Did anyone see the eclipse? It's cool

Did anyone see the eclipse? It's cool.

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NY fag here, didnt see shit.
The sun looked totally normal.
I looked at it at 2:43 PM

yeah man it was rad

Missouri fag here seen it not total but i seen it

Yep used my welding helmet to see it

Nope, it was raining hard as fuck here in vegas so we couldn't see shit. Feelsbadman.

MO fag here. Saw total eclipse. Jazzed my pants.

it got kinda dark here in Michigan but the sun didn't look any different the few times i tried to look at it. my visions kinda fucked up now

Same. Was able to look directly at it tho when it went full eclipse.

Watched it on my new 5k screen.

...in a fucking like 480p stream.


Tennessee here. I was able to see the full eclipse, but it was VERY short, less than a minute.

I'm in Ohio, made a pinhole cereal box, and was able to see it, really fucking cool!

Straight felt like a hallucinogen, especially when it sucked up all the light around you.

I can see it out my window.

It's taking fucking forever

The jews have stolen your eyesight.


PHX fag here, sunny with some clouds. Didn't see shit.

It was cool

I saw the lunar eclipse a couple years ago, that was fuckin cool. The moon seriously looked fake as hell when it happened.

saw totallity in kentucky, it was cool. My shitty phone camera didnt capture 1% of its glory really.

Ga. here rained once it started, saw it for about a minute. bullshit


Nasa needs to sit down and think about what people actually want to see when they tune in to their video feed.

Hint: It's not a shitload of footage of people sitting at desks on a sound stage talking about whatever.

I wanted to see the footage from the fucking chase jets flying along with the shadow and shit. Show us something cool, not, what 3 retards like me are saying on social media. If I wanted to know that, I'd go to social media. Fuck.

Tx fag here.
It was pretty neat. I took my box viewer to work and one of the engineers had fashioned this camera lens out of 3 layers of Mylar and it was so much better than my thing


>last thing I saw

i saw it it was kewl

I meant the sun looked exactly the same as any other day user

why the fuck would you want a 5k skreen and not a 4k like everybody else has

be fucking normal u faggort

I saw it with my neighbor and his wife I have a crush on. Oddly, her brother had the same idea (use a welding helmet).

Central Kentucky fag here. We got to see it. about 96% covered. Pretty cool.

Los Angeles did not see much. Needed special glasses.

Well, it was partial in NY, if u used some special lenses you could've seen it. :(


you may have damaged your eyes if it was lighter than 12. most are.

well, tbh, Los Angeles needs a lot of special help, of all kinds.

Same. Still really cool though.

Only thing i could get of it

Figured out a trick. Look at the middle of the satellite dish. You can see the Eclipse reflection.

Nashville here. Got around 2 minutes of totality.

Florida at 250pm btw, max coverage.

Nashville fag here.
It was really neat, definite highlights being able to see the stars and lowering the temperature to a comfortable 70


They were already damaged by another partial eclipse back ~2000. Literally the next year I was told I needed fucking glasses.

What hurt more was the fact I was fairly certain the neighbor's wife was annoyed. Yes, I know it was illogical to expect any different, but humans are not logical.

It just got ever so slightly darker here in Raleigh, NC. I wouldn't have even known there was an eclipse going on if it weren't for all the hype. 92.8% obscured my ass...

Chicago here. kinda cloudy but 87% coverage

God has spoken!

Better than my explanation for needing glasses. I was a stupid fucking kid, and noticed the sun didn't hurt my eyes, so me and my friend both had contests to see who could stare the longest. Now my eyesight is garbage. Gunna get lasik once I graduate and start my career.

VA fag here looked at the sun and saw about 90% coverage. Was pretty cool


Because Applefags are the biggest fags out there, even bigger than OP.

Nebraska reporting in. Was cool as fuck

The eclipse was predicted years ago, you an even check an online calendar and see the next eclipses in the following years from now, like hundreds and shit.

Seen it....fucking lameass bullshit BFD

sure kid


Tennesseefag here as well
Wasn't total where I live but came very close. Pretty cool, and it was surprisingly dark out

>the neighbor's wife was annoyed
At what?

It was total here and it doesnt turn to night....fucking media sensationalism bullshit

Seeing this was almost more interesting than the actual eclipse. Only had a 99% one in Athens and I didn't expect these shadows to happen

It's pretty lame if you're not in the path of totality.

well played.

Fucking clouds did not even get dark

Anyone else feel tired after it ended?

Clouds completely fucked me over.

I was in the path of totality and it didnt turn to night fuck stick can you not read

Even the sky hates you.

oh that really blows

I wish I could see it. Why does all the cool stuff happen in the Northern Hemisphere

Then you're a lying faggot because it got plenty dark here.

Yeah, oklahoma fag. Got this pic. Pretty neat. You can see the eclipse next to the sun. Majic I think.

505 fag here didn't give a flying fuck, but when I was out changing my brakes on my sports car it was cloudy as fuck didn't see a fucking thing.


Only 100% obscured is really gonna be noticeable, because any amount of sunlight peeking through is gonna keep the sky bright and create the sun glare we're used to.

If you compared the brightness of your surroundings directly to normal brightness, there would be a noticeable difference. But it happens gradually, and your eyes adjust, so you don't really notice the difference. Totality is the only time when the change is sudden and dramatic enough to be immediately noticeable.


Idiots around here paid 3k for motel rooms and 300 bucks to pitch a tent in a field

Prolly me checking her out. MILF territory, and hubby is only a common-law marriage.

I left after enough time had passed post-totality, so as to not spoil all of it for her.

Got pretty smelly in your mommas ass last night too

This. Dimmed the sky a bit and crescent shadows, but the sun still looked the like the sun.

Chattanooga barely got a totality moment

dozens flew into St. Joseph Missouri from all over the world
It poured down rain during the whole thing KEK

Eclipses and many other astronomical events are easily predictable because we know the exact paths and speeds of celestial objects. These paths do change; the moon, for instance, is always moving farther away from us, very slowly. But that change is also predictable. All it takes is a little math. It's not like a weather forecast.

April 8th 2024
Going through my home town, I'm pretty stoked about that, Hopefully it wont be rainy. Tends to be rainy that time of the year.

Nashville here, saw the totality. Pretty cool.
Saw the shadow snakes on the ground. looked weird.
Going into and coming out of totality were the best parts imo.

>Mom jokes
You're either really young or completely autistic.

They said that during totality you could see the stars and it would be night time
That was total bull I was in the exact path it was far from nighttime.

You'll know it was totality when you can safely look at the sun and see the corona perfectly silhouetting the moon. If you didn't see that, it was like 99% partial which is completely different.

It was amazing over here. We got totality with almost no clouds.

Dogs started barking. Fireworks were going off somewhere. And all the night time crickets and animals that make noise at night around here were going off. Sounded like a zoo. People were going "WOOOOO" everywere.

The only regret I have is I read a bad source that said you had to look through the sunglasses to see the halo. That actually wasn't true. You couldn't see it at all through the glasses. So I spent like 10-20 seconds of totality waiting for the eclipse to appear when it was already there. Finally had the common sense to take them off and see it though.

>You're either really young or completely autistic
said the acientfag pedobear

At least you saw it get suddenly very dark. That's better than my experience with clear skies but a lame partial that you don't even notice if you're not using special glasses.

April, 8, 2024

So I walked into walgreens to buy a bottle of rum, I was greeted by this short Hispanic girl. She had a voice that sounded like anime. I asked here why the store was so empty and if everyone was watching the eclispes. She laughed, very girly and said yeah. I then asked her what she was doing after her shift, she told me nothing. I stared into her eyes and she laughed as if imtemindated by my comeon. I'm 6ft tall Btw, but we then started making out in the liquor isle. It was getting kind of hot....

They're not wrong. For the entirety of totality, stars are visible. Difficult to see with the naked eye I suppose but you can observe them if you know where to look for it

i used multiple sunglasses and now my left eye hurts


I bought a big ass camera lense just for this.


Yeah I got a similar pic with the crescent lens flare.

Saint Louis Missouri fag here, southern part where totality hit. I walked outside about half an hour before, day was hot as fuck and bright. Sun was beginning to be covered. Watched the news coverage for a bit until totality neared. Walked outside and it was a noticeable amount darker. Almost eerie to have that type of dark with the sun out and clear skies. Looking at the sun without glasses just looks normal, I put the glasses on to see the eclipse occur. During totality, it was dark and you could look at the moon and see the light bending around it. Way cooler than I anticipated. After the moon left, visible waves of light were flooding over my porch. My expectations weren't high, but they were definitely exceeded.

That's petty cool user.