"No, Rey. You are my father!"
"No, Rey. You are my father!"
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>A tree made of the force
I think that will finally kill star wars for me.
Literally and figuratively, what?
The force comes from children playing under a tree. Rey is the girl reborn and the boy turned evil creating the dark side.
Rey is the chosen one, not Anakin.
The force comes from a tree.
oh, no
I heard something vague about the tree, but damn! Midichlorians suddenly don't seem so bad now.
It's retarded because the star wars god confirmed Anakin is the chosen one so for Disney to pull "it was a misreading of the prophesy, Rey is the real chosen one" is such bullshit.
>Reminder that if the leaks are true, all trees enhance the light side of the force
>Reminder that this could be a canon reason why Rey could beat Kylo in the forest
>Reminder that Sheev knew everything there was to know about the Force inside and out
>Reminder that he still placed his base of operation where he planned on confronting the last living Jedi next to a fucking Forest Moon
Disney was a mistake.
Jesus Christ, that cannot possibly be true. Kathleen Kennedy needs to be killed right now if this is real.
Anyone got a link to the leaks? This shit can't be real
How high is the trees' midochlorian count
None of this is verified true. This is as real as the TFA leaks.
Are you one of those retards who think they are the force?
You can see the tree in the set leaks, it looks exactly like the rebel alliance symbol, which Disney is no doubt retconning to be a new origin for it.
It's stupid because aside from a single "may the force be with you" by the old guy in the deathstar battle briefing in IV the rebels had nothing to do with the force.
The force tree is canon. They introduced it in the new eu.
Poes mother stole the last force tree from the empire with Luke and she planted it in her garden. Poe grew up playing under the tree and this gave him force sensitivity.
This is all canon now.
If this turns out to be true then I'm officially done with Star Wars. I even overlooked how shit TFA was, but making Rey an even bigger Mary Sue will be the final straw.
The Chosen One is reincarnated whenever the force needs to be balanced.
>They introduced it in the new eu.
Does not exist. There is only canon and not canon.
>Poes mother stole the last force tree from the empire with Luke and she planted it in her garden. Poe grew up playing under the tree and this gave him force sensitivity.
You must have read a different comic. Luke gives Poe's family a tree as a gift then the comic ends.
It didn't take long for it to be out of balance again. What, 30 years?
Focusing on the magical tree is missing how it interconnects - the broader, more complicated symbol system Disney are creating. It's far superior to anything that hack Lucas churned out. I guess you could say people upset are missing the forest for the trees.
>it's the same kind of mystical horseshit as the LOST finale
>the canon got axed for this
At least normalfags didn't know about that brand of autism, now every mother fucker will be talking about force trees.
Fuck there will be Star Wars Christmas trees.
sounds good. adding more complexity to a pretty bland canon.
Does anyone have the webm that shows off Reys ass? She is in a tight dress.
Oh my god.
Disney is just doing this because botanical merchandise is an untapped market.
ebb and flow, yin and yang, male and female
>"If he's trying to recover knowledge, you know, it's like I don't want to do a holocron; holocrons have been done, don't do that. And I could hear both Pablo and Leland groan, and they're like, 'Yeah not another holocron.' And we'd been talking a lot about Palpatine and really about how horrible he was, and I think it was Pablo who said, 'You know what, you should use the tree from the Jedi Temple, from the Clone Wars cartoon,' and I was like, 'Oh that's a fantastic idea. That's a fantastic idea.' And that's where it came from. It was quite literally Story Group saying, 'Use the tree!' and I said, 'Oh that's beautiful.' And that's such a beautiful metaphor, you know, and it's a perfect metaphor for what the galaxy is like after Return of the Jedi."
It's only a Force sensitive tree. Nothing super significant about it other than it being a macguffin. But its a terrible metaphor because TFA resets everything
>"Han never told you what happened to your father"
>"He told me enough. He (practically) told me YOU are my father"
>"No, I KILLED your father"
Screencap this.
Luke has been training the tree all this time! Thats why he left, none of his students were as good as this tree.
So that's how Disney is going to do the Marvel/Star Wars crossover.
you guys take that shit waaaay too serious
i'm talking about SW, not the leaks
jedi = rebels = good guys
is a simpler and more marketable narrative
Disney is cancer
Anakin was Dark Side Chosen One.
Rey is Light Side Chosen One.
Luke was light side chosen one.
Why do we need another one?
Why can't somebody write a Star Wars story without a fucking chosen one?
poe & tree
He better have some god damned lines in the next one.
>Anakin failed hard at being darkside's chosen one at the end
>Rey will do the same
>New Trilogy ends with Snoke becoming Supreme Leader of the Galaxy, creating a setting for potentially unlimited sequels where they are trying to overthrow Snoke but he's always just out of their grasp Doctor Claw style.
>Everyone is focusing on the tree leak
>Nobody cares about the Chinese dracula
Why can't the force be metaphysical energy we are not meant to fully understand?
Luke is neutral chosen one. Balance ebbs and flows. The EU even has books where he studies the dark side to better understand it.
>Chosen one
>Why can't somebody write a Star Wars story without a fucking chosen one?
because that would suck ass, but I guess you can count Rogue One as the closest thing
cha-ching achieved!
Kino in the making.
Sup Forums will be BTFO when the trilogy concludes.
The one thing I wonder is how the normies will react, they seriously can't eat this shit up.
Don't even need to go to EU to see why he's gray.
He downright used the Darkside to beat Vader and then just said "nah, I don't need it".
Hell, at the start of RotJ, he casually chokes out two guards in Jabba's palace who didn't even want try to attack him just wanted to stop and scan him for weapons like is their job. He could've mind tricked them, but he felt choking them was more appropriate, despite Yoda explicitly saying "A Jedi uses the force for knowledge and defence, never for attack."
>Empire is a human supremacist organisation
>Snoke is some form of ayy
Is this some sort of allegory for cuckoldry?
Daily reminder that according to the nu-canon, the force became dormant after Kylo killed the New Jedi Order and Luke disappeared.
Guess who is the Awakening...
>Download Starwars go in your phone and search forcetrees
I don't care. I just want more Ruke fics and fan art.
>'Hmm, im pretty bored. I know! I'll make a thread on Sup Forums with a picture of old Luke Skywalker saying "No, Rey. You are my father!" Hahaha. That would be a good use of my time!'
Holy fuck. If this is true i will personally be publically ridiculing all Star Wars fans for the rest of my life. I fucking love the originals as a film trilogy and then they turned corporate. Fuck Disney.
>The force comes from a tree
>You climb a tree to get high up off the ground
>High ground grants max skill in force power
The poetry just keeps going.
No you aren't. You will continue to watch it.
yeah yeah there's a thousand variants that are reminiscent of the rebellion insignia.
What the hell are you all talking about?
>Sheev was so powerful, because he personally grew a force tree, and gave it plant steroids to make it higher than the original
The rebels/resistance/new republic are basically non-force sensitive jedi worshippers so they very much have everything to do with the jedi. They are basically light side regular people.
Whereas empire/first order/ etc are sith worshipping, even if they don't know it, dark side regular people.
Rey seems the sort to prefer bareback.
The new EU is canon because Disney.
no recovery possible
Anakin's blue ghost visited some ripe Tattoine desert slave girl horny from bulleyeing womp rats all day. Blue Ghost Anakin proceeded to force penis her...creating Rey...his own reincarnation...whose was so strong in the force even in the womb that she resisted the back alley Jawa abortion doctor, eventually getting born and dumped on another desert planet by her mom's angry slavemaster for lack of imagination. Rey is her own father.
Fucking kill yourself.
inb4 Rey gives birth to twins
They will be Kylos too.
The term EU only applies to Legends material because its a fancy way of saying alternative universe. The new classification is canon or not canon. There is no more expanded universe it's all one canon. But this is mostly for authors to follow not fans.
Rey is too good for him.
It'll probably be a virgin birth like Anakin.
The set leaks said they were filmed walking together under the moonlight.
my force awakened
Bullshit, source?
the funny thing is I don't doubt this will happen, not for a second
its a big count.
You all know that Pablo Hidalgo called this "leak" complete bullshit, right? He doesn't tend to outright lie.
Boyega said romance won't go the way we expect, and that he and Daisy weren't playing romance. Some of the more credible leaks say that Rey doesn't want to kill Kylo even when Luke wants her to.
I'm actually starting to think it might happen. I don't know how to feel about it.
>chinese dracula
Do I even want to know?
People want to get mad and will use any bullshit leak to do it. They aren't going to listen to you.
>TFA apologists will defend a fucking tree being the source of the Force and Rey being the literal reincarnation of Anakin and the REAL Chosen One, yet they'll continue to shit all over Midichlorians (Which aren't even stated to be what the force actually is) and Yoda using a lightsaber (Which is supposed to be the weapon of a Jedi).
Sounds fucking retarded when Luke could just do it himself.
Brave New World
Not true. If you took the time to read the actual supposed "script leak" that it came from you would know that it was littered with grammatical errors, and had dialogue that even Lucas would say is retarded. Images of the big spooky tree were leaked months ago, and the alleged leak came out after that, and mentioned the tree to give itself credibility. It is absotively posilutely 100% fucking fake. Screencap this.
you can all rest easy
The first half of this is correct. But there's nothing to suggest that the trees give people force powers, or that Poe has any. Han Solo was a gifted pilot and he didn't have any.
here it is, by the way, straight from the website it "leaked" on
>force flows through all and binds all living things
>people are surprised to find it in a tree
>Eve = Rey
>Adam = ???
>Forbidden tree = force tree
Only that this time the roles are reversed. I'm guessing Snoke might be "Adam".
It just screams fanfic. Say what you will about Lucasfilm's new direction, but they couldn't fuck the characters and dialogue up this badly
This shit is fake as fuck.
Real or not Rey will be someone very important and I highly doubt that the big twist is "huuurrrr she a Skywalker/Solo". Because that now makes no sense whatsoever.
My take is that she's THE force itself.
Sheev was a man to never turn down a true challenge.
It is illegal to talk about Episode 8.
Only Rogue One and Felicity may be talked about.
kill yourself
this isn't even screenplay format
Not yet
>today begins your jedi training, rey
>we will start with the mind trick, it took me several years to perfect this one, but event..
>oh you already know that one
>okay, we'll start with moving objects with your mind, I was just barely able to do this one but it saved my life from a wamp...
>oh, you know that one too
>okay, how about lightsaber dueling, this one is important because if you're ever going to be able to hold yourself against a sith lo...
>oh you already can do that one too
>how about flying the milleni-
>or how about understanding droid spee-
>okay, question for you rey, why haven't you destroyed the imperial remnant single handedly yet?