of her base. Her popular vote win is the result of her spending millions on get out the vote campaigns in states she was already expected to win by a margin because she was afraid that she might win the Electoral College but lose the popular vote.

> Trump is literally under investigation by the FBI and hasn't accomplished a single thing
Wrong. Even if he was, you guys didn't seem so concerned over the FBI investigation of Hills emails, so why should we be concerned about this? Economy is looking good, new coal mines opening, jobs coming back, wall funding has been allocated. Please remind me when we are done winning, because i'm not tired yet.
t. Californian (not actually america)


>jobs coming back
Right.... Biggest loss of manufacturing jobs in 35 years, lowest approval rating in history at barely 22%, can't pass jack shit, and getting his EOs overturned by federal judges.

Hillary running a shitty campaign is backed up by numerous sources from within her campaign that revealed infighting, overfocus on endorsements and donors, lack of local campaign offices, rigid top-down control, inefficient spending, lack of retail level politics, and an unresponsive national campaign towards the concerns and needs of local campaigns. That's not a statement about her politics, it's a statement about her as a candidate.


>Unemployment at record low
>Markets at record highs
>Record number of illegal immigrants arrested
>Ridiculous Obama-era business regulations cancelled

Hail Trump!

Is California still in the union? Then your still in american, and thous still spreading traitorous ideology, lucky tho, free speech and all

>Right.... Biggest loss of manufacturing jobs in 35 years
Objectively false please don't lie on the internet
>lowest approval rating in history at barely 22%
Remind me who is conducting these polls? Oh right the same people who polled Trump 10 points below Hill-shill, and later gave trump can't pass jack shit, and getting his EOs overturned by federal judges.
Travel ban is actually in effect right now. Please try again,

Let's not make up facts. He's at around 34, nowhere near 22. That would imply 78 percent of the country is sane

But Trump said you can't trust those unemployment numbers, that there are more factor then what they take in.

Well, if you'd stop watching CNN for your info, you would have known that he condemned them minutes after it happened.


see 1:08

>Pic related

>Why America? Just why?

the Dems forced Hillary who was awful as a secretary of state, awful as a senator, awful as a campaigner and who's husband ushered in China's leap forward in rocketry during his tenure as president.

Trump is awful. But the devil you know or the devil you don't. and moderates either no voted with a 3rd party and voted on the other state and local issues that mattered or held their nose and went trump.


He pretends to be pro-life. He used to pretend to be super pro-choice.



Why are Republicans so dishonest? You retards did nothing but bitch and moan about emails for an entire year and now suddenly no one cared lol. Hypocrites, all of you. Not one ounce of integrity in the entire gop.

Despite being on camera as being very "pro-choice" in previous years. You can argue that he had a change of heart, but he's also been on camera saying positive things about Democrats, even praising Hillary Clinton. So either he's genuinely changed his view on a grand number of things, or has simply adopted a role that would grant him Republican endorsement.



They should really have an IQ test to vote to keep out the tards.

>Lists a bunch of shit other people did
>Wow he accomplished so much

You're fucking retarded

>more right-wing lies

nearly everything on this list is bullshit and has been debunked, or is nothing more than spin, and/or taking credit for obama's successes.

try again.

TPP would've helped US economy. The Paris Environmental Accord would've taken little jobs since coal mining jobs are already taken over by machinery. It would've created a lot jobs in the green energy industry though.
“We have a president that can't get anything done so he just keeps signing executive orders all over the place.” - Trump
He's passed no major legislation. 40 minor bills don't count.
He can't even deport as many immigrants as Obama. He's incompetent.
Mexico is not paying for the wall.
The great negotiator only managed to pass a partial travel ban.
His buy American, hire American policy doesn't apply to him.
He has no clue what he's doing in Afghanistan and he's killing a shot ton of civilians trying to bomb isis.
Russia doesn't count as a strategic ally. Even if they did, alienating the rest of the world is counterproductive.
Abortions aren't funded by the federal government. Even if they were, cutting funds means more niggers being born.

Are you concerned that this would keep most blacks and Hispanics from voting?

Just looking at the first few.... So you're saying Obama appointed the SCOTUS Justice? Obama Opened a coal mine?

Oh my.....

because america is now at the same mind stage europe was at the 1930s.
Wait another 70years after this shit and the first niggers are in the 1930s.
History repeats itself untill everyone is through this shit.


anti-abortion is not about protecting babby, its about punishing sluts who are not sexing with me.



>he's passed no legislation
Um, our President doesn't pass legislation -- that's the job of Congress.

non-American detected


Republicans seem to think the laws don't apply to them because they're doing "God's work" or some shit. Look at all the shit Reagan got away with meanwhile Billy Clinton, a far better president, gets a blowjob and gets impeached.

It is time for you electionfags to go back to where you came from.

Haha you are fucking dumb. You literally have to be intellectually dishonest just to keep your world view.from shattering. Think about that, if you stopped pretending you were a fucking moron for two seconds you're entire web of dishonesty falls apart.

Wait? How is he cracking down on is and NK? How is he cutting funding for abortions abroad? How does he have any say in what other country do? How are the pipelines good? Other then letting company's run all over him? Who are the sanctuary cities? How were they punished? Law enforcement is by state and local citys isn't him even supporting them over stepping his federal/state boundaries?

well I guess you showed me

ITT: People who are too dumb to post on Sup Forums say the same shit to each other as they did two hours ago and will again in two hours.

>total fabrication

snopes debunked this bullshit already. try and keep up faggot.


All they have going on in their lives is Team White People. They have literally no other source of self-esteem or self-worth and they're too dumb to actually consider making the world better. So everything is about their team getting power and having the economic security of being the world's slavemasters. Everything they say is deliberate lies, disinformation, and spin, which they see as just helping their team win.

>too dumb to post on Sup Forums

Literally cannot exist.


Posting this Sup Forums bullshit intellectually dishonest list which is mostly complete BS.

Dan Rather got fired by CBS for basing reports on obviously forged documents. He has zero credibility anymore and shouldn't be cited as an authority on anything.

That being said, I agree with his quote.

just the sheer number of replies to this post alone shows just how much it's nothing more than bait.

Actually the number of replies shows just how effective it is at triggering you little snowflakes. CNN, MSNBC, and other MSM continually echo fake news that Trump has done absolutely nothing, so when you see this list you get extremely butthurt since it flies in the face of your worldview.
