Awwww. No Trump threads guys? No bashing of white men? No Operation Stormfront or Operation Normalize?

Awwww. No Trump threads guys? No bashing of white men? No Operation Stormfront or Operation Normalize?

Even if you faggots are in your little bunkers figuring out how to not be labeled terrorists, it's too late. Americans see Antifa for the fascist brown shirts they are. I'd enjoy those $10 balaclavas you all bought, because hopefully, they'll be labeled terrorists uniform soon. You faggots done goofed. Your boss must be so disappointed.

Other urls found in this thread:

make some sense you degenerate retard.

What part of my coherent statements and questions are you having trou let with, faggot?

Fucking autocorrect.

Why are both sides so condescending? Who the fuck likes either parties?

Alt left is going down, they can whine and cry in their jail cells. They deserve everything they get, no better than the people they claim to oppose.

Fuck the Alt Left and the Alt Right. I agree. It's just nice to see the extreme left facing some consequences for once.

Definitely. Antifa is no better than any other hate group.

Why don't you faggots take your shit to pol, I wish you were the one killed at Charlottesville you huge flaming faggot

It's time to ban Antifa scum. Up to North Korea you go.

I'd never be dumb enough to surround and assualt fucking Supremacists. Hose people were lucky no one was fucking shot. That was white men in the south at their own event. Nice to see your sense of justice though. This is why they're terrorists and you're a terrorist sympathizer if you support their stupid, destructive, race/sex/orientation-baiting asses.

Again. Fuck autocorrect.

No, I just hope you get run over you flaming faggot

Why? What have I done to you to deserve death, you mongoloid ultra-nigger? Did I hurt your feefees or rustle your jimmies, little guy?

The fact you can't use the correct forum you faggot, people trying to get hard in /b without all you faggots posting gay ass pol shit

Get hard? Fuck you, faggot. This isnt a porn board either. The Alt Left and Alt Right both have members here and I want them to see this shit. Go beat off in /s or /h or some shit, you lonely faggot.

it's always fun watching Sup Forums fags act all hard

Being this gay on Sup Forums fucking take yourself elsewhere you fucking dick bag. Goddamn sick and tired of reading the incoherent bullshit of 15 year olds. Jesus christ please end your life.

You need to let off some steam, getting angry over nothing lmao

I didn't start the position. I'm not threatening anyone. How am I acting "hard?" I just want the terrorists on the Left to see they've become the very thing they hate.

Go bomb them, show them who they messing with

Petition.* Jesus, Google. Get your shit together.
I'm 27 and married and have watched as my original position of center left has been hijacked by fucking idiot radical teens, but I'm the edgelord here? Ok guy. Whatever you say.

I'm not a terrorist. I'd rather talk to them and see why they think violence is acceptable for them.

Whatever. Mainstream liberals and democrats aren't represented by the so called alt left or antifa. But the alt right white supremicists put Trump in office, which is why he has tried to defend them. It doesn't matter what happens to antifa, it won't affect anything except maybe make little fag ass Nazi boys feel safe.

>10,000 people put Trump in office, not millions of unaffiliated people.

Ok, buddy. White Supremacist votes were fucking outdone by Harambe.

You strap a bomb vest on them, sit down have a convo, then maybe or maybe not blow their ass up, it's the left they don't deserve to be alive

Ftfy. And they're terrorists as well. Fuck both groups.

That's the same type of thinking we're condemning them for. You realize that, right? "We'll bring bats to this protest. Maybe we'll use them, maybe we won't."

Why split hairs? The Nazi political party no longer exists and hasn't in a long time. Nobody is confused when you call somebody marching with swastikas and straight arm saluting a Nazi.

It discredits the argument. There are members of the Left who demand they be called Nazis and they're every bit as bad as the real 3rd Reich. Calling them Neo-Nazis shows you're aware they're a stupid, new breed of bigots instead of a disallusioned teen saying they're the genuine, threatening article.

We are gonna paint the streets red with nazi blood like our grandfathers did

Nice False-flag, man. Want to put some effort in next time, at least?

I prefer brevity. I don't think it makes a difference when you're talking about actual (neo)Nazis.
And to be fair, threat is a matter of perspective. I'm white, so I don't feel directly threatened. I feel more like they're scum, just desperate for a sense of belonging and someone to tell them they're important. That's a Nazi. Total fucking sad and lonely scum, not a threat.

Right. They have less than 20,000 members, guaranteed. The estimates say their numbers are closer to 10,000. There are 196,817,552 white people in America. This means Supremacists make up .0009% of white Americans. Look at that shit. Antifa is RAILING and foaming over them, and they're a speck.

Well yeah and... you can say the same exact thing about antifa.

Antifa seem to think that number is much higher, like every single white man who isn't a part of antifa is a nazi higher.

OP's newfag or troll.

Antifa IS a small percentage as well, but they have over 50,000 members worldwide. If either of them poses any kind of true threat, it's Antifa, especially since they get the benefit of recruiting by saying they're the good guys stopping evil. It's best they get nipped in the bud now. White Supremacy has been more or less dead for decades. Antifa is just starting.

I'm neither. Care to elaborate on your reasoning?

Antifa is a small anti nazi group and everyone is getting their dicks hard over them.
40k people protested in Boston, 30 got arrested for allegedly being antifa and everyone freaks out. Give me a break, this is just drama for the sake of drama.

Exactly. That's why they're a terrorist organization. It's only a matter of time until we're all Capitalist Nazis who are every "ist" they can throw at you, and once they label you as evil, they believe they have the right to harm you.

Tell me where I was a sensationalist. After Trump's election, they rioted and caused property damage and that's been their same motive operandi since. They're growing at a decent rate, as well.

90% of those post are ironical. Most people here are liberal, center leaning who don't like either trump nor hillary, and see antifa AND the white nationalists AND radical feminists as the shits they are.

I don't know you. What I do know is that these threads are up every day, and it's getting old. When antifa commits an act of terrorism they'll get assigned terrorist organization status. Until then this is drama, and red meat for Trumps base like Benghazi.

I'd agree. The difference is, out of all those groups, the far left has funding and guidance. You KNOW they run online campaigns, as well. Maybe this action will indirectly clean up the front page. Kek.

Because the Alt Left (Sargon started using it, so go for it, it pisses them off) is the "safe choice" for politicians / companies.

I wish the world could redpill and man up already.

You know you fucked up when YOUR news station is calling you out for your shit:

It looks like they are, man. You can only be accosted in a parking lot for a shirt or something you said so many times before you realize the dissenters are fucking nutjobs.