Is spanking the most redpilled form of discipline?

>Sends an immediate message
>Teaches that bad actions have bad consequences
>Builds muscle memory that pain is good to avoid
>Builds honor and integrity
>Teaches children to respect the authority of the parents

Also, spanking doesn't actually lower IQ like critical theory academia says. They want people to stop spanking so that children stop respecting their parents and only respect the State. Look at the countries that outlawed spanking:

>"""Great""" Britain

The three biggest cuck nations on the face of Earth today.

Spanking is the most redpilled parenting strategy when used responsibly and not just beating kids like niggers do.

Liberals hate it.

Other urls found in this thread:,9171,1983895,00.html

Don't hit children you fag

No, but it makes my butt hurt in a nice way. I bet it's Sup Forums's favorite pastime and favorite category of porn too.

No it's a form of sexual of abuse. Just look at that adult's face. It's like she's saying "ooh gimme a piece o' dat ass". Probably not even the mom just some sick and deranged nanny.


fuck off pedo

That picture looks like the mother is enjoying touching the girls ass. The girl is mid sneeze.

not an argument.

people that were beaten as kids

You punish a child by taking away there internet gadget shits, it will be much worse punishment for them and wont create emotional scars

Or it could completely fuck your kid up mentally

It's a complete crapshoot

Rationalize it however you want, you're still putting your hands on a kids butt.

There are literally 0 studies that prove that spanking is in any way beneficial for a child. There are several that prove the opposite

>b-but I was spanked and-

I don't care. Sup Forums is politically incorrect, but we back our shit up with facts, statistics, and studies.

>stunting your child's emotional growth by making them unable to trust their parents/father is redpilled
nice try Chaim

You don't need to spank the ass, I always got my back whipped by a belt

Not this again

Sweden and Germany dont hit kids, they instead neglect and emotionally abuse them which is even worse.

Punishing your child is as retarded as punishing your wife.

I knew this was posted by an american before i saw the flag

>it makes my butt feel nice
is an argument. And an extremely good one. How can you refute a pleasure like that?
inb4 you can't

u sure it aint blue pill cuz at one time it was encouraged by government and religion
there was a law in the US regulating the size of stick to beat ones wife n kids also the bible had a few lines one about not loving your children if you didn't beat their ass

Hitting children messes them up but that picture is hot.

I was spanked and I am glad for it.

it just teaches your kids to fear you not respect you.

>Builds honor and integrity
>Teaches that bad actions have bad consequences
Only if the kid understands that the adult doing the spanking is 100% right. But kids usually don't get that impression or the adult just has a really strict set of rules where questioning or defying a bullshit rule results in punishment.

>Teaches children to respect the authority of the parents
There are better ways to build respect. Especially if you want it to be mutual.

>Builds muscle memory that pain is good to avoid
Any muscle memory associated with spanking would mean you are spanking the kid far too much and that your teaching methods obviously aren't working. Pain avoidance isn't something that needs to be taught.

For the most part physical punishment only teaches children to not get caught.

Yup. Progressives insist that if no physical harm can be seen, it must be ok. Pretty ironic considering they usually whine about feels and exclusion.

>"As a child, I was unable to learn things or grasp concepts without being hit"

That's a few levels below a fucking dog or a cat, Sven.

Not an argument man makes arguments against spanking.
>this is not an argument, it is a statement of fact.

Whoever spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is diligent to discipline him.


Surely you can post some, specifically ones that control for race and socioeconomic status.

Black fathers disciplining/beating this shit of their kids is the scariest fucking I've ever seen

I'll spare your rod, Mongol.

i believe that spanking should be a last resort. However, there are some children where spanking is the only way to see improvement in behavior.

>Needing to hit your kids your kids because of you failing as parent.
Maybe start communicating about things first and have an actual bond with your kid instead of injecting your own dysfunction into your kids by hitting them.

*dibs fegora*

>"Emotional growth"

Not an argument

It shouldn't be done by the mother over pants like in that picture, her father should do it.
First he explains to her what she has done wrong and why she needs to be spanked. Then she pulls her skirt up, panties down and lays across his lap. Then he delivers the prescribed amount of smacks to her bottom with an open hand(not a belt or something). And after(and this is important) he comforts her and hugs her and tells her he still loves her even though he had to punish her.


Spanking happened for thousands of years and worked perfectly fine. Now because some butthurt lolbertarians got spanked a little too hard, now they want to outlaw it for everybody.

It's no different than sjws trying to change genders.

Burden of proof is on spankers, my friend.

my little brother used to talk shit to me and annoy me as hell. occasionally if it was just too much i just slapped him but i explained why i did it to him in a calm but firm way. did this about 3 times and he's a good kid now. smart as hell and loves me. he is showing good signs of alphaness too. He's 10 now i'm 21.


Just as how guns can be used to murder, they can be used appropriately.

Studies do not differentiate between abuse and proper corporal punishment when absolutely necessary and as a nuclear option.

Are you telling me you want the state to shoot my kid!!!

>Builds honor and integrity
The opposite of this is true.

>Punishing your child is as retarded as punishing your wife
But both of those are good things.

Spanking is gay. Just apply belt to back. Not a chance I'm gonna be touching my kid's ass.

Burden of proof is on the one making the claim dipshit.

nah fucking dumb burger.

spanking is new. corporal punishment has been around forever.

another plus is that it makes girls like being spanked when they're adults

You opened youself up by citing that there is a study. I am only asking you to back up your claim friendo.

Corporal punishment has existed for nearly all of civilization and we have seen progress. Society as a whole is the only case study you need.

>sudden abundance of spanking threads
>full-throated condemnation, pedo shaming, muh iq, muh feels, muh beating your children
What are the jews planning now?

"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children."

Hitting White children , especially your own , is not fucking cool.

Niglets are a different matter, but then we won't be dealing with them as they will be in Africa , kept at bay by very large Trump Walls protecting our White colonies.

Dickings get the point across a little better.

The claim here is that spanking is in some way beneficial, obviously. You're asking me to disprove the teacup in space.

I spank my girlfriend when she behaves badly.

Works very well.

Using an implement likr that is not good. It id too impersonal and hard to control.
>Not a chance I'm gonna be touching my kid's ass.
Why wouldn't you want to touch your daughter's cute little butt?

No, let the state shoot dysfunctional parents. Does your kid not show desired behavior for the state on his/her 18th birthday because of poor parenting? Then send the parents to concentration camps.

Your claim was that it was damaging.

We are asking you to prove it, except you can't.

If there is no evidence on either side, you shouldn't give a shit if it is practiced.

>Corporal punishment has existed for nearly all of civilization and we have seen progress. Society as a whole is the only case study you need.

Should be easy to find a study that supports this then!

>spanking is beating your kids

This is what faggots who weren't spanked like to say.

In a society that gives participation ribbons?

Because I'm not an abomination of nature. Also...

>having a daughter

Your mentally ill, and already thinking with the mindset of a genetic dead end.

>I was spanked and I turned out fine
this is what abused children with Stockholm Syndrome like to say

so, admittedly, none of the studies on the dangers of spanking exist,9171,1983895,00.html

ok your turn

Father/daughter sex is very good but using it as a punishment would be bad. Sexing his daughter is the ultimate expression of his love for her, it should be gentle and loving.
That is very good. Women need to be disciplined the same as children when the misbehave.

Try communicating with a 3 year old who literally cannot stop taking apart, turning on, and sticking his hand in the damn vacuum cleaner every minute you turn around to clean or take care of the house or sit down to take a shit.

Try handling it non physically for months. Then smack him around every time. After a week he stops fucking with the vacuum. And doesnt do it again.

Some kids are retarded, cant reason (especially at a young age).

Parents don't even yell at their kids anymore.

Absolutely no discipline.

That's circular logic though.
>you have a drug addiction
>no I don't
>that's the addiction speaking


>you have a drug addiction
>yes I do

You're blindsided by an unfounded belief about an individual's circumstance.


it lowers your childs IQ

keep in mind that 90% of british mothers admit to spanking their babies so people still do things that are illegal

Fear is not respect. When the child grows big enough not to fear the parents violence anymore, the so called "respect" disappears overnight.

No, that's nigger behavior.


It's the difference between a dog nipping a lowers neck to correct and ripping the lowers throat out. When used correctly physical punishment is the best way to teach a child.

Ask Ted Cruz' daughters who ran from their parents to Melania Trump for a chat if its a good thing.Damn, there is so many proofs of him being violent tard and no one cares.

Just like how your penis got blind sided by circumcision.


Spanking builds character in boys. For women, I bet it differs. Like when I grew up I was spanked. Was a little shit kicker so it made sense. I grew up alright. My sister, barley spanked her whole life. Turns into a hamplanet spoiled brat with emotions and feelings on max. Spanking, I believe, is necessary. Otherwise your kids are going to just walk all over you, knowing that at most, they have they're shit taken away and given back within the next day or so.

Bonus: blacks, specifically black women, are more likely to spank than other any parent


Spanking your children doesn't work because you don't have the authority to keep that sort of relationship with your child. It's not your fault. The society we live in today doesn't support that kind of parent-child relationship.

Even if you're a firm parent, society now looks down upon this type of behavior, and those ideas are flushed strait into your kid. In the end all it does is create fear, resentment, and distrust.

Not to mention you'll inevitable succumb to hitting your kid to ease the frustration he creates on you. Don't even try to pretend you won't, please. Everybody has a limit.

If we lived in a different time where parents were seen as an authority figure and not their kid's BFFs, then by all means go ahead. But we don't live in that time anymore.
I mean unless you live in some isolated community with traditional values, like a farm in the middle nowhere or something.

>Because I'm not an abomination of nature
>enjoying your sexy little daughter's body is an abomination
Are you sure you're not gay?
>already thinking with the mindset of a genetic dead end.


>Not punishing your wife.
Absolutely haraam


You really can't just talk to your kid in a stern voice and say "No"

If he's not able to understand basic commands at 3 years old he's probably got autism.

beating and spanking only works in animals and people with sheeple mentality. if you want your kid to respect you, you must teach him why he is wrong


Outlawing it in the states.

What country is the pic in?

Totally weird how parents who hit their kids have children who misbehave and don't listen!

>never hear of black kids killing their parents
Maybe they are on to something.

From the first comment:
>One needs to be very careful with these headlines. First look at the source. Gershoff, just like Afifi or Durrant, are advocacy researchers. Much of their work is already debunked as conformation-biased opinion pieces to prove a pre-existing belief rather than looking for objective answers. Secondly, they never define non-abusive/constructive “spanking” nor adjust for dysfunctional environments where a wide spectrum of physical, mental and emotional abuses are at play. Conflating all these abusive elements always gives the illusion of the desired answer for them. Thirdly, this is a “meta-analysis” which conflates non-firsthand clinical observations. All the direct clinical longitudinal studies (Baumrind, Larzelere, Gunnoe, Fuller, etc…) that specifically define constructive spanking vs. abusing physical punishment and separate these two, do not conclude such things of the former, while resoundingly concluding the same of the latter. What she intentionally conflates as “spanking” is in fact constant and harsh physical punishment. In Texas (where she obtains “data”), you can be paddled “black and blue for a week” at school. Nothing they examine is within the limited definition of spanking under Canadian Law. You’ll find that object research has consistently shown parenting styles that use occasional and moderate spanking as a backup for other methods in nurturing environments has never once proven any of these negative effects, and in fact, children raised under “Authoritative” parenting styles tend to be more emotionally stable, perform better at school and are better-adjusted / less violent – the opposite of her “claims”.

Can't find study now but it's out there. It found that spanking made children behave better when under supervision, but when supervision was removed they behaved worse than kids who were not spanked.

Spanking reduces self discipline as they expect someone else to do it for them.

I can completely lament. Twin 2 year old boys. It's fucking brutal trying not to react physically. The little shits wear you down. But I honestly feel it's a short term solution. Sure it works, but relative to the long terms gains of mutual respect and understanding? Think of the emotional discipline you teach your children when you "spare the rod" and take the more difficult "high road".

>it's over the knickers
Damn, it was great till that.

It's degenerate. If your kid is so fucked up that they can only understand and respond to pain, you're a genetic dead-end yourself.

Just end it.

>teaches that physical pain is associated with "love"
Enjoy your emotionally stunted psychopath child.

>but but but I was spank! I'm fine!
And yet you're shit posting on Sup Forums. The fucking trash can of the internet.

>"society" says times are different so things which have always worked no longer hold validity

You're an idiot.

It is your claim that it is damaging.

I am only showing you that we have built civilizations all while practicing it.

Native Americans overwhelmingly do not use corporal punishment and have not achieved shit. These observations are easy to make.

>Spanking lowers iq
>spanking hurts esteem
>spanking makes children negative
Anybody who says anything like this needs to kill themselves.
A child is the way they mostly due to genetics. 70+genetics, 25~% environment, 5% misc. and maybe 0.001% due to punishment. Blaming spankings is just a copout.

My kids understand no. Doesn't mean they don't get into trouble. Ever do something you know wasn't right? Even in the presence of an authority figure? Theyre emotional creatures.

>be in elementary school
>all the other kids in the class came in with bruises on their arms and chest from retarded parenting
>everyone would show them off to eachother
>tfw I had no bruises and felt left out

Realised how lucky I was to have such based parents later in life.

>Administer a sexual form of punishment to children.

>Pic related.

Fuck you, I respect my dad more than anyone and he used to beat the hell out of me if I misbehave.

Maybe you are just a fucking pussy who needed a good beating not to grown up as one, no wonder why you are so cucked.